I'd like to go to sleep for a very long time and wander around in a world designed from the ground up by my subconscious, just to see if I could find the things I don't remember anymore and see my mind for what it really is. That's a comforting thought to me, anyone else? Going anywhere to wander aimlessly seems nice right now.
I'm tired and unhappy at the moment, pardon this thread. Dismiss at your leisure.
Hey this is important shit and is not to be dismissed.[spoiler]on a serious note I hope your not depressed and if you are, please seek help[/spoiler]
You know, I often think to myself this same thing. How interesting it would be to allow yourself to wander a world constructed of your mind, by your subconscious, that you might unlock the deepest of one's own secrets. But, at the same token, how terrifying the idea that there might be things hidden even from ourselves, locked away deep in the farthest folds of our memory, too dark to be brought back into light. [spoiler]That depth, though.[/spoiler]
Hey this is important shit and is not to be dismissed.[spoiler]on a serious note I hope your not depressed and if you are, please seek help[/spoiler]
Sounds nice.
Hell, I just wanna be able to fall asleep right now. Wish I could just flip a switch sometimes...
something troubling you?
[b] [/b]