Which one would win? Both are powerful, with similar though differing abilities.
Mjolnir Mk. 6:
-micro fusion reactor provides a nearly limitless supply of energy.
-energy shield which provides protection from a variety of threats
-reactive circuits and strength multiplying materials vastly increase physical performance
-comprehensive communication suite, capable of supporting starship-grade AI
-built in biofoam injectors allow wearer to survive serious injury
-Heavy, weight can actually limit usage of vehicles or transport. Complicates med-evac
-suit requires extensive modification and training to use, capable of killing a normal human
-materials that form suit are non-regenerative, require repairs.
Nanosuit Mk.2:
-suite capable of active camouflage, for limited periods of time
-nano materials capable of repairing themselves in the field
-nano machines also capable of repairing or supplanting damaged user tissue or organs
-plug and play technology, doesn't require any previous user training or prep
-limited power supply requires advanced capabilities be used for only short periods of time
-overall construction less robust
The Mjolnir suit is also capable of active camo.
[quote][b]Posted by:[/b] raganok99 Since That Atheist brought up about Nanosuit 2.0 fused with MJOLNIR, why the hell didn't anybody find any pics of it? It'd be badass to see it! Besides, I would agree on that nano-suit 2.0 is superior but with augmentation and training, MJOLNIR wins. [/quote] Thats what I tried to say at the beginning. Suit vs suit, N2 wins. Operator vs operator, Spartan wins. Both operators in their respective suits dueling it out? Universe implodes.
maybe deadliest warrior should do an episode to end these arguments once and for all
Since That Atheist brought up about Nanosuit 2.0 fused with MJOLNIR, why the hell didn't anybody find any pics of it? It'd be badass to see it! Besides, I would agree on that nano-suit 2.0 is superior but with augmentation and training, MJOLNIR wins. [Edited on 05.11.2011 10:00 PM PDT]
[quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Makko Mace Oh the Master Chief rode the For-runner door out of orbit at the beginning of halo 3![/quote] He rode a large portion of the forerunner ship through orbit. Being protected by a piece of a hyper advanced ship doesn't count. When he jumped off the piece, he fell around 2km, about 6500 feet.
Oh the Master Chief rode the For-runner door out of orbit at the beginning of halo 3!
[quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Nameless Oracle [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] ROBERTO jh [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] That Atheist [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Makko Mace Blue team fell from [i]orbit[/i] and survived... [/quote] No, the Pelican was damaged in orbit and once they were in atmosphere they jumped. I'm guessing a Pelican is also equipped with a parachute. If its not, the UNSC is retarded. [/quote] I think they are, but a half ton Spartan will drop like a rock, parachute or not. Thats another thing to factor: terminal velocity for a Spartan compared to that of a N2 user.[/quote] How much does the N2 weigh?[/quote] We don't know.
[quote][b]Posted by:[/b] ROBERTO jh [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] That Atheist [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Makko Mace Blue team fell from [i]orbit[/i] and survived... [/quote] No, the Pelican was damaged in orbit and once they were in atmosphere they jumped. I'm guessing a Pelican is also equipped with a parachute. If its not, the UNSC is retarded. [/quote] I think they are, but a half ton Spartan will drop like a rock, parachute or not. Thats another thing to factor: terminal velocity for a Spartan compared to that of a N2 user.[/quote] The parachute would still slow there fall. As for terminal velocity, thats kind of hard to compare isn't it? We don't even know how much a Nanosuit weighs. You also have to remember that the Nanosuit user survived with only his HUD scrambled, while many of the Spartans died.
[quote][b]Posted by:[/b] ROBERTO jh [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] That Atheist [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Makko Mace Blue team fell from [i]orbit[/i] and survived... [/quote] No, the Pelican was damaged in orbit and once they were in atmosphere they jumped. I'm guessing a Pelican is also equipped with a parachute. If its not, the UNSC is retarded. [/quote] I think they are, but a half ton Spartan will drop like a rock, parachute or not. Thats another thing to factor: terminal velocity for a Spartan compared to that of a N2 user.[/quote] How much does the N2 weigh?
[quote][b]Posted by:[/b] ROBERTO jh [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] That Atheist [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] WhiterRain12 [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] A JAR OF PICKLE [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] WhiterRain12 Posted by: That Atheist I have to say N2 (Nano-suit 2) over MJOLNIR. If you compare the two, you'll see even a Nano-suit 1 would defeat a Spartan II (though it would be an uber-close fight). Armour: The MJOLNIR armour is made of titanium-A, a hyper-dense, yet light weight alloy designed to resist 2000 degree celsius and massive amounts of force (aprox. 1500 newtons of force) as well as shields comprised of a plasma window, with a wall of lasers underneath, then electron aligned carbon fiber nanotubes N2 is comprised of three layers. One is a skin tight suit of carbon fiber nano tubes (the strongest element known to man and the primary strength of Halos energy shields)and bullet resistant, shock absorbant gel that also controls the users body temprature. After this comes a layer of Coltan-Titabnium, a modified titanium alloy thats stronger, yet lighter than standred titanium. Coltan titanium is also infused with nano-machines which repair it and and is abosbant of radiation, thus protecting the user from all but the heaviest of radiological attacks. The exterior of the suit is comprised of self repairing, semi-organic Carbon fiber nanotubes, reinforced with Coltan-titanium and carbo-platinum (A Carbon-fiber nano-tube reinforced, nano machine enhanced, self repairing platinum alloy) The suit is enhanced by Armour mode, which re-directs energy to the suits outer armor, tightening the nano-tubes and providing aditional bullet deflection and protection, as well as increasing energy to life-support and suit-repair functions. The suit is also more resistant to super-heated plasma weapons, MJOLNIR is. While Titanium-A and energy sheilds are weak to the 3000 degrees celsuis tempratures of plasma weapons, carbon fiber nano tubes in real life are resistant to nearly 4500 degrees, far more than the plasma based weapons can produce. Armor winner: Nano-suit 2 Speed: Unfortunatly unbalance for MJOLNIR, as the Nano-suits has an entire suit mode devoted to speed. While the fastest speed acheived on a regular basis by a Spartan equiped with MJOLNIR is 75 KM/H by Kelly-087 and the fastest speed ever acheived was 105 Km/H by John-117 during the MJOLNIR-MK.V test. The N2 on the other hand, has a standered sprint speed of 75 KM/H and a top speed (in small 3-5 second bursts) of close 300 KM/H, easily beating MJOLNIR. In terms of rection time the Spartans are still outmatched. While MCPO Mendez reports that Spartans in MJOLNIR can react at 0.20 millisecinds, the N2 has a twitch reflex/reaction time of 0.08 milliseconds, much faster than the MJLONIR armor. Winner: Nano-Suit Strenth: Ah, finally, a real battle! MJLONIR goes first. Put simply, Spartans are beats. Cyberneticly modefied beasts to be exact. Capable of lifting three times there own body weight with out MJLONIR equiped (aprox. 1000 pounds or 450 KG), this load in MJLONIR is increased by a factor of five. Five thousand pounds. almost two and a half short tons. Unfoutunatly for longtime Halo fans like myself, N2 is back and better than ever. While no exact strenth is stated in game or on the Crysis website or the Crysis wikia, the N2 is capable of kicking a 2 ton taxi cab almost 10 feet into the air and twenty feet forward, with enough force to smash an 9 inch thick concrete wall. Winner:N2 Powerplant: A complicated matter, as the Nano-suit has no powerplant, yet technically has one anyways. The Mjolnir armor uses an advanced Fusion power-plant, cabable of powering a Scorpion tank runing at full capacity for almost ten years straight, yet small enough to fit in the palm of a Spartan (aprox. six by six inchs in size), the only known atachment to activly cause the plant to near overload when used too long is armour lock, which can only be used for fifteen seconds before fusion power plant overload. The plant can also power the suit for close to fifteen years of continiuse use. The N2 activly collects energy on the other hand, and is pretty good at it too. cabable of collecting energy from thermal (heat in the air, sunlight, the operators body heat), radiological (the small amount of radiation that always surrounds us, radiation souces like powerplans and items containing akaline metals) carbon (rtting bodys and other decomposing organisms, the users dying skin tissues and hair and feces are also broken down into carbon and converted ito energy) and kinetic (the users movement), as well as the bio-electricty of the user and other living beings around him/her. However, the suit energy is quickly drained by continuse strenous activity though in canon it has less energy drain than that seen in games). The MJLONIR fusion plant however is continuse energy all the time Winner: MJLONIR, though be warned: as the suit consumes radiation, if the spartan gets too close to the user, the suit will consume the energy given off by the spartan's fusion plant, allowing the N2 user to have unlimited energy Visor: MJOLNIR has a highly advanced HMD (Head Mounted Display) , as well as thermal, night vision and five times optical zoom and a hardened uplink capable of intercepting nearly any radio bbased signal, allowing for unprecedented communications. The MJOLNIR armor system can also protect the user from breathing in objects as small as 900 nanometers and uses selcetive hearing "a pin drop in a sandstorm" The N2 on the otherhand, uses "Nano-vision" a thermal-night vision hybrid that allows for 3D imagry, something no other night-vision unit, even that of MJOLNIR is capable of. N2 also supports a more advanced HMD and an automatic read out of the suit and users status, as well as a smaller and stronger visor (MJOLNIR is comprised of super-hartdend acrylic glass, while the N2 uses see-through Carbon fiber Nano-tubes). The N2 also has 60 times zoom and the ability to augument the users eyes using naomachines, allowing them to see in the dark and double the users visual perception. The N2 can also protect against viruses, bacteria and gases as small as 500 nano-meters (which are then broken down into carbon and used to power the suit), as well as allow the user to hear a whispered conversation from almost five hundred feet away and is cabable of intercepting almost 6000 lines of communictaion, far more than MJOLNIR. Winner:N2 AI: Cortana vs SECOND. Oh, this is gonna be good! Cortana strikes first, with sentience. far more advanced (according to Halo:Reach, ten times so) then her nearest Smart-AI competitor, Cortana is constantly busy and is a hacker only matched by Forerunner AI, SECOND and EDI from Mass Effect 2. Funny, sexy and smart, Cortana is always usefull to have around (sorry, i couldn't much info on her tech). SECOND is a non-sentient AI implanted in an N2 users head when they first aquire the suit. This AI latter become sentient due to its absorbtion of the DNA of former operative Prophet. SECOND is cabable of running a 1.5 BIPS (twenty time faster than the largest and most powerful super-computer today). Being inplanted in the users head, SECOND can also control hormone levels in the users head, make an N2 operator incabable of feeling fear, pain or failure, as well as operate as a suplimentry nervous system incase the user's is damaged, making the user invulnerable parylisis and even direct barin tramua. Winner: unknown, insefficient data on the part of Cortana Overall winner: Nanosuit 2[/quote] Nanosuit 2 sounds a lot like a massive Gary Stu in armour form. Also, gameplay wise, you get maybe THREE SECONDS of life once someone starts shooting you with even a standard issue assault rifle. MJOLNIR gives far longer... to the point of entire clips of small arms fire being just fatal, and it also assumes the accuracy of the weilder of said weapons is 100%. One of the Crysis 2 trailers shows Alcatraz surviving a tank round to the shoulder... but it doesn't explode. I'm sure MJOLNIR could do the same. And John DOES punch a missile, which then EXPLODES right next to him. He nearly dies as a result, but the armour keeps him alive. And 300km/h? That's way too fast for a human to move... almost to the point of physical impossibility. your legs would almost rip off the rest of your body... and you'd certainly lose a tendon.[/quote] [/quote] You realize that Carbon Fiber Nano tubes far out class Titanium right? Even Titanium A could not withstand superheated plasma. [/quote] 1) Titanium A=/=Titanium. Its Titanium super-hardened on a molecular level 2) But with all the same physical properties of Titanium, just buffed. Titanium is not good at reflecting heat. Where MJOLNIR is concerned thats where the shields come in. And everything we know of the N2 suit comes from the game. So we cannot make any assumptions beyond what is represented.I actually remember fan criticism over how the N1 was superior to the N2. Plus the mere fact the N2 can fall to basically any kind of round without armor mode (a highly hindering and energy consuming function) at all gives MJOLNIR a huge defensive advantage.[/quote] I have to make assumptions based on the game due to there being no cannon sources other than the developers themselves. I would like to point out that the shields you speak so highly of and the outer layer of the N2 are made of the same thing (Nanotubes) I would also like to point out that the N2 is able to resist repeated blasts from Revenant sized plasma weapons game, which leads me to assume it is more heat resistant than MJOLNIR. But in the end, you are right. This is a pointless discussion, as there is no cannon source for advocates of the Nanosuit to call on.
[quote][b]Posted by:[/b] That Atheist [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Makko Mace Blue team fell from [i]orbit[/i] and survived... [/quote] No, the Pelican was damaged in orbit and once they were in atmosphere they jumped. I'm guessing a Pelican is also equipped with a parachute. If its not, the UNSC is retarded. [/quote] I think they are, but a half ton Spartan will drop like a rock, parachute or not. Thats another thing to factor: terminal velocity for a Spartan compared to that of a N2 user. [Edited on 05.11.2011 7:58 PM PDT]
[quote][b]Posted by:[/b] That Atheist [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] AngrydoG Hey... what about a spartan in a nanosuit? That would be awesome! It would augment the spartan even more :D OT: I would go with MJOLNIR. If there is only the game to refer to for Crysis, and it shows you getting hurt from falls that you would shrug off like nothing in Halo 3.[/quote] Show me were it says MJOLNIR has a built in defibrillator and survived a fall from 25,000 feet and we can talk. [/quote] The First Strike book. Some died, but most survived out of a mid-air atmosphere reentry jump. No parachutes either. Not a built in defibrilator though. Biofoam fills that role though, if not quite the same way; its basically a magic substance that seals wounds and ruptured organs.
[quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Makko Mace Blue team fell from [i]orbit[/i] and survived... [/quote] No, the Pelican was damaged in orbit and once they were in atmosphere they jumped. I'm guessing a Pelican is also equipped with a parachute. If its not, the UNSC is retarded.
[quote][b]Posted by:[/b] That Atheist [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] WhiterRain12 [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] A JAR OF PICKLE [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] WhiterRain12 Posted by: That Atheist I have to say N2 (Nano-suit 2) over MJOLNIR. If you compare the two, you'll see even a Nano-suit 1 would defeat a Spartan II (though it would be an uber-close fight). Armour: The MJOLNIR armour is made of titanium-A, a hyper-dense, yet light weight alloy designed to resist 2000 degree celsius and massive amounts of force (aprox. 1500 newtons of force) as well as shields comprised of a plasma window, with a wall of lasers underneath, then electron aligned carbon fiber nanotubes N2 is comprised of three layers. One is a skin tight suit of carbon fiber nano tubes (the strongest element known to man and the primary strength of Halos energy shields)and bullet resistant, shock absorbant gel that also controls the users body temprature. After this comes a layer of Coltan-Titabnium, a modified titanium alloy thats stronger, yet lighter than standred titanium. Coltan titanium is also infused with nano-machines which repair it and and is abosbant of radiation, thus protecting the user from all but the heaviest of radiological attacks. The exterior of the suit is comprised of self repairing, semi-organic Carbon fiber nanotubes, reinforced with Coltan-titanium and carbo-platinum (A Carbon-fiber nano-tube reinforced, nano machine enhanced, self repairing platinum alloy) The suit is enhanced by Armour mode, which re-directs energy to the suits outer armor, tightening the nano-tubes and providing aditional bullet deflection and protection, as well as increasing energy to life-support and suit-repair functions. The suit is also more resistant to super-heated plasma weapons, MJOLNIR is. While Titanium-A and energy sheilds are weak to the 3000 degrees celsuis tempratures of plasma weapons, carbon fiber nano tubes in real life are resistant to nearly 4500 degrees, far more than the plasma based weapons can produce. Armor winner: Nano-suit 2 Speed: Unfortunatly unbalance for MJOLNIR, as the Nano-suits has an entire suit mode devoted to speed. While the fastest speed acheived on a regular basis by a Spartan equiped with MJOLNIR is 75 KM/H by Kelly-087 and the fastest speed ever acheived was 105 Km/H by John-117 during the MJOLNIR-MK.V test. The N2 on the other hand, has a standered sprint speed of 75 KM/H and a top speed (in small 3-5 second bursts) of close 300 KM/H, easily beating MJOLNIR. In terms of rection time the Spartans are still outmatched. While MCPO Mendez reports that Spartans in MJOLNIR can react at 0.20 millisecinds, the N2 has a twitch reflex/reaction time of 0.08 milliseconds, much faster than the MJLONIR armor. Winner: Nano-Suit Strenth: Ah, finally, a real battle! MJLONIR goes first. Put simply, Spartans are beats. Cyberneticly modefied beasts to be exact. Capable of lifting three times there own body weight with out MJLONIR equiped (aprox. 1000 pounds or 450 KG), this load in MJLONIR is increased by a factor of five. Five thousand pounds. almost two and a half short tons. Unfoutunatly for longtime Halo fans like myself, N2 is back and better than ever. While no exact strenth is stated in game or on the Crysis website or the Crysis wikia, the N2 is capable of kicking a 2 ton taxi cab almost 10 feet into the air and twenty feet forward, with enough force to smash an 9 inch thick concrete wall. Winner:N2 Powerplant: A complicated matter, as the Nano-suit has no powerplant, yet technically has one anyways. The Mjolnir armor uses an advanced Fusion power-plant, cabable of powering a Scorpion tank runing at full capacity for almost ten years straight, yet small enough to fit in the palm of a Spartan (aprox. six by six inchs in size), the only known atachment to activly cause the plant to near overload when used too long is armour lock, which can only be used for fifteen seconds before fusion power plant overload. The plant can also power the suit for close to fifteen years of continiuse use. The N2 activly collects energy on the other hand, and is pretty good at it too. cabable of collecting energy from thermal (heat in the air, sunlight, the operators body heat), radiological (the small amount of radiation that always surrounds us, radiation souces like powerplans and items containing akaline metals) carbon (rtting bodys and other decomposing organisms, the users dying skin tissues and hair and feces are also broken down into carbon and converted ito energy) and kinetic (the users movement), as well as the bio-electricty of the user and other living beings around him/her. However, the suit energy is quickly drained by continuse strenous activity though in canon it has less energy drain than that seen in games). The MJLONIR fusion plant however is continuse energy all the time Winner: MJLONIR, though be warned: as the suit consumes radiation, if the spartan gets too close to the user, the suit will consume the energy given off by the spartan's fusion plant, allowing the N2 user to have unlimited energy Visor: MJOLNIR has a highly advanced HMD (Head Mounted Display) , as well as thermal, night vision and five times optical zoom and a hardened uplink capable of intercepting nearly any radio bbased signal, allowing for unprecedented communications. The MJOLNIR armor system can also protect the user from breathing in objects as small as 900 nanometers and uses selcetive hearing "a pin drop in a sandstorm" The N2 on the otherhand, uses "Nano-vision" a thermal-night vision hybrid that allows for 3D imagry, something no other night-vision unit, even that of MJOLNIR is capable of. N2 also supports a more advanced HMD and an automatic read out of the suit and users status, as well as a smaller and stronger visor (MJOLNIR is comprised of super-hartdend acrylic glass, while the N2 uses see-through Carbon fiber Nano-tubes). The N2 also has 60 times zoom and the ability to augument the users eyes using naomachines, allowing them to see in the dark and double the users visual perception. The N2 can also protect against viruses, bacteria and gases as small as 500 nano-meters (which are then broken down into carbon and used to power the suit), as well as allow the user to hear a whispered conversation from almost five hundred feet away and is cabable of intercepting almost 6000 lines of communictaion, far more than MJOLNIR. Winner:N2 AI: Cortana vs SECOND. Oh, this is gonna be good! Cortana strikes first, with sentience. far more advanced (according to Halo:Reach, ten times so) then her nearest Smart-AI competitor, Cortana is constantly busy and is a hacker only matched by Forerunner AI, SECOND and EDI from Mass Effect 2. Funny, sexy and smart, Cortana is always usefull to have around (sorry, i couldn't much info on her tech). SECOND is a non-sentient AI implanted in an N2 users head when they first aquire the suit. This AI latter become sentient due to its absorbtion of the DNA of former operative Prophet. SECOND is cabable of running a 1.5 BIPS (twenty time faster than the largest and most powerful super-computer today). Being inplanted in the users head, SECOND can also control hormone levels in the users head, make an N2 operator incabable of feeling fear, pain or failure, as well as operate as a suplimentry nervous system incase the user's is damaged, making the user invulnerable parylisis and even direct barin tramua. Winner: unknown, insefficient data on the part of Cortana Overall winner: Nanosuit 2[/quote] Nanosuit 2 sounds a lot like a massive Gary Stu in armour form. Also, gameplay wise, you get maybe THREE SECONDS of life once someone starts shooting you with even a standard issue assault rifle. MJOLNIR gives far longer... to the point of entire clips of small arms fire being just fatal, and it also assumes the accuracy of the weilder of said weapons is 100%. One of the Crysis 2 trailers shows Alcatraz surviving a tank round to the shoulder... but it doesn't explode. I'm sure MJOLNIR could do the same. And John DOES punch a missile, which then EXPLODES right next to him. He nearly dies as a result, but the armour keeps him alive. And 300km/h? That's way too fast for a human to move... almost to the point of physical impossibility. your legs would almost rip off the rest of your body... and you'd certainly lose a tendon.[/quote] [/quote] You realize that Carbon Fiber Nano tubes far out class Titanium right? Even Titanium A could not withstand superheated plasma. [/quote] 1) Titanium A=/=Titanium. Its Titanium super-hardened on a molecular level 2) But with all the same physical properties of Titanium, just buffed. Titanium is not good at reflecting heat. Where MJOLNIR is concerned thats where the shields come in. And everything we know of the N2 suit comes from the game. So we cannot make any assumptions beyond what is represented.I actually remember fan criticism over how the N1 was superior to the N2. Plus the mere fact the N2 can fall to basically any kind of round without armor mode (a highly hindering and energy consuming function) at all gives MJOLNIR a huge defensive advantage.
[quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Omanisat [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] AngrydoG Hey... what about a spartan in a nanosuit? That would be awesome! It would augment the spartan even more :D[/quote] I was thinking about what would happen if you combined the two. Imagine the stealth and regenerative capabilities of the Nanosuit paired with the energy shielding and near-unlimited power of Mjolnir. I'm imagining Mjolnir, with all the plate armour re-tinted chrome. The black undersuit would have that muscle cord texture of the Nanosuit, and the visor would be the same orange colour. Also, @ ThatAtheist: [url=http://www.amazon.ca/Crysis-Legion-Peter-Watts/dp/0345526783/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&s=books&qid=1305168027&sr=8-1]Crysis Legion on Amazon.ca[/url] [/quote] Firstly, thanks for the link Second, your design for a MJOLNIR-Nanosuit cross sounds pretty awesome.
[quote][b]Posted by:[/b] AngrydoG Hey... what about a spartan in a nanosuit? That would be awesome! It would augment the spartan even more :D[/quote] I was thinking about what would happen if you combined the two. Imagine the stealth and regenerative capabilities of the Nanosuit paired with the energy shielding and near-unlimited power of Mjolnir. I'm imagining Mjolnir, with all the plate armour re-tinted chrome. The black undersuit would have that muscle cord texture of the Nanosuit, and the visor would be the same orange colour. Also, @ ThatAtheist: [url=http://www.amazon.ca/Crysis-Legion-Peter-Watts/dp/0345526783/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&s=books&qid=1305168027&sr=8-1]Crysis Legion on Amazon.ca[/url] [Edited on 05.11.2011 7:46 PM PDT]
Blue team fell from [i]orbit[/i] and survived...
[quote][b]Posted by:[/b] AngrydoG Hey... what about a spartan in a nanosuit? That would be awesome! It would augment the spartan even more :D OT: I would go with MJOLNIR. If there is only the game to refer to for Crysis, and it shows you getting hurt from falls that you would shrug off like nothing in Halo 3.[/quote] Show me were it says MJOLNIR has a built in defibrillator and survived a fall from 25,000 feet and we can talk.
There used to be an article on mycrysis.com that had this info, but it was more reader-friendly then the wiki page. They also have a whole bunch of articles on the various weapons in Crysis.
Hey... what about a spartan in a nanosuit? That would be awesome! It would augment the spartan even more :D OT: I would go with MJOLNIR. If there is only the game to refer to for Crysis, and it shows you getting hurt from falls that you would shrug off like nothing in Halo 3.
[quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Omanisat I'm sure you can find it online. I just bought it as an .epub.[/quote] I`m on the Crysis wikia right now. Heres an excerpt form the website on the N2s capabilities: ``Coltan-titanium exoskeleton; all insertion points carboplatinum-reinforced Gold-cobalt oxide lattice (increases fuel-cell capacity by 20%) Nanocircuitry; force-grown using proprietary peptide-matrix viral templates Ionic Electroactive Polymer (IEP) Liquid Armor; fast-twitch reflex copolymer with coloidal doped ceramics and copper nanolattice in ethylene-glycol buckyball matrix Dual-intake UV/Hepafilters (traps particulates down to 500nm, kills biologicals, neutralizes wide range of chemical agents without compromising tidal flow) Monocular stereopsis and range finding (unsurpassed depth perception even through single lens) Full-spectrum acuity from 1m to 103m (including terahertz radiation); output rendered as false-color visible light; optional acoustic and tactile modes; 60x optical zoom at visible wavelengths (100x digital interpolation) Six-thousand-channel dynamic telemetry integration (ensures complete and transparent access to all ambient data streams without the need to painstakingly sort signal from noise) Continuous real-time derivation and analysis of all proximate tactical objectives consistent with stored parameters`` EDIT: I just realized you meant the book. Sorry, i derped. Yeah I bet I could but I don`t know if they ship to Canada. I`ll try Amazon, i don`t expect to find many copies on Ebay right now. [Edited on 05.11.2011 7:37 PM PDT]
[quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Terminus You people throw around the term carbon nanotubes like its some mystical alien element. It's not. It is a particular arrangement of carbon atoms that gives it amazing tensile strength. It isn't a super material. Titanium A is a made up alloy of Titanium. It may as well be mythril. It's hard to compare a made up alloy with some that is known. [/quote] I don`t think its magical, however, you must remember this is sci-fi. The Nanotubing in Crysis is different than the real world equivalent. For example, in reality we have yet to create elastic carbon fiber nanotube muscles, while in the game its rather common from the looks of it. The biggest problem is that as there is no cannon for Crysis`s technology yet (there is a book but its not out yet), I have to make assumptions, and as such, you must take my statements with a grain of salt.
I'm sure you can find it online. I just bought it as an .epub.
[quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Omanisat I've been looking around for the specs of the Nanosuit, which I found before but can't anymore. Apparently there is a Crysis novel, here it is: [url=http://www.mycrysis.com/news/crysis_2/crysis-2-novel-announced]Crysis Legion[/url][/quote] I heard it is actually pretty good. Its not selling in Canada yet though.
[quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Makko Mace I don't think you understand how heat works...[/quote] I`m pretty sure I do. Carbon tubing is a good conductor of heat, as is Ionic Electroactive Polymer (IEPs). These channel the heat down through the suit into the ground, while the suits middle layer, comprised of Coltan-titanium, platinum, tungsten and a heat resistant gel layer protect the user.
I don't think you understand how heat works...