"Where players are receiving less XP than shown on screen and therefore receiving less bright engrams."
Oops, you caught us.
Where some perk combinations are harder to get than others.
"Oops, you caught us."
Where focusing tonics are making it so the focused weapon is not dropping.
"Oops, you caught us."
[quote]"Where players are receiving less XP than shown on screen and therefore receiving less bright engrams." Oops, you caught us. Where some perk combinations are harder to get than others. "Oops, you caught us." Where focusing tonics are making it so the focused weapon is not dropping. "Oops, you caught us."[/quote] Yep. They act like it’s some unknown “artifact,” never discovered. If they never play test what they play, then how can they call themselves legitimate devs? If they do play test it, they’ve baked it in, know and knew about it and therefore equally horrible.