Have you noticed that Bungie is doing something unusual with Destiny's weapons? Instead of generic military designations for pistols and rifles, they're branding them with charming and witty names similar to the [url=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_spacecraft_in_the_Culture_series#Consider_Phlebas]Culture series by Iain M. Banks.[/url]* . Three such weapons are [i]The Fate of All Fools[/i], the [i]Pocket Infinity[/i] and the [i]Super Good Advice[/i].
Why don't we help them out? If you think you can come up with something more ridiculous, post it below!
*link provided by [url=http://www.bungie.net/en-us/Forum/Post?id=60132059&path=1]Stephen Laughlin[/url]
Semi auto shotgun: SPAM SPAM SPAM