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5/15/2007 4:18:03 AM
This is utterly rediculous. I can't play any of my favorite matchmaking because you punks put them off limits to people who don't pay 4 dollars for the new maps. I know that there's probably some clause that I signed that makes this legal, but in customer service terms I consider this basically stealing. I signed up for xbox live to play Halo 2, and the only thing I ever play is team slayer, and I can't do that because you people are FORCING me to charge $4 to a credit card number that no longer exists, when I already F**cking paid $50 for more than I WAS getting before you made this switch. That is to say that before this happened, I was peaved that you have been putting less and less resources into Halo 2 on XBOX Live for the last year or so, and I never complained. But this is the final straw man. You people are so sheisty, it hurts. Needless to say, I'm buying a PS3 instead of an XBOX 360, and I'm considering contacting the Better Business Bureau.

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