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originally posted in: Hunters are Underpowered (PvP)
9/28/2014 3:45:21 PM
Titan, and Warlock are op. Titans' get a 1-hit-kill supercharge, as do Warlocks. No aiming. Just activating it. Hunters have Bladedancer, and Gunslinger, which both require skill to use. Aiming with Gunslinger can be a bit difficult compared to a single Rb-Lb = Death type situation that you get with the other two classes. While Bladedancer requires the player to aim the stick in the direction of the enemy. When doing so, enemy players can dodge out of the way, or use a shotgun to Bulltrue them, Halo style. If you complain about Bladedancer's 1-hit-kill ability, then you're a hypocrite because both Titans', and Warlocks' Supercharge does the same thing But, in an area-of-effect style, which is worse. Run into a room, activate, instant-multikills. Bit ridiculous. If not for the fact that I need the stupid crucible marks to buy Dead Orbit gear, I would avoid multiplayer all together.

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