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6/6/2011 1:10:16 PM
[quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Leumas786 Another question, I was inspired to try halo 3 mythic due to the fact that my internet sucks and I keep getting disconnected. My question is, is a video of the playthrough enough to count? Halfway through my sierra run I lost connection so I'm assuming that wouldn't show up on campaign scoring[/quote] This happened on my successful run of The Ark. As long as you're connected when you start and end the mission, the gamestats show up. I disconnected from live just after killing the Scarab on The Ark, reconnected and finished the mission. The stats showed up. [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Leumas786 So on Sierra 117 i'm trying to do the method in the guide to skip the first battle but once I get around the first set of brutes the 2 phantoms are still spawning, what's the dealio? Nvm, figured it out, I was taking to long to make it up the rock i think. When I made it up there on the first or second try the phantoms don't appear[/quote] Sierra 117 is my favourite mission, of all time. For the first jump, if you back up too much before jumping, you can hit the loading zone. You also need to be fairly quick making the jump. [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Leumas786 [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Michael_Archer Hey, good luck Leumas! I thought Halo 3 was easier than Reach...if you got through Reach, you can get through Halo 3.[/quote] Yea, from what I can tell so far, the enemies themselves are easier to kill but the fact that the grunts spam grenades non-stop with precision accuracy is terrible. I think nearly all of my deaths so far have been from grunts with the exception of my most recent attempt where I got sniped. Sierra 117 is pretty tough, the farthest i've gotten so far is into the sniper forest, been trying to beat it most of the day[/quote] I found Halo 3 to be harder, it takes less damage on Halo 3 to die. And punching an enemy doesn't instantly regain your shields/health, they take around 3-4 seconds to fully recharge. Sierra 117 isn't that bad. Wait untill you play The Ark. :)

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