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originally posted in: Bungie Weekly Update 05.07.10
5/10/2010 3:23:21 AM
hey i dont know where to go to post some comments about reach, so im goin to put it here when i played an objective game in halo 3, and when i looked at the motion sensor, there was a little arrow that pointed out where the objective was, i think we need that in reach, cause whenever im killin someone on invasion slayer, and im running around in circles i sometimes loose where the destination is. then on regular invasion, i beleive that the core respond time is a little bit too long, i think it should be shortened by at least a little bit. and, just too toss this out there, i cant see the knife on the spartans shoulder....i see the holister but no knife.. and if you play the game, which im sure you will....cause its an AMAZING game, you should look at how the spartan/elites switch weapons...when they are wearing a jetpack it doesnt rlly look like they are doing anything other than pulling a gun out of their pocket and the shotgun(or any other gun) just magically appears on the back but dont get me wrong i really love halo:reach, and its just the beta which says that i will deffinently buy the games...basically im saying BUNGIE IS AMAZING!!!! XD

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