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11/18/2012 9:51:42 AM
[quote][b]Posted by:[/b] AK 47625714 [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Master Chef What is burning in my mind is this: [i]When can we get past the monolithic "police" and start to treat law enforcement as individuals in the way we demand they treat us?[/i] This is just a job for them, in the end. They go home to a family, a spouse, or a pet, just as anyone else does. Why the hate?[/quote]They are sworn to uphold and enforce the laws. They must be held accountable to those same laws. To do any less would be irresponsible and stupid. The officer violated the law, and he is facing the consequences of his actions. Plain and simple.[/quote] This is the same line of thinking that backs a three-strikes law in California, and wholesale deportation of illegal immigrants. I don't want to tread off-topic here, but my point is that laws exist to be interpreted, not blindly followed. OP went out of his way to give the officer in question a ticket in an unreasonable circumstance. If this had been on the street, with an empty meter, that is one thing. But for parking in front of a 7-11? What, are we a bunch of litigious pedants?

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