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10/24/2014 5:49:24 PM
a lot of what you have said is very incorrect smooth launch there was so many beaver errors yellow stone would have no trees. and many other errors smooth game play have you been stuck in a portal in the raid and have to start over. or have a target in your sniper dead to rights and is a miss. even when its not moveing at all they only listen to the pvp player and have nerf the pve side because of the pvp when pvp was sposed to be optional but its not really optional at all .exotic bounty forces you to play in crucible or you cant get that weapon. real fair to me because I don't like a shot gun fest pvp style of play so I don't play it. and have to dismantle the bounty. I do love the game but has disappointed me "250 hours love it". bad loot drops stuck at lvl 29 getting the same stuff over and over you can only use one chatter white and then you have to wait a week to get the same exact loot you got the week before. and i run it, on more then one char after the "fix" for drops I haven't seen a legendry drop during a mission yet period. lvl 38 crypt I don't expect it handed to me but if I work for it I expect a reward. its not easy to find a team and its not easy to beat the boss with unskilled people or they need to get "trained" takes away from my experience. having to tell you do this and do that is not fun and normally causes a fight and then they leave. and then you have the bugs inside of the VOG stuck in portals. him shooting threw the relic shield. when the construct disappears you have darkness that you cant remove.."i cant see were is the boss"" about to stomp on your head"" boom dead "well that's a reset". got his hit points to like a sliver jump out the portal after shooting the orcals time is veng on my screen but get the the middle to get shield and no veng timer for him or anyone boom all dead. and if relic falls off the map cause he missed jump its gone no chance to pick it up. 3hrs latter after the many glitches and mistakes were done. we beat it for a chatter white and 3 energy . I posted we need a enlistment board so we could add our names to a list for raid or strike or nightfall like the bounty guy. make it net work wide because most times I enter a tower with the massive "mmo" of 16 people. are to low a level to even invite. so what I'm i sposed to do to find a team. orbit and return twenty times till I find 6 people or post of the fourms "what if I don't have a computer" when this should be an in game feature. I also have had a great deal of fun with friends and nonfriends alike and I do think bungie are doing a decent job but they need to stop nerfing stuff put them back to the way they started off and stop listing to the cry babys in pvp when this is sposed to be a pve based game. but the dlc seams to be a lot of crucible stuff and not pve but who knows because I haven't seen a post from them to say what im getting but I will want a refund if it is more crucible then pve because I hate the pvp play and bought the game because of the pve element if they expect this to be a 10 year game they need to step it up a bit or this game will be wiped out by the competition. and I say this because I have been playing mmo type games for 20yrs now hardcore gamer. cod nerfed gun lost 12k players from one update bam gone never to return. don't let this be you destiny everyday my list gets smaller and smaller "why you not playing" because there's nothing to do they say I've done the raid and weekly ok see you next week just to never see them again.

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