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Edited by Rappo000: 8/26/2014 11:01:05 PM
Here is a list of why the PS4 is the best next gen choice for Destiny: 1. PS4 is more powerful (1.8 vs 1.3 Teraflops) ( 2. PS4 has faster GDDR5 Memory, which has twice the throughput of the ddr3 found in the xbone ( 3. PS4 cheaper to buy (Why would someone pay more for a less powerful system?) 4. PS4 has more games than any other next gen system ( 5. PS+ is better value (6 free games a month, across 3 platforms. It’s also cheaper than Live and has a better selection of games) 6. PS4 is 3 times more popular than the xbone ( 7. Has a player base that is 3 times bigger, as a result 8. All cross platform games look and perform better on the PS4 (name a single cross platform game that looks/performs better on xbone, bet you can’t) Here is the proof: 9. PS4 is focused on games. Doesn’t have focus on TV and Sports like the xbone does ( 10. The xbone Dashboard is filled with advertisements 11. The xbone Dashboard in general is a complete mess that is hard to navigate ( 12. PS4 didn’t make you buy a kinnect and then remove support for it 6 months later, effectivity screwing over early adopters 13. All Microsoft cares about is feeding you more ads 14. DixectX12 will not save the xbone or help game run at 1080p 15. PlayStation platforms have exclusive content in Destiny 16. PS4 is the lead platform for Destiny 17. PS4 has the largest player base in Destiny of any of the 4 platforms, has more pre-orders than any other platform 18. Was able to render the Alpha and Beta in full HD 1080p, so there won’t be any nasty surprises when the game is fully released 19. Has controllers which don’t require AA batteries or firmware updates 20. PS4 doesn’t have a giant external power brick and the console itself is much smaller

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  • No I just clearly have a life outside of bungie forums

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  • Ah, clearly. Three days without commenting back to attempt to prove me wrong? I'm thoroughly impressed.

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  • Clearly.

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  • [quote]Everyone is a generalizing ass and it's awfully annoying.[/quote] Hypocrite much? To be clear i agree, but that line tickled me haha

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  • Edited by InguinalSlayer2: 8/27/2014 6:18:04 PM
    How am I a hypocrite for criticizing one person? I never related any of my derogatory remarks to any widespread group. Only the Xbox guy. I wouldn't consider saying both communities have good and bad as generalization if that's what you were hitting at, but I can see where it could be misconstrued. I've been a part of both, and it is just my opinion about people in general. There will always be good and bad. I don't wish to criticize you because you seem kind hearted and are not here to provoke any argument. Just trying to explain my position and defend my almighty internet character ;)

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  • I just meant that by you saying "Everyone is a generalizing ass and it's awfully annoying" is like saying "i hate how everyone presumes things" you are generalising everyone as a generalising ass lol thanks for not being a dick about it though, i was just having a laugh :)

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  • Haha yeah that does seem quite humorous. Whoopsie.

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  • The differences are extremely minor and I honestly can't see much of a difference half the list is about the specs I personally play Xbox One but I don't really favor a console I play where my friends are and don't hate the PS4 because I don't have a PS4 so I can't give a good informative opinion

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  • A lot of the things you have listed are irrelevant and are not reasons as to why the PS4 is better. Granted, it may be the better console (I don't know), but not for the reasons you've listed. I would have brought a PS4 over the xbox one in all honesty if it wasn't for the controller.

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  • [quote]A lot of the things you have listed are irrelevant and are not reasons as to why the PS4 is better.[/quote] ..thank you

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  • BAAAAAAAAM my Brother best post i read in here in months RESPEKT goes out to you and i even own a xbox one aswell just for there exclusive titels but its like that the PS4 owns! the green brick

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  • I'm not a fanboy but I'm impressed.

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  • Edited by Rappo000: 8/27/2014 11:41:01 AM
    I aim to please

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  • Yea I also reckon, you should take this to #off topic as it has got anything to do with the destiny game, and it's a topic that no one could care less about. #off topic is where you belong!

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  • Tell that to the OP. Im just replying to him. Not my fault 100 people decide to reply lol.

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  • Edited by coltsrock11: 8/27/2014 10:15:48 AM
    Man I like playstation but you are practically begging to start a comments war here

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  • So.....?

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  • You are inviting conflict I kinda agree with you but just sayin

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  • So.......?

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  • Most comments iv seen on a comment on here. Didn't read a single one...

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  • Cool story bro

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  • Hope you notice most of the links to your information are unreliable websites e.g Wikipedia, blogs, YouTube

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  • I'm sorry mate did you expect him to cite scholarly articles published by Oxford University Press? IGN, Edge, etc. are actually pretty reliable sources FYI since they're dedicated to gaming. As far as Wikipedia goes, when do you not use it to find out information. Pretty -blam!-ing reliable if you ask me.

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  • Wikipedia can be edited by anyone and there is no superior console, that is why there are no reliable sites, and if you notice, it was a preview months before the next gen consoles came out on the ign site, so yea, no superior console. They both have there goods and bads.

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  • I didn't say anything about a superior console. I couldn't give a shit about which console is better because I just play to play with my mates. My beef is that you expect his sources to be some totally scholarly articles that I would use in an essay for University. This is a forum for a game. No one is going to put that much effort into finding sources to back up their points when there are perfectly reasonable ones that a normal person would accept, except you seem to just want to deny that his points are fair by nitpicking. Once again I reiterate that I don't care which console is better or worse.

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