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1/3/2013 4:15:43 AM
[quote][b]Posted by:[/b] NavG123 [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Google Chrome [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] General Noobus [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Google Chrome People only hate Halo 4 for petty reasons and it's hilarious. [/quote]The game takes no skill and disregards the simple formula's that made Halo great. But of course you people love it because it's catered towards the thumbless idiots that make up today's gaming audience.[/quote] I've never ever ever, and probably won't understand when people try to tell me a game "doesn't take skill" please, go ahead and give your 3 year old brother/sister the controller and see what they can do. Better yet, give your parents, fully developed and functioning adults, the controller, and see how they do in the game. I'm not saying you need to be "MLG PRO" but I just don't get when people say it doesn't take skill to play it, of course it -blam!- does. And it plays just like all of the other Halos out there, it just has some changes to it. Change isn't a big deal guys, that's what everyone is afraid of "change" well news flash guys CHANGE IS A HUGE PART OF LIFE, GET USED TO IT. You all complain about CoD because it never changes, but when Halo changes up so it doesn't stay the same, you complain about that too. Their is nothing wrong with Halo, except your own damn opinions.[/quote]It doesn't take *as much* skill. There, you wrote an essay for nothing.[/quote] His "essay" was aimed at the people who say the game takes no skill, not you. You just supported his point.

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