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8/20/2012 7:44:08 PM
[quote][b]Posted by:[/b] grey101 [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Primo84 [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] grey101 How about you state what raising a child consists of and i will tell you if my parent(s) did that or not. I didn't feel like making this a blog post so i didn't go into detail.[/quote]No. You created the thread; you're he one looking for validation. Why should anyone else do the heavy lifting?[/quote] Ok Primo i am not going to argue with you here nobody else seem to have an issue with understanding the OP as you are the first one to ask me to go into detail with this. I already have more than enough answers so you giving me your point of view or not doesn't affect me. So either you will list things that you feel falls under the role of a parent raising a child or leave the thread because i am not about to blog on nor am i going to waste sit here and actually think about the things my parents should have done for me that they didn't.[/quote]You realize that policing your own thread and asking those who may not see eye to eye with you to "leave" is sometimes considered against the rules, right? I like to think it's on par with those who request a lock when a thread isn't received in the way they'd like, only a step further. Just something you should consider. Okay, can you answer a few questions then? 1) Were you ever physically or mentally abused. (You don't have to answer that if you're uncomfortable.) 2) When your parents "enjoyed themselves," did they see that you were tended to by a trusted elder/adult/etc. 3) Are they emotionally supportive? (Do they offer advice and personal guidance, etc.) 4) Do they seem to care about your safety and well being? I'll think of more, but if you can answer those, that'd be great.

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