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10/24/2014 9:13:03 PM
Okay, this needs to be completely disconnected from OP. You can't take the liberties you took in your explanation of what is in the video and make them your own, this is called Spin, and is exactly the type of thing the video author is fighting against, manipulating emotion into getting an outcome. That being said, the author of this video makes some amazing points, but what I don't like is that if the things in this video are true, which much is speculation and many of the reason are posited as fact when they actually opinion and speculation. For example saying that Sparrow races were once included did not account for two things, 1 being that this could be completely false anyway and that Sparrows were meant to be a point of pride. Do I care that my Timebreaker is faster or cooler? Hell yes I do. That things is awesome just to be faster and look cooler and many games do this constantly, including Destiny with Emblems that you purchase for no reason other than asthetics. And 2) This ignored the game economy, which takes a very very long time to actually balance out. World of Warcraft is a great example. Why on earth do you pay for an epic mount or why do you spend gold to get flight training that is necessary? It's not to see if you get money, it's what's called a Gold Sink. And while Glimmer is an almost entirely useless currency as is crucible and vanguard marks to a point, Gold sinks importantly remove Motes of Light and Strange Coins, not necessarily for the week, but for the [i]next[/i] week so that you do feel the urge to spend your coins on something useless and so that you do need to continue playing to purchase the next item that actually means something to you. All that to say, not everything here is correct as he mentioned, but a lot of his video is still just as swayed in the opposite direction. Those swayed toward wanting DLC and trusting Bungie and Activision, "fanboys" as they're derogatorily called, are just as bad as those swayed against the above, but there is safety in numbers and while their may be numbers that agree with the complaints of the "masses," these forums are not indicative of the true population, primarily because very few people feel the need to come to the forums to leave a post that says, "Just wanted everyone to know that this game has problems but it's fun." They're too busy playing. All of that to say, I agree with almost all of this. But it ultimately doesn't matter. I have a threshold that I'll put up with and $20 is not a huge amount, so I'm fine giving it up to keep playing a fun game to see. This guy can't know what the future holds, just that there are many logical negative reasons for Destiny to be how it is. And similarly, I can't know if he's right or wrong. I'm just gonna buy it and keep playing a fun game regardless of what I did or didn't get. There are some amazing movies out there, but they are watered down and sappy and lowest common denominator. That's how popular things have to be or they won't be popular by definition. If you want indie non-watered down, there's plenty out there, but this issue has been beaten to death.

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