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originally posted in: A silent gamer pushed too far.
Edited by Johnny Five: 10/22/2014 3:57:54 AM
To comment on this... "If you have such great ideas, why aren't you writing/ making games?" Because the ones with ideas are the ones that always have to do the work? Just because people have the ideas, doesnt mean they should be working on these types of things. Because actual community, that gives valid input helps. You sit there and act like you are ragging on the people that actually do enjoy the game, and want to see it succeed. and want it to be better. The fact is. the majority of the people with real ideas, get the shit thrown in their faces, and ignored, for the whiney ass bitches. The so called Trolls. Always ragging on them saying... "Cry more cry more" blah blah blabbity blah. (Just for the record, those bitches aint trolls, they are flamers) Do these people want to work for companies, that often lose site of whats important in games? The GAMING experience. And not the wad of Cash. Dont get me wrong. Money is a necessity in life. But sacrificing just to amass money is complete and utter shit. Lets look at a prime example of Idiots in gaming. that actually ruined their company because of their "ideas" of what they thought people wanted, yet ignored the fans. Capcom. They had a huge cash cow. The Megaman series. What did they do? bashed the -blam!-ing piss out of him, Took and mocked him at every turn, lied to their fan base, about not having enough votes to put him in games Last one was Ultimate marvel vs capcom 3. They said He didnt make it high enough on the polls.. If my memory is correct. Megaman X was number 1 on the poll. Classic Megaman was number 9. And what did all this do to the company? Oh yeah it almost had them bankrupt, to the point they were trying to sue other companies. For (IF i remember correctly. dont quote me on this! May of been another company that did this one, but either way i do know capcom was trying to sue someone) DLC copy writes. Claiming that THEY owned the rights to DLC. And what happened? The Fans who's cries were heard, by other companies. Created mighty number 9. The true successor to the Megaman Franchise. So.. thats All I got to say.

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