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Edited by Copnos: 9/15/2014 2:48:35 PM
Why am I not in love with Destiny? Well let me tell you it has nothing to do with it being "different"! The problem is that it is trying to be too many things, but failing to do anything that made those other games great or special, as well as lacking any new ideas that makes Destiny special. [LOADING...] So it wants to be a looter like borderlands... except none of the stuff you find is really ever worth it. None of the weapons or armor you find feels special, or awesome. That might change at higher levels, somewhat, but there is something to be said about hitting the ground running. [LOADING...] It wants to be a mmo, but it lacks all the social features, guild/clan hubs, in game economy, dungeons, crafting, and huge maps typical of them as well. I never have to interact with anyone, and even if I want to, its a pain to do so. Invite system to parties is broken, why does it need to reload the game if we are already on the same map? And as for the game world, They don't leave you too much to explore. The story missions send you to most of the major places, the same things always happen at the same spots on the map. Sure, there are little spots here and there for you to explore, but its not substantial. Most MMO's and RPG's usually have large maps, with areas for parties to explore on their own, with neat stuff to find. Me and my friends have explored the Moon and Russia thoroughly, and have found nothing even close to that. [LOADING...] [LOADING...] So you want to craft a game based around social experiences? Bungie had their work cut out for them, considering that console gamers are notoriously anti-social. So its good that Bungie implemented zero features outside of a dance button! Lastly, it also wants to be an fps, and while it succeeds best here, even then there are glaring flaws. The PvE it WAY too repetitive, I haven't even finished the story missions yet and I'm sick of it. And as for the "PvP", it's basically the same game mode. It's all slayer, with a few distractions thrown in that don't really matter. For instance, you can win a control game without holding any points. For a company that helped pioneer game modes like oddball, capture the flag, king of the hill, and race, it's sad to see such a lack of game modes. All together, it's an above average shooter with below average mechanics. [LOADING...] Some people are complaining that the story is bad or nonexistent. I'm okay with a lack of story, a game where I just play it and the story comes from what happens to me and my friends. Awesome! But that's not what we got, is it? The world is not dynamic like Bungie said. The same events happen at the same spots. the same missions too. Nothing changes, its all like clockwork. And that's fine too, just give me some variety with missions -but we don't even have that. Hopefully, Bungie adds on frequent content (maybe weekly) to make up for the lack there of. Destiny lacks any originality, and instead wants to be a game that is like a mash up between Guild Wars 2, Warframe, Borderlands, and Halo, yet forgets to add what makes these games awesome. Even if you disagree with everything I have said, let me ask you this: This game has been in development for over 6 years, do you really feel like you are looking at a game that took 6 years to make?

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  • yes, yes it does

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  • This game is the draft they told us 6 years ago. Now, we need the final copy wich is probably after all the DLCs

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  • Yep, they tried to be everything to everyone right out the gate but didn't deliver on all of it. NOW, its not a broken game but just lacking which can be addressed with updates and DLC which we will pay for. The way I look at it, they took 6 years building the framework of the game and now need to fill it in overtime with content.

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  • Well said!

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  • YES... YES I DO...

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  • This one seems to forget that NO GAME is where it should be when it launches. I mean look at WoW, the biggest thing to compare any mmo-type of game to. It was YEARS before they finally got everything working correctly, and sometimes it still doesn't, 10 years later. Games like this are meant to be built upon, and improved over time.

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  • Patience isnt one of your virtue now is it?

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  • Maybe not always, but honesty is, and honestly, this game is not where it should have been at launch. It has all of the systems, and none of the content.

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  • It's where Bungie promised it to be. It's step one in a story that, according to Bungie, is coming over the span of 10 years. 10 years of content doesn't = 6 years of dev time. Especially taking into consideration they didn't build this of an already made engine. Everything had to be built. I'm honestly glad there's no in game economy. This game is about exploration and building a legend, not buying one. I love the idea that you've gotta put in sweat equity to build that legend and get good stuff. If you're not getting unique gear, you're either not lucky as it's based on drop rates which means you'll need to work more at it, or you're simply not grinding....which I believe, shy of buying something, is how every other mmo's loot system in history works. You may not like this game or think it's where it needs to be, which is your opinion and you're welcome to it. I am disagreeing, hopefully in a non-threatening/confrontational way. Bungie has laid the groundwork for an expansive universe. Just like WoW when it first launched back in the patient and give it time. Work at building your unique legend in the game, there's plenty of content to satisfy that and plenty of hidden stuff to work towards.

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  • Thats why im patient. And frankly, there's ton of content. I haven't seen anyone at lvl 30 yet. Which means there's a lot left to do. Sure there's loading times but think of the game as an intro to a much bigger scheme of things. They dropped half a billion for a 10 years long game. Not a Day one launch bullshlt. Day one launch game that throws everything at you end up to FAIL immeasurably. AKA RIFT - AKA SWTOR (even with the lack of End game) - AKA AION and so on. Those games gave people the big OH SHIT SO MUCH CONTENT. Ended up to fail on a colossal level. Hell even FF14 (pre ARR) had to be REDONE because they failed hardcore. IMO Bungie is doing an amazing job at a First timer FPSORPG. I have yet to see anyone who does a better job at it. Until you find a company that does a better Destiny, dont post TLDR post that have no head or tails in the forums. The community would be so much better without it. You have an opinion, i respect it. But in a forum like these. Its Toxic and unnecessary. When i see these kind of post I just feel like burning it to the ground and move on. But thats just me :)

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  • Why should we have too wait for the game to become fun? Shouldn't a $60 dollar game be fun out of the box rather than promise of a better game in the future. It makes me really upset when sheep defend shitty games and don't even understand the game. (The level cap is below 30... so no wonder you haven't seen any lvl 30s). Making excuses for a shitty game is why these companies are aloud to release unfinished products because people seem not to care.

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  • Levels gained by experience are capped at 20 yes, but you can level to 30 by upgrading gear and I'd expect with each expansion/DLC pack that cap will be raised just like every other MMO has done. It's hard to put 10 years of content into a $60 game. World of WarCraft didn't come out of the box in 2004 with everything it has now, Blizzard laid the groundwork and started stories that took the next couple expansions to flesh out as well as refined and introduced futures and balancing. Destiny will be no different, this game is the groundwork for what they plan on doing next. If you bought this game expecting 10 years of story and content in a $60 box then you should stick to Borderlands and Skyrim. As much as they say it isn't an MMO this game is following more MMO concepts than not and I like that. This will be a different game this time next year.

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  • Guess you have not played it because it is not shitty

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  • Because thats how it is. If youre unhappy about it. Just too bad.

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  • if you like destiny, you need people happy, or else they will not buy the dlc and destiny will fail to get its 10 year story out. their lack of happiness will end up with you not getting to play your game because this games needs to sell its DLC to continue. Their's is a pay to play model (no monthly, instead through dlc), if not enough people pay, then destiny ends.

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  • That's your response to my question? That's ridiculous. You sir are the soul reason that activision/EA will continue to release unfinished products because ignorant fools like you will continue to buy them and defend them. Go get an education this is ridiculous.

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  • 1 - Making games is not easy. 2 - a developers plan and the publishers money are always at war. 3 - deadlines, these are what kill good games from being made properly, or with errors. 4 - money, lots of money upfront, with a 33% chance to break even, profit or hit a record making companies hesitant to try new things, not to mention staying too far from the profitable works tends to backfire.

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  • You sir are dumb. Ignorant. And uneducated. I wont even waste 3mins to write a text to argue with such a worthless person such as yourself. Good day

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  • Sorry if I came across as toxic, I'm not trying to be. I just see people yelling back and forth about how this game is the best thing ever/ worst thing ever when it's not either one of those things. I'm just sharing why I don't think its exactly a good game as it is. And as for an mmo that didn't have any issues at launch, there are a few. The main one I know of is Guild Wars 2. I still play that today.

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  • Thats why i didnt mention Guild Wars 2. Sorry If i came out as aggressive but for the past week we've had nothing but Toxicity in these forums. I suppose it really depends your level of tolerance about Destiny. Some people wanted more at launch which is understandable but dont forget that its merely an intro. True its not a LOT but over the course of the next 3 months. The content will nearly triple.

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  • Derp.

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  • Edited by bungieisbroken: 9/15/2014 4:22:28 PM
    Its been in development at least conceptually longer than that. This game was a decade in the making and can be cleared in an afternoon. Great post too they def dropped the ball on this game but that was obvious from the beta. To all those ppl saying, it was just a beta, what say you now? It'll be fixed with costly dlc and is a ten year game? That's what's to look forward to?

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  • Same with assassins creed, you can beat the game quickly despite the "content" It's player choice what content works and what doesn't.

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  • I'd honestly rather buy DLC after DLC rather than buy Destiny 2, 3 and 4 and have to create a new character each time. Either way, you'll just be spending around $60 on content per year so what's the big fuss? If you can't afford that, you shouldn't be paying for your XBL or PSN account(s).

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  • Edited by JasonLeeJames: 9/16/2014 1:05:14 AM
    The new games will leave that up to you. Not require it.

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