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9/15/2014 1:43:07 PM
I'm so sorry.... I must have read wrong... "One of a kind" Oh wait, not wrong, that's true! No other game goes like this. Kill aliens > let ghost hack > defend waves /end Kill different aliens > let ghost hack > defend waves /end Kill big, SLIGHTLY re textured "bosses" > end/ oh wait. that's the whole game. right up to the black garden. The thing is. Gamer's don't know what they want. Here is a wonderful little video that can explain it all. Its very quirky.

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  • *RANT AHEAD* I agree with you. It can be very repetitive but I in joy it. You can argue that , like in your video, the gaming industry doesn't want innovation, but the truth is there are some who do. But think about it, what sells? what do most people even play a game for? It's to be social, have fun, and feel like your a god or some expert. When it comes down to it many of the major selling titles are "POPULAR!!!" because they are fun and familiar. The player know's to rounds tricks. You get that tingly feeling when your good at the same game you've played 100 times. I do too. We all do about at lease on game of game genre, think about it. Games are repetitive, it's what they are because they need to make money and the only way to make money it to appeal to that whimsy and sell old titles again in again. The sails go up because people like it and when it gets popular they don't want to play the old game, they want the new one they can play with all their friends, as they have been "Hype Training" it for 12 months and it is all any one will be talking about for another 12. I will say this the video does pull together at the end quite nicely, despite its half assed supporting premise. To pay for truly NEW games we need titles that you may not like, Titles that SELL that pay off the losses from not only BAD games but GOOD games that others may not see as innovative. In truth it's all a matter of perspective what IS a good game. So sit back and complain or move on. What truly needs to happen in that gaming industry is it to become more mainstream. If everyone owned 1 game and games where so diverse in plot and play that they were as reliant in our culture as Movies then they industry wouldn't struggle as much. So, then what we need is to embrace, not like them but embrace, the so called sell outs that bring in new people so that the titles that we each INDIVIDUALITY think are good can continue to be produced. (Just because Candy Crush sells doesn't mean only Candy Crush games exist or will only exist in the future)

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  • You have won my heart. Very well said.

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  • Thank you. It took some time but I need the practice on augmentative analysis for my Critical Thinking class. Been using the forms to help me out.

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  • I'm sure you will pass with flying colors. You are a person with skills of great deduction

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  • I agree with you, its repetitive. Its not like this is even an original ip. It feels like a recycled version if borderlands, I like the game but it isnt new and original.

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  • Well said.

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  • World of warcraft got away with doing similar things and was the most popular game in the world. This game isnt going to appeal to everyone. Its a select groups game kind of like borderlands. Not everyone is going to like it. I personally love it, but i like this style of game.

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  • Not that iv'e played WoW for long, but the world is huge. There is deep lore behind everything. The classes are individual and unique. The fact is, destiny can't be compared to anything else because they tried to cram too much of everything into it and mastered nothing. Look, in all honesty. I just expected more. They did nothing to reel back the hype that kept building up. They even went so far as to add to it! What left is beautiful. But bland.

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  • I played WoW a bunch and yeah the lore is way deeper, but think about it - they had all this since the beginning of Warcraft I, which was what like maybe 20 years before WoW ? So they had all this time to create all the lore. Now, the universe in Destiny isn't original and whatnot (plus, excuse me, who does light vs. dark deals still ?) but eventually it'll get to something.

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  • just remember diablo 1 halo 1 borderlands 1 and even wow were flawed from launch. They will learn from their mistakes. I personally love the game, but they will get it. Activision hyped it, not bungie.

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  • Stop making me feel hope again...... <3

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  • Raids come out tmw :) lol so maybe!

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  • Must suck too believe that is all this game is about.

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  • Must suck *to believe that this is called a game.

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  • You're sort of skipping the whole matchmaking and pvp parts. The game doesn't resume itself to story mode. It's fun to beat endless waves of monsters with your friends on Venus or Mars anyway. Don't underestimate gamers.

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  • I don't underestimate them. I know them. The pvp is tragic. Don't even go there. You are easy pleased then aren't you. Good for you, good for you. Major company's need people like you to keep paying for their garbage on a disk sprinkled with pretty glitter

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  • I am not easily pleased, man. I'm just not blindly regarding towards all video games. I don't expect each and everyone of them to be extremely deep and legendary. Heavy-duty production teams like they had for this game are really difficult to handle. I'm just realistic.

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  • Well said. I can concur with you. But they should have just said from the start. How their game would actually be. Not hype it up into this "revolutionary" game. All the games these days release less and less content with more and more dlc's. They get away with it because everyone is complacent. It's not ok.

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  • Yeah I agree. I learnt yesterday that this is a 500 million dollar game. It's twice Avatar's production cost. Of course they're gonna market it as legendary. You can't inject 500 million dollars and say "it's gonna be ok". But other than that, I agree, I mean, they're gonna DLC the shit out of us and the game is not "legendary", not as of now anyway, but who knows, maybe with some more content, free content perhaps, it can become a really really good game. I enjoy it anyway. What I mean is, in terms of marketing of course they sold it as "revolutionary" ... marketing sucks anyway.

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  • Ugh, Marketing :( At least we have our love <3

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  • Its obvious by how you act on here that you don't have that many friends (you are a dbag), and since you don't have many friends you are missing out on a huge chunk of the fun that comes from destiny, which translates to you not doing well in pvp because you don't actually have any teammates to count on. I know you are going to probably come back and say you have friends but lets just skip that, and save us both some time, okay?

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  • I don't pvp because my "non existent" friends and me think its poor, cobbled together junk. You think that's an insult? You poor impudent child. Don't resort to personal attack because you have no solid ground to defend the game on. How I act on here is the product of Bungies lies and trickery. How are you happy with whats been presented? It's mind blowing.

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  • It wasn't a personal attack but an observation of your personality on the forum. I also appreciate you heeding my request, thanks for that. ;)

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  • Observations come to conclusions. your conclusion is an attack. Don't you know how to life? If you haven't picked up, I only relaliate harshly when fan boys get in my face saying "its a good game, y u no like, just go away n sell ur game jezz" - Perfect way to remove players from your beloved game. Leaving it as more of an empty husk. Look the reason im still here is because I am waiting. I could probably pull back on the complaining a little yes.

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  • "I could probably pull back on the complaining a little yes", you definitely could pull back. Thus far this forum has been you complaining, its actually exhausting reading this crap. I may have to agree with Savage some on the friends comment (and definitely on the dbag comment), if you have a good group of friends playing the game most of your time should be spent bs'ing about life (and other topics in party chat) and melting alien faces in Destiny, gathering that you don't care much for competitive PvP you may need some more practice in the environment against bland enemies. Do yourself a favor and play some CoD, then tell me how empty and hollow the story is here. I agree I would like this game to be "epic" but lets be realistic and give them some time to build on what has been released. 5 years just isn't that much time to start from ground up and live up to the hype so many have created.

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