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11/18/2012 11:47:47 AM
[quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Cortland_Brewer You're such a douche bag, and you lack the vocabulary for me to quickly explain as to why what you did was a dick move. I'd have to build basic concepts first, get you to understand them, then show you how they work in a complex system so that you could understand that you were a D bag. It will take years for your monkey-brain to understand why you suck, and by then, you're likely to have done many more terrible things. Seriously, you saw this guy park real quick to get a drink, and your reaction was: "That son-of-a--blam!-! How DARE he park there to get a drink! I will make sure that the meager salary he makes is taxed even further by causing him to get a ticket on a victimless crime! That will teach him. After all, laws are 100% correct, and never, ever, under any circumstances, should they be altered, or bent due any reason what-so-ever. Further more, it is his fault for wanting to be a cop that his job sucks, never mind the fact that it is a thankless job that doesn't pay well. HE DESERVES TO BE PUNISHED! I will be the harbinger of justice, and I will teach this horrible human being what it means to be a police officer, of which I know everything about!" You suck man. The Flood sucks in general, but this is -blam!- stupid. I shouldn't blame you, because you are devoid of anything close to an intelligent thought, and thus, are technically brain dead, but at some point, you must have accidentally had something of a rational thought, and were simply too afraid to pursue it. I dare you to headbutt a knife, I -blam!- double-dog dare you! Why don't you play in traffic, and stay off the internet until you've at least attained the emotional stability of a 12 year old. I -blam!- hate you OP. Don't breed. Ever.[/quote] It's almost as if you were the Cop who got the ticket...... Regardless, you do have a point, besides all the flaming etc. I don't know about America, but police in my country get paid I think above the average wage..... well above that actually. I wouldn't care if he parked to just quickly get a soda, they are doing their best to keep our streets as clean as they can. And it's not like those parks are used 24/7, so nobody would really care to be honest. How many times have you been somewhere and seen a legit person parked in a disabled spot? Or whatever it was? Not very often. I do have problems with police using their sirens to go through traffic lights however....

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