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Edited by Rexlucem: 12/2/2014 4:30:22 PM

What angers you in destiny?

Initial question: What angers, frustrates, disappoints, saddens, or just pisses you off in destiny? It's been a while now and while some things have changed many have not. Follow up question: Is destiny getting better?

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  • The purchase itself? :p

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  • Easy. Everything but the gameplay.

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  • What frustrates me the most are the bosses. There is no actually memorable boss fight in the game, and all the bosses are just larger bullet sponge versions of the normal enemies, really? I mean the last mission in particular really disappointed me, the heart was so cool once you saw it, but then you realized your just fighting 3 giant minotaurs that you faught earlier in the game, smh. The bosses should be one of kind, completely different from any other enemy in the game. And they shouldn't just be bullet sponges, make us use tactics, it just all feels so lazily made and its so sad and disappointing. Hopefully in the future bosses will actually feel bosses, not just glorified versions of common enemies.

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  • Edited by TaticalMeatloaf: 10/23/2014 1:24:33 AM Everything this guy points out. Edit: Actually anything bungie ever said about the game too.

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  • Edited by Ryu Knight98: 10/23/2014 1:20:25 AM
    Zebra/Caterpillar error

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  • Not being able to play because of crap servers Not a true open world No matchmaking for raid maybe I don't know 6 people who can play all the time No social aspects whatsoever Repetitive hold these enemies off type levels

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  • The catering to PvP with nerfs aka pocket infinity and vex

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  • I think the game really needs more content the raid (although very enjoyable the first few times ) has become boring and with the strikes just being the same missions over and over again the game has became very bland very quickly

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  • I don't even have time to write down why I don't have time to write down!

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  • The fact that I'm returned to orbit 465 times a day . I mean that's just a start if you have 365 days to listen to me I'll carry on

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  • I would tell you but I don't have time to explain

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    • The lack of a story and content.

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    • Four straight raids without any raid gear drops is frustrating.

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      • Dragging a clan mates lvl 25 alt through VoG to be rewarded with three energy and the shader. While he gets two raid set armor pieces, VoC, and the speeder. The fuq?

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      • The fact that the game is still unstable and I'm constantly playing under the dread of getting my arse kicked back to orbit or the start screen. This problem is affecting hundreds of thousands of people and is completely unacceptable in a game of this stature. Where the hell did the $500m go. Certainly not it into the server infrastructure by the way its performing. Nothing else should matter until this issue is fixed. Stop fiddling whilst Destiny is burning.

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        • When people ask for something to be diminished based on their back knowledge of getting killed in PVP by the subject in question.

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        • I am slightly angry of what has become of this great game, but i'm MOSTLY worried about Bungie. Telling by how Destiny ended up being and that they've made plans that its gonna be a 10 year project. Destiny is very likely going to flop. I hope that this does not bring an end to Bungie. I am a fan (watch out! i'm a fanboy! ahhaha!) of Bungie's work and I do not want them to perish. I was already upset that they're not working on Halo anymore and this new project of theirs is falling apart slowly..... now I'm down n out. I hope that Bungie pulls it together and gives Destiny a MAJOR change. Its gonna take them years to pull it off (which they do have a lot of time). PLEASE BUNGIE, i've been playing your games since 2005! (It would have been sooner but I was GRINDING HARD on Pokemon)

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          • Disadvantages in PVP

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          • PvP. Servers. Grinding.

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            • Short story, under utilized factions and vendors. No customization, no crafting, no re-roll for modifier options on gear or weapons. Recycled bounties, no mission in the reef, Queens Wrath was pointless, no pre-match lobby for raids or heroic strikes (matchmaking would just not work, my friends couldn't pay attention long enough to beat Atheon, thanks dickheads), let's see, oh exotic weapons are not that great, at least the monte carlo does not impress. The loot system isn't great, I've purchased all my gear then I get a drop that's slightly better, thanks a lot RNG. Otherwise I like it and continue to play it hoping to see better utilization and execution.

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              • Edited by dicjones: 10/22/2014 7:53:57 PM
                One of the things I was most surprised about was the lack of in game ability for creating social interactions. Being this is Bungie and all, I was expecting a lot more ways to interact with fellow guardians. I went out and bought a nice turtle beach headset just for this game. Absolutely have no need for it. I assumed when I got matched up with other guardians for a strike or whatever I would automatically be able to communicate with them. I also assumed when I was on patrol and I came across another guardian I would have proximity chat. I also expected chat in the crucible when I teamed up with other guardians. It seems like Bungie went backwards from Halo multiplayer as far as the social aspects of the game goes. Jokes on me, you know what they say happens when you assume.

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                • Nothing. I tend to enjoy a game for what it is and or move on when the time is right.

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                • This forum (which technically isn't "in Destiny," but it's related).

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                  not having the ability to just join people for the weekly strikes when my friends are unavailable to keep playing cause ive done every other bounty, strike and mission i dont know how many times now!

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                • Pretentious PvP sweaters complaining and getting their way so casual players and "scrubs" who just want to enjoy the PvE (which is the part bungee advertised most as being revolutionary and exciting) find it harder to enjoy it. If you play destiny solely for the PvP and try to ruin the game for everything else by patching stuff that enhances PvP and leaves PvE lacking then f*ck off and play CoD.

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