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2/21/2025 12:54:57 PM

Redrix Estoc needs balance

Sorry. Hate if you will, but it does. Badly. When you have a game that has a million guns, you can't have one that is head and shoulders above them all in PVP.

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  • Edited by dilligaf941023: 2/23/2025 1:10:33 AM
    And in a few months when pulse rifles are nerfed and scout rifles are buffed, I’m sure you’ll be complaining about them. Get over it, this game has meta cycles. Either go with them or go against them and use what you want. Either way, suck it up and move on. I say this as a bad player regardless of what I use.

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  • And quite honestly, at this point in this game, the devs give no shits about any of this. They are just doing the grind till they get fired. Game population is collapsing, and people are fed up with the lack of a working actually think they care about bolt charge or redrix at this point? They wont touch it for fear of more people walking away from the game. Same reason cheaters are everywhere now. They pay for the game so they are exempted and ignored no matter how bad they cheat. I submitted a report with video showing a player flying, unlimited heavy over a month ago....right now hes still doing it streaming all over the net. They dont care. The game is over and they are just looting the last of the players for pennys.

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  • Who cares?? Get the weapon, enjoy the pinnacle feel to it or don't get it and die to it. So what?? It's a game, get some perspective. You are looking for balance and this game will never be balanced.

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  • There are several other pulses that can compete. It’s not that bad.

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    12 Replies
    • It doesn’t need a balance the bxr can do the same from xur. Its just that know one took notice because they were using frosty. Which allowed you to run the same special they been using. Plus if you don’t have a crafted bxr already more then likely that person wasn’t going to suffer through lfg. Also the other reason why it has so much kills on it is because everyone from casual to sweat can obtain it with ease. Plus regardless of perks overall stat wise it’s a good weapon of choice. Unlike 340s where one perk can make a big difference.

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    • Fusions as well, are not okay.

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    • Every pulse needs a nerf.

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    • They need to nerf all lightweight pulse rifles. They fire too fast and get a kill in a 2 burst too easily with a damage perk. I don't think that Redrix is the problem because frosty was oppressive too till everyone got the Redrix which is a suped up frosty. The maps are too small and I am getting two bursted too quickly with no chance of counter play. I don't get from a sand box perspective why they did this buffed because they nerfed 340 which could two burst but then they buffed 450s which have a way faster fire rate and now they can two burst now too with damage perks which is ridiculously easy to do. It's taking the fun out of me using other weapons :(

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      69 Replies
      • I disagree. I’ll shred it with revision zero but it’s the new hotness so everyone is using the A roll from the initial drop. It will drop in a month or two and people will go back to their favorites and abandon ship

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        4 Replies
        • Knew this was coming first graviton then elsises now this . But hand cannons with more base stat ranges then most scouts and pulses are ok. You people just whine.

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          27 Replies
          • Well, that's bound to happen when the first roll you get is pre-defined as THE LITERAL BEST PVP ROLL. What did you expect? Flowers and sunshine?

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            2 Replies
            • I get that Bungie wants more people in trials, but the answer to that problem is NOT giving everyone access to a god roll weapon that slaps this hard. People see the gun in their death screen repeatedly, then say damn I need that and go get it. And the virus spreads... And people in here saying HCs are as good, are not paying attention. Maybe for the 1%ers, but any schlub can pick this thing up and murder a match.

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              • 100% agree, it's definitely overtuned, and especially with all the bolt charges going on... Worst meta in years.

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              • Its fine only with titans and that shild is it a problem.

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              • 0
                Bro, ITS THE SAME AS THE BATTLER You bums havnt said a word about that this entire update. Stop f’n complaining because you can’t compete. Fact is, it’s a skill issue. Pulses are still the meta, the only difference is 450s are now the meta vs 390s.

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                11 Replies
                • It’s just the new and shiny rn. A battler with KC is exactly the same. Only thing really annoying is Bolt Charge in PvP. Needs to be disabled.

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                • Edited by Blink-182 Anthem Part 3: 2/22/2025 4:08:49 PM
                  I just leave the match. I don’t care what happens from that point on. Unbalanced weapons = terrible experience. So why hang around for it? I also don’t care about what some random has to say about me leaving.

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                  Son of a Kaiju - old

                  It's a layered problem I think...and one of the problems is the maps..even if all guns were would boil down to map design and average engagement no matter what, the meta will show favor to specific gun types regardless of individual play short with no true diversity in maps there will be no diversity in engagement distance leading to a lack of diversity in pvp meta... outliers not withstanding anyways....

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                • last week trials it had 4 million kills while 2nd and third place dont reach that together, exalted truth and outbreak make up just under 3.4 million together, there is a problem here.

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                  1 Reply
                  • Edited by Trash Boat: 2/22/2025 2:56:51 AM
                    Yeah. It’s just pulse rifles. As a whole. They need to be severely tuned. Edit: just used it for a game. How the hell is this okay lmao. Pulse rifles are more braindead than even hand cannons. That’s bad.

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                    3 Replies
                    • [quote]Sorry. Hate if you will, but it does. Badly. When you have a game that has a million guns, you can't have one that is head and shoulders above them all in PVP.[/quote] Stay in pve activities if pvp is not your thing . Leave it alone , you know you can also get one right?

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                      3 Replies
                      • Edited by JocyBossy: 2/22/2025 2:08:27 PM
                        It should have gotten the last word and dead man's treatment as it greatly benefits being fired from the hip as well. Would love to see the difference in use between the 3 classes.

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                      • Redrix's Estoc is about as close as a weapon can get to being busted without being so, to me. It's annoying and I certainly dislike dying to the same weapons repeatedly, but it's ultimately just a Pulse Rifle with monstrous stats and a solid damage perk. It's very good at what it does, but it doesn't seem like it's pushing into territory that it shouldn't. I can still handily beat it at long-range with a Scout Rifle, and it's not like Hand Cannons aren't able to compete against it. It probably will get nerfed on the basis of usage stats and the benefits it has that other Pulses don't, but I think it's a bit much to say it's "head and shoulders above" all other weapons.

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                        5 Replies
                        • On paper, Crimson HC is one of the top HCs in the armoury. The same goes for Redrix’s Eso. However, in Trials - especially, and in IB, too - reality is somewhat different. This 0.3% old tortoise switches guns around to ones that seem to constantly shred me from afar…through walls and rocks…and that appear to ‘never miss’ in the skilled mitts of the SUS Ninja Brigade warriors, who are also able to perform incredible feats of circus trickery and space magic, that simply boggles the mind!? 😵‍💫 For example, compare the ‘on paper’ stats of Chattering Bone / Outbreak Perfected with the new Redrix’s Eso - nothing comes close…and yet, SUS Ninja warriors sprinkle some magic space dust on them, and voila - they become 1- or 2-round ‘never miss’ guns! 🧐 But when I switch to them - no change from the expected norm?! The same goes for a whole slew of other weapons, too?! 🤔 I saw one invisible Warlock who, when not invisible, had a constant overshield, and was using a Crimson HC like it was a hybrid sniper-HMG…and it never missed, even during teleports or doing unbelievable ‘in air’ 180 degree spins!? 🤨 Of course, it must be due to lag/latency…😉 As one poster in this thread opined: ‘it’s not the weapon…it’s the X and C warriors…that make all the difference!’ 👈 There’s a mighty difference when one is up against a high tier player, who would shred with a KFS (knife/fork/spoon), as opposed to a SUS Brigade Ninja monkey, armed with more magic space dust than an asteroid field… 🧐 And anyone who has played for a while, knows it, too! It ain’t the gun…it’s the user! 👈👈 Moving on… FWIW: what I’ve found works best for this old tortoise, is a pulse / scout or sidearm mix, between primary and secondary slots, as required. ✅ When on my T, that lightning bolt barricade is a hoot. When on my H, I go ‘on the prowl’ though rarely utilise it to its max. potential, mostly just using the invisible dodge to escape or revive a teammate. Haven’t used my W yet…but I lit will happen! 😁 Conclusion: Stop with the nerfs! Buff the weaker stuff! And ‘fix’ the blatant X and C magic space monkeys! 🙄 Anyhoo, that’s just my take. YMMV That is all. Ease Springs! 🫡 MDGA

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                        • Not bothered. I just carry on using auto rifles and getting pretend killed doesn’t bother me. I get just as much enjoyment getting my own kills my own way. Who needs meta???

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                        • Thats always the problem and it's never addressed till months later unless it's game breaking cause they need people to want to farm for it. It'll stay as it is till Bungie decide its had enough.

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