Nearly 45,000 people die in the United States each year -- one every 12 minutes -- in large part because they lack health insurance and can not get good care, Harvard Medical School researchers found in an analysis.
"We're losing more Americans every day because of inaction ... than drunk driving and homicide combined," Dr. David Himmelstein, a co-author of the study and an associate professor of medicine at Harvard, said in an interview with Reuters.
Overall, researchers said American adults age 64 and younger who lack health insurance have a 40 percent higher risk of death than those who have coverage.
Sure, it's an old article, but the point stands. What's your views on the healthcare debacle in America? Why do you think America spends far more GDP on healthcare than places like the UK (with the NHS), but achieves worse results?
Once every twelve seconds, not minutes.
Well, if people took better care of themselves by not eating so terribly as well as exercising, and just took part in preventative measures in general we could eliminate a lot of the problem. More money for healthcare or more government is not the answer.
What I love about alot of Americans is that they look at these statistics and still go against socialised health care because "ENURGH I SHOULD PAY FOR MINE!"
Actually there have only been 5 in the past 5 years.
Health Care isn't a right. Neither is being safe. Its a reward of hard work and dedication. There are no manufacturing jobs left in this country because everyone thinks they should make $15.00 an hour to turn a wrench. When people in other countries are more than happy to do it for $5.00 an hour. The country has to make money to pay for subsidized health care. We have no money. Its all a glorified scam. What money we do have is being hoarded by a select few.
America has this asinine policy of throwing money at the problem in the hopes of actually achieving improvement; despite the fact that history and logic tells us that quality of spending is more important than quantity of spending. This applies to more than just NHS: education, military, and entitlements all suffer from the same idiotic policies.
Obviously something needs to be done about our healthcare system, but socializing it should not be seen as the perfect solution. We don't want to end up like Canada, where wait times can be very lengthy and sometimes only the bare minimum of care is offered. And certainly, cutting doctors' pay is not the answer
OP is just jelly of merika
American health care.
You are sexually attracted to men.
John Cena