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Edited by Sylok, The Defiled!: 1/23/2025 10:06:34 AM

Trials Changes (Thoughts)

Old system: D1 had 9 wins - 1 mercy loss forgiveness. Guaranteed exclusive gear (pariah armor, adept weapons) Current D2 system: 7 wins - 2 mercy forgiveness. Poor matchmaking; (My experience: Matching with the same teammates over & over/ enemies over & over consistently losing in a row due to matchmaking). Ferocity got reworked. Win 3 in a row & get locked in to 3 wins, then win 4 in a row. [b]Easier to do than to bank all in on a mercy card[/b] due to poor matchmaking imbalances. New system: 7 wins - infinite losses = Lighthouse trip. [quote][b]All you need to do[/b] is [u]win seven games[/u] on a Lighthouse Passage and you will earn entrance to the Lighthouse,[u] regardless of how many losses are on the card[/u][/quote] [b]So what's the catch?[/b] [quote][b]Osirian Ciphers x3[/b] Ascendant Shard Chance - 45% [b]Adept Trials Weapon Chances[/b]: you’ll have[b] "two"[/b] chances to earn Adept Trials weapons with each Lighthouse chest. [b]The chances for a drop are dependent on your highest weekly win streak and the number of wins completed as a full fireteam.[/b][/quote] Solo players only have 1 chance, Three stacks have 2 chances (1 guaranteed). [quote][b]Weekly win streak:[/b] [b]One-win - 30% Two-win - 60% Three-win or more - 100%[/b] [b]Wins as Trio[/b] [b]One Win – Seven Wins - 15%-100%[/b] [/quote] So if you are the worst of the worst solo player, worst case scenario, hard carried by randomly matching with better teammates to get 7 wins. [b]You barely get anything out of it[/b]. No guaranteed shader anymore, No chance at cosmetics, [b]not even a guaranteed Adept but rather a chance at one.[/b] - And in my trials experience; especially someone who [b]mains the Ferocity card[/b]; [u]Win streaks are harder to obtain for casual audiences.[/u] [b]In terms of going Flawless it was way more consistent than Mercy.[/b] Counterargument: [b]Say 3 win streak is easy & doable for casual audiences...[/b] In regards to buying adept weapons, [b]your Lighthouse chest AND 3 win streak doesn't give you enough ciphers to buy an adept weapon.[/b] [quote][b]1-Win Streak[/b] Enhancement Cores 3-5x Enhancement Prism x1 Ascendant Shard x1 Adept Mod x1 Ghost Shell - 50 progress points (this system will be explained in the Rewards section, below). Hardened By Trial emblem - First time only if not already earned. [b]2-Win Streak[/b] [u]Osirian Ciphers x2[/u] [b]3-Win Streak[/b] [u]Osirian Ciphers x2[/u] Trials Armor x1 [b]4-Win Streak[/b] [u]Osirian Ciphers x2[/u] Enhancement Cores x5 [b]5-Win Streak[/b] Yellow Trials Glow [u]Osirian Ciphers x1[/u] Base Trials Weapon x1 Trials Memento x1 Trials Vehicle - 30 progress points Trials Ghost Shell - 100 progress points Trials Shaders - Knockout list (one per week) Flawless Emblems - First time only if not already earned. Light for the Lost emblem Flawless Empyrean emblem Sunward Ordeal emblem[/quote] [b]Adept weapon cost: 10 ciphers Lighthouse chest: 3 cipher Weekly win streak: 7 ciphers (Requiring 5 win streak per week to buy 1 Adept weapon per week)[/b] [b]OR[/b] Go to the lighthouse 3 times for 9 ciphers. 21 wins [u]with at minimum a 2 win streak to get 11 ciphers.[/u] And the only other way to farm for adepts is tied to the [b]4 win streak system[/b] on a completed passage. (As shown in their white reward graph) [b]Cosmetics:[/b] Im so glad I've been lucky enough to get the cosmetics I've wanted after the 11th lighthouse trip because the Cosmetic Point System to earn these items feels very tedious & long. Glad I have what I have at this current moment because their goal is to make you play trials for a very very long time (In pursuit of ghost shells, ships, & sparrows). [b]I hope the Dazzling Iridescence emblem rotates out & becomes exclusively unavailable now that Trials Cards do not have a Penalty system. Pigeon wins will be easier to get now & the value of this emblem & the effort I put into it (Same with scarab heart in D1...)would be further diminished. [/b] [b]Handing out exclusive emblems for free that required hard work to obtain... Please do not repeat this a 3rd time bungie.[/b]

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