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Edited by solid stone1993: 10/22/2014 12:59:30 AM

A new way to get to 30

I have to add this first part because people keep thinking I made this up in order to just hit level 30. The entire point behind it is to give more replay value to the entire game, not just the raid. Making EVERYTHING endgame content, and not just having the raid to do in order to progress. And allow every single player to look unique, while still being able to get to 30 and not having to ONLY wear raid gear. So I just kinda had this thought and wanted to share it. As of now the only way to hit level 30 is to have all raid gear, or 3 and 1 exotic. There's not a lot of room for unique snowflakes in this game. So I propose a new method. We already have the currency of motes of light, that are being wasted on pointless class items, emblems, and random exotic engrams. What if instead of having to find raid gear, you made it? As it is now you hit 20, then every time you get enough xp to "level up" you instead get a mote of light. This is already a great system. Now what if you used those motes of light to "level up" the rarity of your armor? The cost increases after every rarity increase, it wouldn't be 1 mote and boom raid gear. The lower the rarity, the lower the cost to bump it up. So maybe a white item only costs 5 motes to get to green, then 15 to get to blue, 30 to legendary, and 50 to raid (now don't explode, this is just an example, the price can vary, I just put this here as a placeholder so people can understand). You cant up the rarity until you have maxed out all the current stats on that piece. Then it adds another defense buff that you can unlock. (Or perk depending on what rarity you're coming from but that's explained in an edit down below). You can choose your favorite looking gear, and make it stronger. It could maybe add random perks to it as you go? I haven't really thought that through. You're constantly working for it in everything you do. No matter if you play PVP or PVE, you're not wasting your time doing a hour long raid, getting nothing, or actually getting something and looking like everyone else. This would let every player be their own legend, while taking out all the frustration of the annoying RNG based level system. Better players will get more xp faster, but not so skilled players will still be trucking along getting xp for motes, no matter what they do. Now this doesn't mean the raid is pointless. There are still raid weapons, and all they would have to do is make the raid pay out tons of xp. It gives players a reason to do it, but doesn't force them to do it for specific items. I know I'd be a lot happier getting a random item when I can level up my armor, instead of saying "-blam!-! Just give me raid boots already!". Strikes would actually be useful after level 28, as they would pay out xp along with the random engrams and what not. I just think it would give everything in the game more reason to actually do those tasks, and make it more fun. So let me know what you guys think. If I haven't clarified something enough let me know. I wrote this in a hurry. Edit 1: so for the perks, it could be something along the lines of green will have a defense buff, when you get to rare, you can choose one actual perk that suits your play style. Something like "reload special weapons faster" or "hold more ammo for this weapon". Once you get to legendary it's more defense buffs and you choose your second perk. Then when you get to raid, it's more defense buffs. You couldn't have OP armor with game breaking perks, but still have something that helps YOU specifically. Edit 2: I've seen a lot of comments saying a transmog system would be easier. That's what I was originally hoping they would have in the game, but the idea of using motes to level up makes destiny somewhat original without straight up stealing from WOW. Besides we already have the currency that is used on nothing but pointless items. And leveling up a piece of gear could take a good chunk of motes since they are somewhat easy to obtain. Edit 3: so here I am again, as I've seen people say this wouldn't be "working" for it, or level 30 would just be handed out. This isn't true at all. You have to play the game to get xp. This opens up the entire game to be the "endgame content" instead of only being able to do the raid in order to progress. You would have to do the daily missions, the nightfall, strike playlists, and the raid in order to get xp faster. There are still unique items in the raid that can only be obtained there. It could take something like 50 motes in order to level up a piece of armor to max stats. Only people that put in the time would get the xp, you would just always be actively working toward your goal no matter what you do. This also brings in more replay value for DLC. Right now if you're level 29 the only thing worth your time is the raid, but with this idea, those new missions and strikes would still help you. Edit 4: okay so a lot of people like this idea, and I thank your for your support. Yet a lot of you also feel the need to tell me in every aspect how "this idea is dumb, you're stupid, be a man and do the raid, I had to do it the hard way, so everyone else should too." So I've learned lots of people are just dicks whose only purpose in life is to put others down. If you don't have anything constructive to say, don't bother posting. If you're coming here to say how it isn't that hard and nothing needs to change because RNG worked for you, don't bother posting. I've had this thread up for one day and I already hate everything about it. Now if you have told me how you disagree, or listed something else as a possible fix that you think is better, and haven't acted like a child or Dnozzle to get it across then I truly appreciate it. Edit 5: man I'm making a lot of edits.. This thing is getting pretty long.. Anyway a lot of people think this would make the raid pointless. I've already stated that the raid could pay out the most xp and has unique items like the weapons and the armor that DO NOT need to be upgraded via motes to hit 30. You would still have tons of incentive to do the raid, without being forced to do it, and only the raid once you reach level 26. The raid could also pay out motes of light. I mean you are facing the biggest baddies of the DARKNESS, wouldn't it make sense to get LIGHT in return? I realize a lot of you have done the raid and received your armor from that, and don't want people to now be able to get to 30 without going through what you had to do. Like I said the raid could still have all the unique rewards, so when you see a guy using those gold weapons or wearing all raid (actual raid armor, not the "raid status" armor I've been talking about) armor, you'd know he beat it. Maybe any other armor that gets you to 30 could have a lower defense rating or something, the raid armor still has it's own unique perks that you can't get anywhere else. The warlock raid helmet has a chance to spawn orbs of light when you kill a vex with a critical hit, or a melee depending on what perk you choose.

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  • I think there should be more levels and harder missions/raids as for the people who have hit the 30 fully upgraded gear and weapons have nothing else to do apart from doing the same stuff over and over again everyday till when ever the next game they like comes out im gkad i havent yet beat vog or any raids as it would just get boring very fast

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