It’s absolutely brutal. Nothing but a sweat fest EVERY SINGLE GAME.
This is not fun.
Edited by El Mebaj: 2/22/2025 3:22:41 PMBecause the average IB players are physically incapable of not being meta-crutching wannabe streamer crackheads. Pair this with the latency problems, snowball mechanics, and the fact that there really isn't enough players playing it to consistently fill up fair matches, there is quite literally zero reason for you to even try to compete usually. If it's a close match, put in the effort and try to win. If it's a blowout from the get-go, just put on a goofy loadout and turn off your brain. If I see 6 Estocs on the enemy team I just instantly relax and wait for the mercy. I'm barely winning 33% of my matches but I don't care as long as I get my engrams.