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9/17/2014 12:56:45 PM
There are no MMOs that have random match making for End Game content. This post is just the worst.

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  • DDO, WOW, TOR.. thats just to name a couple.

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  • And Destiny is not a MMO.

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  • Who said it was, don't come at me when you only used a few words from the sentence. And it's scheme is basically from an MMO.

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  • FFXIV foo

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  • WoW says hello

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  • Like was said. Destiny is about as much as an mmo as cod is a mmo

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  • WoW has a easy mode version of their raids that has matchmaking, but that is new to the last expansion. Even if they had it back in the days of molten core, it never would of worked. They were too complicated for random people to coordinate. It's the same way with destiny. These people just don't get that.

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  • Final fantasy 14 has you pugging with randoms. But what mmos have that this game lacks is the simple form of saying "hey" what I get is a bunch of silent drones running around dancing and waving to people.

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  • World of Warcraft would beg to differ with you.

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  • Destiny is not a MMO

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  • I know lotro had a system in place to match you up. But I would have had a more productive time beating my head against the wall...

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  • MMOs have systems in game to find groups though and you can actually communicate. You were right about your post being the worst though.

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  • Final fantasy does public matchmaking for 24 man end game raids , so does wow . Just saying

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  • The 24 man "raids" are not really raids, as they don't have the raid difficulty. The Crystal Tower is more like a big dungeon then a raid when it comes to difficulty. The actual raid difficulty content (Second Turn of Bahamut) does not have LFR.

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  • But T1-T5 does pair you with randoms. Are you trying to say first coil isn't a raid anymore? Tho I understand they df lock it until new content comes out.

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  • Edited by SeekerofPower17: 9/18/2014 1:42:53 PM
    They have nerfed the difficulty of T1-T5, so, no, it doesn't have raid difficulty anymore. You get a buff that improves your stats by up to 25%, depending on how many times you die to it. That makes it not really raid quality anymore.

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  • Actually echo is set at the start and it's only 20% for first coil but I get what your saying

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  • Edited by SeekerofPower17: 9/18/2014 1:54:55 PM
    Oh. I haven't played in a while. I know when they first put it in, it was 5% each time you died to a max of 25%. They must have changed it. Regardless, a 20% nerf (which is what that is) makes the turns lose their raid difficulty.

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  • It does have looking for randoms if you out your self in party finder. Without the queue time of matching it's really the same shit. You and your not so full group sits an waits for your party to be filled.

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  • Irrelevant, because WoW has had this feature for a while now. Looking For Raid.

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  • And raids in WoW are a joke compared to what they used to be. Also, ever since raid finder was added into WoW, it has been bleeding subscribers. It's lost over 2 million subs in the last 2 years.

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  • It's for easy mode version of raids. They never had it back in the day when raids were crazy hard like destiny's raid. No PUG will survive it. I've yet to have a single person use a mic in a strike. That won't fly here.

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  • If you are referring to turns 1-5 in FFXIV, and LFR in WoW then you are absolutely right. However, the most arguably challenging endgame content such as the later turns in bahamut coil and normal or heroic raiding in wow does not offer public matchmaking. Only when they implemented flex raids and cross server play did they even implement an in game way to find party members and that was what 8 or 9 years after release? With that said, I am sure bungie will take up that same model of allowing matchmaking for previous tier raids as they continue to add content. In the meantime, there are a lot of players on these forums and sites like looking for people to raid with as well clans recruiting for that purpose.

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  • Regardless of how long it took Blizzard to implement that feature into a game that came out in 2004 it shouldn't take Bungie that long to realize that this is a must. They have plenty of historical data to prove that it is needed and wanted

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  • I was referring to their in game party member finder not raid finder which did not come out in 2004. But the point is it took awhile. So will destiny to refine.

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