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9/25/2008 9:38:19 PM
[quote]Please enlighten me as to what law Bungie is breaking. Also, I haven't heard any reason why there would be outrage over this. None at all.[/quote]Did I mention anything about Bungie breaking laws? No I didn't. Look you're American I don't expect you to understand properly (because its a UK case) so you ask why it will p!ss people off? The "Maddie" case had millions put into it, lots of time and effort and was probably the biggest thing in europe to date. It almost got more attention than the London bombings for christ sake. Its just disrespectful for people who took this case to heart and feel sorry for the little girl. Yes bungie did not mean the link the two things, it was an accident but none the less its going to upset people for what it is and attract alot of attention wether we like it or not.

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