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1/3/2013 4:58:47 AM
[quote][b]Posted by:[/b] I Tiny Demon I [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] General Noobus [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] I Tiny Demon I I hit the nail on the head about the pathetic mythic member part to didnt I. [/quote]See now you're trying to put words in my mouth. I intentionally removed that part of your post because I assumed you let your blinding jealousy leak through. It's okay, everyone knows Mythix are amazing, there's no need to get frustrated. [quote]And I am not saying that if you don't like halo 4 your bad at the games. I'm saying that people say it lacks skill when they themeselves aren't good at any of the games.[/quote]No, you're saying people are stupid if they don't like Halo 4. You lack the ability to realize people like different things, and you fail to see just how degraded and generic the Halo series is getting. It's okay, I don't blame you. When they make it so games are easy for people like yourself it can be hard to see the truth. You're so twisted up in this that you don't even realize what you truly mean to say. Lucky i'm here to show you the light[/quote] I'll admit I chuckled. [/quote]If you want to cut your losses you could leave the thread instead of wasting more of your time sweating over a forum comment.

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