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originally posted in: Dear Bungie. We don't want your DLC.
Edited by Razzupaltuff: 9/29/2014 5:45:00 PM
The one thing that I hate most about this game is that I cannot lower music volume. I find some of the music excessively loud, drowning the sound of approaching enemies and making it hard for me to concentrate. I also simply don't like music in shooter games, it takes away from the game immersion for me. In my opinion not allowing people to lower or turn off music altogether is incredibly impertinent and arrogant. Bungie is trying to force people to listen to their music whether they like it or not; My only conclusion why they are doing it being because they find it so great they believe they are somehow entitled to press it on people. I definitely would return the game if I could and get my 109 € back I paid for the limited edition. I am better not starting to express what I think about the people at Bungie responsible for what Destiny is right now.

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