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Clan Recruitment

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7/12/2024 7:48:25 PM

Are you an adult? In the USA or Canada? Can you press R2/ RT? Can you use discord? Check out our clan!

For consideration respond with your age/ timezone and any pertinent information about yourself/ your destiny experience. (extra points if you are on around 9pm PST, we need a few more in that timezone) We WILL NOT blindly accept random requests to join. If you can't be bothered to read the post (it's short AF), you probably aren't what we're looking for.... We're an ADULT ONLY clan in the US that does teaching raids often and are very active.... Thanks for your consideration! P.S. I'm at work, if you are interested and don't get a reply immediately, just give me a bit, I'll address each response as soon as I am able

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  • 59 yr old male VET from Texas (central time zone). Active PVE some PVP. been playing since day 1 of original Destiny. Would like to do RAIDS Again. Can be on at all different hours due to work. Looking for chilled folks to run fireteams with.

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    • Edited by Cayde-6s Orphaned Chicken: 7/15/2024 2:02:26 AM
      Am a 31 year old male from NA in the west coast. Active PVE and PVP. Looking to do more end game with people and not solo. Edit. I usually play between 9-11 PM PST PS. Dirty Vet so be warned!

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      • Edited by checkmateninja: 7/14/2024 12:43:13 PM
        18, EST. I’ve been playing since Destiny day 1 (yes, I was sadly one of those annoying kids on the bad Xbox mic), and played nonstop until stuff happened irl. It was near the launch of D2 so once that came out, grabbed it day 1 as well, and played a bunch. My probably favorite thing were the leviathan raids, which I would start teaching people how to do for just over 2 years, because then Bungie sunset it. Frustrated that my favorite thing was gone and suffering from burnout, I stopped playing. Just recently got back (a couple weeks ago) to hang out with a friend a bit more, but I forgot the password to my main and don’t even have that email anymore. I forced him to 2 man every dungeon with me before we tried and almost did VoG, so I’ve still got it in me when I’m not fooling around.

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        • 38 M, PST. I've been a Guardian since the D1 Beta, taking breaks here and there. I only play as Warlock, and have a few different builds for different activities. Still tinkering. I work Tues-Sat from 4pm until Midnight, and am usually online by 12:30am for a few hours. On my days off, I'm usually on around 3pm and stay on the rest of my time awake (unless chores, etc. get in the way). I've done a small handful of Raids in D2 (all in D1), but know very little about any of them. I'd like to finally do endgame content, and also PvP if possible. I am a dirty smoker, so I might need to take a 10 minute break every couple of hours or so.

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          • Edited by LUMBERJACK2869: 7/14/2024 2:26:12 AM
            38, play various hours of the day during the weekend. I live in the Midwest of USA. Played off and on since D1. Took a break for a few years and starting to get back into it again thanks to my 7yr old son. I was a super casual player so not much end game experience.

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            • 35, EST. Played Destiny since D1, got burnt out on Taken King and not being able to raise your light (before infusions) and left. Came back since some friends are playing it now and am having a ball. Looking for a clan to play other content since I don't have a full fireteam most times. Have discord. Usually on before 9PM EST, but play on weekends too.

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              • Kmart Security#3804 35 and I play around 9Est on weeknights and randomly throughout the day on weekends. Been playing since D1 days, sent a request

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                • Does your clan require people to go on discord? I’m not really a big fan of discord and all that stuff. Just looking to join a clan the easy way. I do have a mic. I’m on PlayStation five. I’m on every day.

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                  • 22 EST So first things first I have to use a special controller so sometimes jumping puzzles can be really hard for me I have played the game for quite a while now or what feels like quite a while, but I still feel like I haven’t done anything in terms of events I’ve done dungeons, but I still have yet to do a raid or grandmaster and that’s something that I definitely want to do

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                    • 42 PST I have been playing D2 for what feels like a decade now. I’ve participated in all types of events raids, dungeons, grandmaster NF and so on. Looking for a group of cool people who like to play and laugh. Hope to see you all on the battlefield!

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                      • 35 EST I am Husband and Father of 2 kids (3 and 4). I am casual Destiny player and have been around since the Bata of Destiny 1. I am looking for a fun clan to hang out with to do endgame content and PvP. I have just moved and getting more active on Destiny as the days go by. Hope you will consider me!

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                        • Came across this post, figured I would give it a shot..36.. been around since the D1 beta.. and playing solo probably 80% of the time, EST time zone, getting back into Destiny and figured I would attempt some dungeons and possibly raids once I get back into the groove of it

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                          • 46 EST Got back into before the last DLC and work took over. Looking to get back into the groove and play with clan mates that want to knock out raids, dungeons, and grand masters (once I get my light back up). Typically play all 3 classes and a secondary account to help my little. Looking forward to hearing from you.

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