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Discuss all things Destiny.
9/15/2014 12:20:11 AM

Destiny is a prime example we don't see original games with success anymore.

True story. Too many spoilt people who don't appreciate effort and small things and expect too much. COD = been the same since it began. No complaints Destiny = new game, one of a kind, different, everyone hates it.

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  • Destiny is said to be a game that grows, [i]and evolves[/i], with time. So I say we check back in a bit and see what's up?

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    3 Replies
    • All games get complaints man. Go check cod forums, gow forums. Any big AAA game, and you will see a TON of complaints all over the place. You can't please everyone. The people not happy are always the loudest too. I for one am having a great time playing destiny, and I'm sure I'll continue to do so.

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    • Edited by Rei Shepard: 9/15/2014 10:05:06 AM
      Every MMO that has done something "diffrent" from mainstream has gone the way of the dodo, people seem to want "new" stuff but they don't actually want it, they just think they want it. I think while destiny isn't perfect, it has potential, the thing is people these days don't want to sit around and wait for the potential to come out and when the game starts losing people the devs/publishers freak out and give into the whiners but forget that the whiners are already offloaded to the next new game or are "hyping" on that one to not care about this one. Then when they push the changes through for the whiners onto their core people that actually like what they are playing they piss of everyone that stuck around. The best thing to do, something i learned after 17 years of MMO games is that there is nothing better then your very first MMO (in my case Everquest), but if they launched that game today (the one you loved soo much back then), you would not like the game very much. Also, don't ride the hype train, go in with expecting nothing from the game. I expected this to be a shooter game, i was right.

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      • The game starts at level 20! Let the hours of light farming commence >:)

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        2 Replies
        • I love this game, but no success?? $500 mil on the 1st days ISN'T success. I understand what your saying here though.

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        • [quote]don't appreciate effort and small things and expect too much[/quote]What ... like a game that they can play? Like a game without bugs which they provided [b]FREE[/b] testing of in the Alpha? Or one in which [b]THOSE SAME BUGS[/b] were highlighted [b]AGAIN[/b] in the beta? Those spoilt people - lol. [quote]Destiny = new game, one of a kind, different[/quote]Even bungie call it a FPS - plenty of those around. New ?!? ... what, about all that's "new" is a tower dance move - wow, praise bungie - lol. Sure there were a LOT of promises made, but nothing new here. ([i]or perhaps the OP was being sarcastic ... true story[/i])

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        • I think this video kinda explains it.

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          • People don't want a new game that's different from others. They only want a better CoD. Call of Duty has ruined the gaming community when it comes to new IPs.

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          • I don't think the game sucks, I'm actually quite satisfied with my purchase. The only two things I have complaints about are the voice acting and the story (so far).

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          • Edited by DaN: 9/15/2014 10:48:21 AM
            Destiny's story was bland, I barely noticed the story at all.

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          • This game isnt a good game at all. It is fun, for sure, because they got the gameplay right. But thats it! Story = [spoiler]forgettable at best and plain stupid at least. No tension, no sense of danger, no changes, bad and boring characters, stupid dialogues ("I dont have the time to explain why i have no time to explain" looooooooool --> ok at least there are some great jokes in this game. it would have taken this girl 1 minute to explain what the whole campaign is about)[/spoiler] Mission design = kinda good but with awful backtracking Bossfights = really? damage sponge, nothing else, no tactics required Randomness in every aspect = drops, missions, exotic bounties Imbalanced PvP = ok this is hard with 3 classes and 2 skill trees each, but specific superpowers feel way op ( i look at you hunter with your shiny blades) Awful Playlists = I have played strikes without going back to the lobby and got the same strike mission 3 times in a row Second playthrough = i am kind of disgusted by that, playing the same shallow campaign again I would compare this game to Borderlands 2 and i have to say that in every aspect besides graphics and gameplay destiny ends up last, by far! Especially the story of Borderlands has more emotions, more sense of danger, more tension and better characters than destiny. And Borderlands is kind of MMO like this so called MMO. At least you could do 4 player coop. Oh yeah i forgot the great MMO feel when you fight alongsied 5 other players in the wasteland of the moon against level 7 enemies! That is soooo thrilling. I really dont see how you can defend this game besides gameplay? I still find it fun to play, but overall it isnt a good game. I apologize for my english, i am no native speaker

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          • As regards the OP.[b]. I LOVE THIS GAME! [/b] If you dont like it then seriously wallet out buy something else. It has so many facets to it, the more you search into the game the more you find. Special vendors, Couple of pvp factions and lets be honest pvp is fun. Weekend vendors and bonuses to certain war grounds. Nice skills and flexibility in the classes (for an opening mmo type game) You can rep grind or do bountys to speed things up. the cap is annoying on marks but meh standard for all mmo's. The graphics are awesome and the interaction likewise. Story is good and you can see its just a taster to whats about to come. Personally i enjoyed the story. The 'ONLY' issues i have had with this game was the following.. 1. the weekend only vendor for motes of light and strange coins was GONE at 10.09 pm sunday night. Now im european i presumed on a europeans server.. They could do with clarfiying this as i spent all sunday farming like a nut job to get 13 coins. Only to find no merchant. Meh next week for my exotic items>< 2. And just a personal bug bear. Special abilitys that do aoe dmg BUT can not be stopped. Im a sunslinger warlock i can pop radiance and become bomberman if i want. BUT... 1 shot im gone. Titans have the ground quake smash ability (sorry i dont know the name) Un-interuptable. Thats wrong! plus there doesnt seem to be any scaling with the powers via light. ims till burning people the same at 25 light as i was at 15 level. A tad pointless. But if those are all i can find wrong in 1 week of solid play.. [b]Simply awesome release![/b]

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            2 Replies
            • Edited by BiscuitNick: 9/15/2014 10:21:50 AM
              Destiny isn't different at all. It's just a generic repetitive shooter. Saying Call of Duty is the same since it began is really funny. Not like CoD4 introduced the create-a-class system and everything that went with it. WaW introduced zombies, MW2 introduced more customization, Black Ops introduced even more customization. These games were all also generally good with engaging campaigns and addictive multiplayer. Destiny doesn't have an engaging story at all, it's filled with cliches, terrible humor and dry dialogue. The multiplayer? Recycled game modes, decent maps and bugs that people pointed out in the beta. Let's not even mention the ridiculous level cap. When Bungie told us all that terrain would be explorable at E3, I assumed that statement would be true and that the maps would be big. How am I expecting too much if the developer says it? The game isn't one of a kind at all. It brings nothing new to the table at all. Bungie has long abandoned their true passion in exchange for greed. Destiny is just their way of putting minimal effort in and maximizing profits. The DLC was announced [i]before[/i] the game even came out. You bungie fanboys are doing nothing but reassuring bungie they can get away with murder.

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              4 Replies
              • I for one love it :) Think on it this way, maybe the people who don't like the game are the majority of the ones posting negative comments on the forums, the ones who actually like the game are too busy playing it to care about what people on the forums are saying about it, therefore it just seems like there are a lot of people who dislike it and Mc Marky - CoD = No Complaints - seriously ? lol - but I get where you where going with this :) and I agree

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                • I think everybody thought it would be a cool story based shooter with a pvp side and just rank up your gear as you go. Like COD of BF4. For all those people weeeeeeeeellllllllllllllllllllllll you were wrong...this is an MMO shaped in the form of a First Person Shooter.....If you want simplicity and ranking up your KDR you should go play COD. This game is great, graphically impressive, that even with some of the cartoony creatures roming around. The controls are super smooth and you can't knife anybody from across the map...cough.....COD......cough...... On the story, i believe they said that the story wasn't supposed to be told as like a bedtime story, it was supposed to be a bit vague from what i remember. Maybe the DLCs will give shed some more light on the story. But you are supposed to use your brain instread of getting it spoonfed. Anyways i like it, i already was an MMO fan as well as an FPS fan, great to see that this game is came out well. Oh for those complainers around....well you do have the right to complain, BUT i would say if you don't like bring it back to store and trade it for another game like at gamestop. Otherwise its complaining just to complain and that is not very constructive.

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                • I love it.

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                • "Everyone hates it" ------ I for one love it.. As with all games its got its good points and its bad.. however as an allround game it easily achives a 9/10 rating which is much better than i would give glitch central BF4 or GTA5

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                  • I'm gradually seeing the potential. Yes, initial content is low, and I was expecting a longer 'story' to begin with but I can see future updates making this game bigger and bigger.

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                  • It's very easy to hate new IP because it's different, but I can appreciate it and heck even look forward to it. But Knack and Ryse, being the two latest examples come to mind, are just going through the motions and don't even top the games of their same genre 10-20 years ago. Give me something like Kameo: Elements of Power however, and I'll praise it up and down the board because it was original, it stood out amongst the rest and it came from a developer that knew what it was doing. My criticisms don't come from Destiny being a new IP; my criticisms come from design choices, lasting appeal versus replay value, online functionalities amongst a great deal of other things. I still think it's a good game, don't hear me wrong, but it's not the 8, 9 or 10 star game that Bungie keep on insisting that it is.

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                    • [b]//shameless promotion //[/b] "The video link is for my new Let' Play series from Destiny and has nothing to do with the following forum post (so don't be mislead thinking it has anything to do with it), if you can check the video and give some feedback I would really appreciate it. Please subscribe if you like this kind of videos, and know that once I fix an issue this let's plays will consist of alternate point of views between a fireteam in their way to becoming a legend, from Zero to Hero!" [b] //shameless promotion //[/b] check the intro and ep # 1 I hope you read beyond the shameless promotion and reached this part, I have been reading a lot of comments of people saying that the game sucks and then alot of posts complaining about the people that say that the game sucks. Now your post is pro destiny so how about if we make a forum post where we can discuss our ideas and give feedback, instead of just bitching bungie will unlikely watch this post, but if we actually reach a consensus when bungie asks for our feedback we will all yell the same things xD The "rules" of this posts are as follows, you write 4 general ideas that you think should be added or worked on, you add one idea that covers your personal desires and one idea that you may have heard from a friend. 1. Trading between players 2. More control over the color grid of your armor. 3. The ability to move buffs between gear. 4. waaaaaaaaay more public events or better timers. I don't know if they are off or something but I was 3 hours on free game and nothing. 5. This is a personal petition, I want some kind of profession. I love leveling up professions, it feels.... nice.... 6. A friends idea, he wish we could build our own ship. You could make it really hard, like you had to find plans or pieces were extremely expensive. Instead of designing ships, just design pieces and add a "crafting" system. [b]//shameless promotion //[/b] Now going back to the shameless promotion, as I said we are open to suggestions, we are just starting but love the idea of making this kind of videos, so help us.. help you?. If you like our videos (which will get waaaay better) subscribe, and if you really liked it share it and thumbs

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                    • Destiny ended up on a pedestal that it never asked to be placed upon, then those same disillusioned fools knocked it off and now they're getting off to their own hubris and sense of gaming critique... I saw some comment on a review today that said, "The Last of Us Destiny is Not". Umm, ok, The Last of Us was a clone of Uncharted with a new story, it did literally nothing, absolutely nothing new. Great game, but is that what people wanted? Just a re-skinned Halo?

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                      10 Replies
                      • We can critique the story even if we like the game. Effort doesn't equal good.

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                      • People don't dislike it because it's original. They dislike it because it isn't. Every single aspect of it has been done before in other games, the difference being that the other games did it better. Don't get me wrong, I am enjoying myself, but it is not what bungie promised. They've been jerking themselves off over this game for years now, but it's just nothing special.

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                        • I don't hate it

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                        • Edited by KaziArmada: 9/15/2014 4:44:24 AM
                          >destinylands >original lel

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                          5 Replies
                          • Ummm.....they sold $500 million worth on Day One. I believe we can label this as a success.

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