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Edited by LordHighfixxer: 10/22/2014 3:48:50 PM

Bungie: An Open Letter From A Concerned Player

Bungie, I am becoming exasperated with you. I had been looking forward to Destiny since it was unveiled. It was the amalgam of social FPS and persistent world that I was looking for. Okay so that's not was delivered. Nothing apart from your personal stats and inventory persists. The game mechanics are solid and my friends and I had been having fun so I decided to stick with it & give you the benefit of the doubt because of your history of producing games that I have thoroughly enjoyed. You have asked for feedback and [b][u][url=]I have been providing it constantly[/url][/b][/u] in an effort to try to help improve what feels like a 75% complete game at drop. Your players have dealt with two DDoS attacks along with other ongoing network/server issues. There have been PSN/XBL service issues that are not your fault & I understand that. What I cannot understand is how you are simply ignoring your players. Last week you nerf'd ARs, shotguns, the Vex Mytho & some other weapons in the name of balance, PvP balance. Your players provided you constructive criticism for a week outlining that there needs to be a wall between the PvE and PvP weapon and armor values tables. Agree or disagree I have not seen anywhere where you even acknowledge the suggestion. The weekly update contained a vague & ambiguous statement about balance. However the sentiment of your quest for balance is faulty [u][b][url=]which I tried to illustrate to you yesterday.[/url] [/b][/u] I am not arrogant enough to think I deserve an individual response to all of my criticism but when so many people agree on certain points Bungie should feel an obligation to respond to the community at large. We are largely against the changes being made to the 3rd phase of the Atheon fight, especially considering that[u][b] [url=]this "bugfix" has been prioritized over fixing actual issues with the raid[/url][/b] [/u] like the gates & how the shield sometimes just doesn't work. We've all provided you feedback on [b][u][url=]how to improve the PvE[/url][/u][/b] and [b][u][url=] PvP experiences[/url][/b][/u]. We'd like to see inventory management improved. We'd like to see loadouts due to the Exotic Weapon restrictions. We'd like to see a way to apply ammo synthesis quickly without having to go two levels into a menu. Many people would like to see an opt in proximity chat, better matchmaking for PvE events and overall improved social features. If you are considering these options, great. You have to tell us. We know that "prox comms are coming". That's about it. There are buckets of other criticisms involving the lack of depth in the story, the failure to hook players into the world & the lack of delivery on promises concerning our ability to customize our Guardian to be uniquely ours. People are not happy about having to go to a website to dig into the lore. The grind of the game through 5 strikes & the same repetitive bounties is wearing on many. There are also more concerning accusations regarding what future DLC content was withheld behind a paywall (if any was). True or not those accusations are dividing your community badly. I have done what I can by providing the feedback you've requested. [b][u][url=] I've even indexed my feedback for you[/url][/b][/u]. What stings is that Bungie does not appear to be hearing its players. We get one blog post a week where your Community Liason Deej plays funny. This comes off condescending to many of us due to the pile of issues we would like to see responses from Bungie on. Please, respond to some of our ideas. Positive or negative... respond. Respond with more than "keep on giving that feedback" when people ask for raid matchmaking. You are, as of today, one week away from seeing many of your Crucible players find the airlock when CoD drops. Right now I cannot blame anyone who shelves or sells this game because of the failure to deliver on the advertised promises let alone the inability of Bungie/Deej to provide meaningful responses to valid criticisms and suggestions for improvement of our game. I am personally sticking with you just a little while longer but while I was initially an ardent supporter of Bungie, Destiny, & your DLC pay model I am now on the fence. [u][b][url=]What comes with The Dark Below[/url] [/b][/u] will be my progress check with you. If you have not heard us by then and provided us with clear path and timeline for when some of these needed improvements will come, I will sadly move on. I know I am not alone. Please start respecting the voice of your players. We understand you had a vision but sometimes you have to put the hubris aside and realize that the vision has to change. Many of us are tired of posting to a wall that no one with the power to make changes seems to be reading. Respectfully //Ozman51 (anyone who agrees please bump this post in addition to a Like to keep it on the top of the forums for others to read, thanks) [b]Edit: 10/21/14 12:10p ET[/b] - I just wanted to say thanks to everyone for their support and to those of you who have offered comments for largely keeping the tone civil and for generating good side discussions. Keep on bumping, liking and commenting. I have been trying to reply to as many people as I can. I truly do appreciate your input and criticism. [b] Edit 2: 10/22/14 11:25am ET[/b] - DeeJ posted in the main Destiny forum yesterday directly "On Community Feedback". I believe this post from him was motivated by negative reaction to his coverage of a 3rd party website in lieu of addressing real issues but some had suggested that he was talking about this post as well and as such I felt inclined to [b][url=]write a reply[/url][/b] to him.

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  • bump (again)

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  • Spot on.

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  • Hear hear! They don't seem to be listening to the folks playing it at all. The lack of communication in the game is a real shame. And like many I'm (and I can't believe I'm saying this) am considering buying COD as I'm bored of feeling like I'm playing alone due to the silence.

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    • Bump ..... This was an eloquently written respectful critique of the current issues facing our community, beyond all the "nerfing",whining , random complaining about difficulty, I feel this is the criticism that bunjie needs to hear. There were many holes in the game, that honestly if it wasn't made by bunjie I think many would have over looked. But, because bunjie has such a power house name, we feel betrayed. Openness and honesty would go a long way in this community of gamers. Patching is fine, but look at a patch like a bandaid on an open wound, if you have so many wounds and patches there won't be much left of the actual body. Think hard, we will wait, but not forever.

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    • Bump

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    • Bump, and take deej "hellen keller" job.

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    • Bump

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    • Bump and completely agree. Many of my friends, myself included, have started dropping into different games or returning to our PCs (we're mainly PC gamers) even though we specifically bought Xbox One's for Destiny and the Master Chief Collection. As of the unexplained issues with connectivity and bugs, and all but being ignored in the Forums, we are counting down the days until MCC launches. [b]We just want something to play.[/b] Having to do the same two missions for the weekly reset, and grinding the raid two/three times a week, all on different characters, because it is the only viable way to get a full raid set, which is the [b]only[/b] way to level up, is all we have left to do. The bounties are stale, repetitive, and often make us play differently to how we would like to in order to complete them. We no longer pick up/finish bounties anymore, because they are boring. Even Exotics are boring now. I have 15 exotic weapons/Armour. All of which are unique, I dismantled the 2 that I had which were duplicates. That's a total of [b]17[/b] exotic pieces of gear. For supposedly end-game content, it isn't giving me much of a buzz when I have less legendary items in my inventory. Other example of how the loot system is extremely flawed. [b]Never[/b] before, in my 17 years playing video games, have I seen such disappointment in a fan base. The majority of us loved you, Bungie. There are many, many more issues with this game which I have listed within these forums while talking with members who have felt the exact same way. All of which have seemingly gone unheard. I'm regretting purchasing the expansion pass now. I was hoping that Destiny was going to be the game that it was made out to be. The game that I would have happily dropped many hours into. The game that was supposed to bring two great genres and the amazing, brilliant story telling that Bungie seamlessly delivered in the past together. To the OP: Thank you for taking the time to write this post. It sums up a lot of what is wrong with this game.

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      3 Replies
      • Bump

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      • Edited by Sean: 10/22/2014 1:12:29 PM
        I may not have played the game for the past two weeks, but I am still on the forums for the sole reason that I know the game can be great. The foundation of a truly great game is there, but the sad part is that the foundation came with a full game's pricetag. So, I agree with your post, and will happily add to the growing number of people that have replied to it.

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        • Edited by dicjones: 10/21/2014 11:10:50 PM
          Purchased digital guardian edition, wish I hadn't though. The game is not what I was expecting. A lot of times it's the little things or common sense ideas getting implemented that make a game great. Destiny is lacking in so many of these things. I'm not alone in my shock of some of the design choices they have made. I'm of the belief that this game in its current form is still a beta and needs some more development time. I haven't touched it for several days and don't plan on playing it any time soon. I'm sticking with FFXIV, I'm getting much more enjoyment out of that game. My belief is the DLC isn't going to fix anything. Based on what I have seen of the content it looks like more of the same stuff. The problems are much larger than adding a few strikes, story missions and another raid. I'm not going to list what I think all the problems are, my fellow guardians have done a very fine job of expressing the concerns of the community. I'm going to keep posting on and reading these forums however, as well as watching the news section for updates. I'm hoping the game can become a game worth spending my leisure time with at some point. Keep doing what you are doing guardians, even if you think it is falling on deaf ears, our feedback is the best input this game needs to become what it can be.

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        • Edited by Osakamitsu: 10/22/2014 2:21:27 AM
          Your 75% estimation is a little high in my opinion. I would say more like 30% if you watch the in development videos. So much is missing or changed for the worse. What idiots thought this would be a good idea? Probably the greedy bastards more concerned with money even though destiny preorders we higher than pretty much any other game ever.

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        • I just had a thought about how future content might go down. What if the next couple DLCs are just missions strikes and a raid with some new gear and we don't see any actual substance? Mercury, Saturn, Jupiter, and The Reef are all things you've seen glimpses of if you were following the game over the past while. If you were, you'd also remember seeing what we now know as the Reef in both first and 3rd person, meaning it will play a roll much like the Tower. Well, if new planets are released, they couldn't viably mix the exclusive content bounties with the current ones in the Tower. Every year a new COD is released and millions rush out to lay down $60+. What I'm thinking is, every year they're gonna release the same small amount of content and want $60 while adding 2 little tid bits as Dcl in between. We're not gonna see those planets that were deceptively in the grimoire at beta till next fall...AND we're gonna have to pony another $60 for it. At this point, I'd put money on it going down that way.

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          2 Replies
          • Bump, im trying to hang in there but gaming is a hobby and destiny feels like a 9-5, a chore, its lost its appeal. With every new patch/update a little more of my interest goes out the window. Im on the brink of done. Good write btw, right on point.

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            • Bump I agree wholeheartedly man, and i'm glad to see something other than blind aggression towards the staff. Also Deej needs to stop playing funny man and do some work consoling the angry community about these issues.

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              • Yeah the community managers posts annoy the hell out of me complete avoidance of the real issues it's rude and childish at this point.

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              • Thank you for taking the necessary time to introduce these widespread concerns accurately, concisely, with respect, and quite frankly with a little bit of dignity. I agree with you completely and I'll all too gladly like and bump this. I literally scanned through the comments down to the last one and I have to thank you again for taking the time to make some of your responses, for trying to respond to everyone, [b]and most of all for keeping everything respectful, and keeping it all in good taste,[/b] whether addressed to Bungie, or to those who disagree, or to those people who may have initially come off as trolls. Even they saw the point. "There is no acceptable reason why this is something that can be implemented so easily, yet is overlooked in favor of broadness, secrecy, confusion, and is totally avoided in order to acknowledge something that no one mentioned, or is concerned about." "I'm sorry my friend but unfortunately it would be an unreasonable and game-breaking thing for Bungie to implement. Also costs too much, Nevermind that they don't have the manpower what with the vacancies." If you didn't get the jokes the OP just wants an acceptable level of acknowledgement from Bungie with a roadmap. That's the fix here. People are left to wonder for themselves what the heck is going on and what the priorities are and their faith might hold through if it were made clear from a Bungie rep. As simple as a forum post.

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                • [quote]I am personally sticking with you just a little while longer but while I was initially an ardent supporter of Bungie, Destiny, & your DLC pay model I am now on the fence. What comes with The Dark Below will be my progress check with you. If you have not heard us by then and provided us with clear path and timeline for when some of these needed improvements will come, I will sadly move on. I know I am not alone.[/quote] I really want to support this game. I have gotten a ton of fun out of it and what it does right, it really nails. That said, this statement you made that I quoted is almost like you got a peek inside the inner workings of my brain. Well written. Clear, concise. 10/10. This is what feedback, positive or negative, should be.

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                • Yep that just about covers everything.

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                • They need to tell us what the -blam!- went wrong in development. Watch the 2013 E3 reveal and ask yourself that question. "What went wrong?" +100 Bump

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                • [quote]Bungie, I am becoming exasperated with you. I had been looking forward to Destiny since it was unveiled. It was the amalgam of social FPS and persistent world that I was looking for. Okay so that's not was delivered. Nothing apart from your personal stats and inventory persists. The game mechanics are solid and my friends and I had been having fun so I decided to stick with it & give you the benefit of the doubt because of your history of producing games that I have thoroughly enjoyed. You have asked for feedback and [b][u][url=]I have been providing it constantly[/url][/b][/u] in an effort to try to help improve what feels like a 75% complete game at drop. Your players have dealt with two DDoS attacks along with other ongoing network/server issues. There have been PSN/XBL service issues that are not your fault & I understand that. What I cannot understand is how you are simply ignoring your players. Last week you nerf'd ARs, shotguns, the Vex Mytho & some other weapons in the name of balance, PvP balance. Your players provided you constructive criticism for a week outlining that there needs to be a wall between the PvE and PvP weapon and armor values tables. Agree or disagree I have not seen anywhere where you even acknowledge the suggestion. The weekly update contained a vague & ambiguous statement about balance. However the sentiment of your quest for balance is faulty [u][b][url=]which I tried to illustrate to you yesterday.[/url] [/b][/u] I am not arrogant enough to think I deserve an individual response to all of my criticism but when so many people agree on certain points Bungie should feel an obligation to respond to the community at large. We are largely against the changes being made to the 3rd phase of the Atheon fight, especially considering that[u][b] [url=]this "bugfix" has been prioritized over fixing actual issues with the raid[/url][/b] [/u] like the gates & how the shield sometimes just doesn't work. We've all provided you feedback on [b][u][url=]how to improve the PvE[/url][/u][/b] and [b][u][url=] PvP experiences[/url][/b][/u]. We'd like to see inventory management improved. We'd like to see loadouts due to the Exotic Weapon restrictions. We'd like to see a way to apply ammo synthesis quickly without having to go two levels into a menu. Many people would like to see an opt in proximity chat, better matchmaking for PvE events and overall improved social features. If you are considering these options, great. You have to tell us. We know that "prox comms are coming". That's about it. There are buckets of other criticisms involving the lack of depth in the story, the failure to hook players into the world & the lack of delivery on promises concerning our ability to customize our Guardian to be uniquely ours. People are not happy about having to go to a website to dig into the lore. The grind of the game through 5 strikes & the same repetitive bounties is wearing on many. There are also more concerning accusations regarding what future DLC content was withheld behind a paywall (if any was). True or not those accusations are dividing your community badly. I have done what I can by providing the feedback you've requested. [b][u][url=] I've even indexed my feedback for you[/url][/b][/u]. What stings is that Bungie does not appear to be hearing its players. We get one blog post a week where your Community Liason Deej plays funny. This comes off condescending to many of us due to the pile of issues we would like to see responses from Bungie on. Please, respond to some of our ideas. Positive or negative... respond. Respond with more than "keep on giving that feedback" when people ask for raid matchmaking. You are, as of today, one week away from seeing many of your Crucible players find the airlock when CoD drops. Right now I cannot blame anyone who shelves or sells this game because of the failure to deliver on the advertised promises let alone the inability of Bungie/Deej to provide meaningful responses to valid criticisms and suggestions for improvement of our game. I am personally sticking with you just a little while longer but while I was initially an ardent supporter of Bungie, Destiny, & your DLC pay model I am now on the fence. [u][b][url=]What comes with The Dark Below[/url] [/b][/u] will be my progress check with you. If you have not heard us by then and provided us with clear path and timeline for when some of these needed improvements will come, I will sadly move on. I know I am not alone. Please start respecting the voice of your players. We understand you had a vision but sometimes you have to put the hubris aside and realize that the vision has to change. Many of us are tired of posting to a wall that no one with the power to make changes seems to be reading. Respectfully //Ozman51 (anyone who agrees please bump this post in addition to a Like to keep it on the top of the forums for others to read, thanks) [b]Edit: 10/21/14 12:10p ET[/b] - I just wanted to say thanks to everyone for their support and to those of you who have offered comments for largely keeping the tone civil and for generating good side discussions. Keep on bumping, liking and commenting. I have been trying to reply to as many people as I can. I truly do appreciate your input and criticism.[/quote] Amazing post. I whole heartedly agree. I miss my old awesome bungie that brought a story so magnificent, I decided to read their books and other fictions. Even strolled into a wiki just to make sure I didn't miss anything. I appreciate this isn't halo, but halo is an fps. How does such a simple fps have more of a story than what is/was supposed to be a grand mmofpsrpg or whatever it is. Destiny shouldn't feel as hollow as it is. I hate going to bungie dot net because their page doesn't work well on my phone no matter how I work my browser. I have little want to go into the grimore and that's saying a lot for somebody who craves story telling. Mass effect 1 had a lot more to offer story wise at launch God knows how many years ago with only a percentage of the budget that was given to this game. Not to mention time that was put into this game. I have many complaints but really those would all be shattered if the story would have been as grand as they said or made appear it would be. The story was way to simple for even a chapter 1. The beggining is meant for outlining character s and general wtf is going on. Barely any of that was explained. I'm disappointed but I will wait and see. I'm probably going to jump back into halo and soon mass effect again hopefully. Their sci fis had Much more content.

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                  • You got me to read about 200 comments at 1 AM... Have my bump, good sir.

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                  • Bumping it! Most game companies now a days don't understand what the player thinks, they never look back at what made halo what it is, or fall out, or many of the other titles out there. It's all about let's completely re invent the wheel even though it's fine the way it is. And I can understand wanting to make money, but having a 500,000 budget and only coming out with this, capcom could have made 4 full games with that budget. And on top of that, the true way to get us to love your game and make lot of money is to put effort into things and not half ass it like it is, take away your bandaid you call next gen graphic and what's left, a skeleton of wasted potential. And going back the true way to get us to love your games is to give us so much content we don't know what the -blam!- to do, like in fall out 3, here's your starting mission and then the rest of this world enjoy lol. or make good quality DLC like halo 3, dark souls, Pokemon, there's just so many good games out there and yet why is a company that revolutionized Video games since 1990 is having basic issue that I view as corruption and lack of effort, because today's world it's all about me me me and not about how we can help one another out, out of good will

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                  • [quote]Bungie, I am becoming exasperated with you. I had been looking forward to Destiny since it was unveiled. It was the amalgam of social FPS and persistent world that I was looking for. Okay so that's not was delivered. Nothing apart from your personal stats and inventory persists. The game mechanics are solid and my friends and I had been having fun so I decided to stick with it & give you the benefit of the doubt because of your history of producing games that I have thoroughly enjoyed. You have asked for feedback and [b][u][url=]I have been providing it constantly[/url][/b][/u] in an effort to try to help improve what feels like a 75% complete game at drop. Your players have dealt with two DDoS attacks along with other ongoing network/server issues. There have been PSN/XBL service issues that are not your fault & I understand that. What I cannot understand is how you are simply ignoring your players. Last week you nerf'd ARs, shotguns, the Vex Mytho & some other weapons in the name of balance, PvP balance. Your players provided you constructive criticism for a week outlining that there needs to be a wall between the PvE and PvP weapon and armor values tables. Agree or disagree I have not seen anywhere where you even acknowledge the suggestion. The weekly update contained a vague & ambiguous statement about balance. However the sentiment of your quest for balance is faulty [u][b][url=]which I tried to illustrate to you yesterday.[/url] [/b][/u] I am not arrogant enough to think I deserve an individual response to all of my criticism but when so many people agree on certain points Bungie should feel an obligation to respond to the community at large. We are largely against the changes being made to the 3rd phase of the Atheon fight, especially considering that[u][b] [url=]this "bugfix" has been prioritized over fixing actual issues with the raid[/url][/b] [/u] like the gates & how the shield sometimes just doesn't work. We've all provided you feedback on [b][u][url=]how to improve the PvE[/url][/u][/b] and [b][u][url=] PvP experiences[/url][/b][/u]. We'd like to see inventory management improved. We'd like to see loadouts due to the Exotic Weapon restrictions. We'd like to see a way to apply ammo synthesis quickly without having to go two levels into a menu. Many people would like to see an opt in proximity chat, better matchmaking for PvE events and overall improved social features. If you are considering these options, great. You have to tell us. We know that "prox comms are coming". That's about it. There are buckets of other criticisms involving the lack of depth in the story, the failure to hook players into the world & the lack of delivery on promises concerning our ability to customize our Guardian to be uniquely ours. People are not happy about having to go to a website to dig into the lore. The grind of the game through 5 strikes & the same repetitive bounties is wearing on many. There are also more concerning accusations regarding what future DLC content was withheld behind a paywall (if any was). True or not those accusations are dividing your community badly. I have done what I can by providing the feedback you've requested. [b][u][url=] I've even indexed my feedback for you[/url][/b][/u]. What stings is that Bungie does not appear to be hearing its players. We get one blog post a week where your Community Liason Deej plays funny. This comes off condescending to many of us due to the pile of issues we would like to see responses from Bungie on. Please, respond to some of our ideas. Positive or negative... respond. Respond with more than "keep on giving that feedback" when people ask for raid matchmaking. You are, as of today, one week away from seeing many of your Crucible players find the airlock when CoD drops. Right now I cannot blame anyone who shelves or sells this game because of the failure to deliver on the advertised promises let alone the inability of Bungie/Deej to provide meaningful responses to valid criticisms and suggestions for improvement of our game. I am personally sticking with you just a little while longer but while I was initially an ardent supporter of Bungie, Destiny, & your DLC pay model I am now on the fence. [u][b][url=]What comes with The Dark Below[/url] [/b][/u] will be my progress check with you. If you have not heard us by then and provided us with clear path and timeline for when some of these needed improvements will come, I will sadly move on. I know I am not alone. Please start respecting the voice of your players. We understand you had a vision but sometimes you have to put the hubris aside and realize that the vision has to change. Many of us are tired of posting to a wall that no one with the power to make changes seems to be reading. Respectfully //Ozman51 (anyone who agrees please bump this post in addition to a Like to keep it on the top of the forums for others to read, thanks) [b]Edit: 10/21/14 12:10p ET[/b] - I just wanted to say thanks to everyone for their support and to those of you who have offered comments for largely keeping the tone civil and for generating good side discussions. Keep on bumping, liking and commenting. I have been trying to reply to as many people as I can. I truly do appreciate your input and criticism.[/quote] Moar bumps!

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                  • Edited by McLovin San: 10/22/2014 3:29:22 AM
                    Thank you for taking the time and writing you thoughts down. Many of them reflect exactly what many avid Bungie fans and Destiny players think and feel. If you think the feedback here on the forums is nonexistent, you should check the Bungie page on Facebook. It's like shouting in a field, you won't get even an echo and the birds will mock you. And regarding server fixes: The errors are even more random than the drops. I don't know if they solved it elsewhere but here in europe many have problems, no matter how good (or bad) their connection is. Destiny is also the only game besides of GTA V which has actually disconnected me from xbox live. The difference being, it happened 3-4 times in 4 months with GTA and it happens 2-3 times an hour with Destiny. It's so damn frustrating. I've been booted from finished pvp matches, strikes, challenges and anything else. Often at the beginning but many more times after it was completed or almost finished (30, 10 or 4 seconds before the end) and all the effort was lost. No reward, no reconnect, nothing. And this on a daily (more like hourly) basis. TL, DR: Thanks for your post, I hope they get their **** together and fix the real problems.

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                    • I'm afraid the DLC/Key to unlock Will be to little to late

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