Tie red boarder amount required to the amount of third/fourth column perks available. That way you get the game play time, we get the weapon and solves vault space for armour/build options.
Very thing should be both craftable and enhanceable but red borders drop only from activity completions. Not freebies. No red borders from focusing.
I agree, but bungie not letting you craft lets them remove it and then bring it back later for more money. Scam 2.
Disagree and I love crafting. There needs to be loot to chase along side crafting. Next year they should allow us to craft 6 weapons of choice per DLC. Two primaries, specials and heavies. The red borders shouldn’t be easily attained either.
The problem with crafting is that they're too reliant on random drop grinding as "content" and crafting ruins that so they won't put anything that cuts their "content" short Another problem is that every single weapon in destiny is a generic copy paste with zero uniqueness whatsoever so one empty weapon with models as unlockable skins and ability to name your gun would be much better
I think Bungo should have had a poll to see if people wanted crafting for the episode weapons instead of just appeasing the vocal minority. Alas, bungo doesn't have a companion app or website where you can create polls at the top right hand side on the companion app and then click "create poll", it's entirely impossible.
The only version of this i would be ok with: is if you could only craft with rolls you've obtained thru RNG. So if you've never had a weapon roll with rampage you won't be able to craft the weapon with rampage, even leveled up. Take the crafting table from Mars and combine with collections. This would also alleviate any vault constraints.
Having to chase loot in a looter shooter 👁️👄👁️
Edited by Killapete232: 12/5/2024 10:15:09 AMKillapete232
Bungie gamer since Halo 1 OG - old
At this point there are 1210 weapons in game, 125 exotic weapons. Out of all of these 173 are craftable. Imho the game is very overabundant by weaponry. If you can enhance it, you should be able to modify it at the crafting table, but you cannot change traits, only barrel and mag. This would still keep chase for better rolls a thing and give crafters what they want simultaneously. This would make both sides happy. Our focus is not in the right place, nor is bungies. I pray frontiers brings the change the game needs to drive it forward. At this point it's been a fun run and only time will tell. -
IDK if that's the answer (perk options determining patterns required) BUT I do agree it solves the 'Vault Space' conundrum many of us are facing. . It's a bit ridiculous to have 4-6 of the same weapon in your vault with different rolls. I could tell you right now this is the case for me with Rake Angle, Tinasha's, and Wicked Sister. . Nonsense to think 3 weapons are actually 15 in my vault.
Edited by Darklord5351: 12/5/2024 10:43:23 PMCrafting for only raids and seasons should be fine.
Edited by xbroggiex: 12/6/2024 1:15:34 AMNo it kills the loot chase completely. All these people that beg for crafting back and want crafting on everything just want handouts, well sorry its a looter shooter.
Would it work better if they had raid weapon crafting version? Hunt for your 2 weapon perks, max enhance it and you get to choose your MW, Barrel, mag perk ?
I think you mean option. Because you are not going to like my Opinion! What I think you are actually asking for every single weapon be craftable. What a terrible idea. How would we earn them, wait for 5 red borders to drop for each? This idea is nuts and would not help the game. The content gets old to fast, Poor design and slow drop rates mean you would have to run it too much. Once you ran it enough to get the red borders to drop you want, you would quit running that activity, no mater how many other weapons you could make craftable.
Definitely not every weapon but I do feel like the main seasonal weapons should be craft-able. Especially since the means to farm these weapons easily disappears upon the next expansion. I don’t know why they changed it, but they should change it back.
I think crafting is solid for endgame content that requires a team and is limited to a single run per rest. I think crafting is bad for any activity that can be farmed.
Bungie had this same tought process until they learn that there biggest revenue streams comes from player engagement time and not player enjoyment. So umm to prolong player engagement time crafting needed to go.
I’d just like to get my hands on a good seraph carbine
This isn't minecraft.
This makes no sense?!
It would make a lot of the game redundant after you got the crafted guns
[i]and when everyone's super... No one will be[/i] -Syndrome
Heavily disagree. We do not want this. We do not want this because we already did this. SOUND FAMILIAR???? It was called Destiny 2™ and it sucked so bad…that it was really bad and it wasn’t really an improvement at all over destiny 1. You do not need a perfectly rolled weapon that magically flies into your hand the moment you desire it. Your account will survive. Trust me
Uh do you mean option
I don't think it should be on every weapon, but limited time weapons like seasonal should be craftable. Also non-craftable weapons should get unique perks, like how older iron banner weapons could get iron gaze/grip/reach. Or how trials and vanguard used to have 1 unique perk.
I just wish I could craft from collections, just update the old guns with origin traits from respective foundries and more up to date perk pools, that way I could use whatever I want and enhance or craft it to my personal taste. Let me build whacky old guns nobody thinks of or remembers. Imagine something like Duke Mk.44 but with Firefly or Kinetic Tremors.