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11/18/2012 5:23:34 AM
[quote][b]Posted by:[/b] funkbrotha10 [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Egerspurge WOOO YAH FUC TEH SYTSEM BRO[/quote] Pretty much. Police officers think that they can do whatever they want.[/quote] OR OR OR. He is a human being, and like thousands of other people, he parked in a no parking zone because he could. I highly doubt he parked there because he wanted to abuse his power. I just think of him as those people who take up two places. Also, you are a bit of an ass, he was getting a big gulp from a convenience store. Not abusing his power. If you wanted him to abuse his power, give him a reason to beat your ass. [Edited on 11.17.2012 9:26 PM PST]

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