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7/22/2008 10:14:22 AM
[quote][b]Posted by:[/b] SwiftPhantom [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] spongejerk89 [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] llamalizard It's your boyfriends. that is one of the most disgusting thing I've heard today. 14-inch?[/quote] Yes, an it did not feel good coming out.[/quote]Some tapeworms are really thin, almost like a hair. I suspect that's what it is because how would a long hair have gotten inside you anyway? Now it's gonna be impossible to fall asleep for fear of tapeworms coming out of my butt... Thanks.[/quote] yeah this entire thing makes me want to get some podtacular ass Armor and wear a cup to sleep now [Edited on 07.22.2008 2:14 AM PDT]

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