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Edited by DeeJ: 10/28/2014 3:38:45 PM

Thoughts and Opinions about Atheon's Revenge.

So, the update just went live. Atheon can no longer be pushed off his platform. He'll also select people at random to be thrown across time. He's a real bastard, eh? I talked a lot to the developers about your opinions on the matter. You don't want to be selected at random. You want to choose who gets to fetch the Relic under fire from those nasty Oracles. I spoke on your behalf. Your voice was heard. We discussed your concerns. I even said "Why not just change Hard Mode and leave Easy Mode alone?" I was told "The Raid is never supposed to be easy." At that point, I recalled all the times I stood and delivered the line "...the most challenging encounter we've ever created." It was hard to disagree. As a veteran of Cairo Station on Legendary in Halo, I had to admit that I had been carried through the Raid like luggage assigned to my clan. I did my own carrying later, but carrying had been done. This is an activity that was designed to be undertaken by a hardcore team that is ready and willing to adapt and improvise to changing battle conditions. Like the moment when the Templar shields random players, the Final Boss was supposed to be extremely dangerous. While we've been working on some of the other things for which you've been asking (i.e. better exotics, voice chat in matchmaking, more bounties), the designers who made the Raid have plugged the holes that you showed them. If you got in on the ground floor of this thing, we thank you. If you understand the mechanics for how to beat Atheon, it's still a thing you can teach your friends. If you're all up to the challenge, the Raid is waiting for you. Let's talk about it. Please sound off in this thread, and know that I'll be reading.

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  • [quote] team that is ready and willing to adapt and improvise to changing battle conditions[/quote] Why do we have no raid matchmaking if we are supposed to adapt to every situation anyway?

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  • Patch the Templar now. I'm excited about this because me and my tight knit clan have always played through it legit. This just makes the raid a little more interesting and challenging.

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  • Now each team member has to be more versatile. I dig it.

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    1 Reply
    • Strategy has to be a consideration and you are basically saying nah its random. I Also suggest implementing some of the good with the stuff that pisses players off VS saying we did what pissed you off but.. good stuff is coming but not here yet.(this is becoming way to common, almost legendary and never exotic.)

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    • I haven't done this yet as i only got the game yesterday but im glad that the 'glitch' where you can push him off has gone, i heard so many of my friends and people at work moaning about this saying its just not how it's supposed to be played. It took something out of the game and i'm glad i didn't get to experience it :) Not sure what the 'Baby Bumpers' are thought so i can't comment

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      3 Replies
      • I'd really like to experience everything you talked about in your dissertation but everyone in my party keeps being kicked to orbit.

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      • I absolutely love this change because the raid was getting too easy. Cheesing it through it was just sad and boring. Also, I enjoy the fact that now everyone has to be on their A game and know what to do.

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      • I am under the impression it was intended for Atheon to randomly select players from the beginning and it just didn't work that way. Had this been the case nobody would be complaining at all about the randomness. So I would suggest players be thankful that they had the chance to play it that way and now its time to quit griping and take on the new challenge. Unless your scared....

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      • Nice DeeJ, can you guys fix the error codes now? Got monkey error 4 times while raiding in 10 minutes after the patch!

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      • When do you think the vex will return to its once glorious power? Along with the pocket infinity magazine capacity?

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      • Thanks for making the hard raid hard again! My only regret is the amount of time is will take now without a flawless team.

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      • Edited by Serin Palmer: 10/28/2014 3:50:02 PM
        -blam!-ing terrible patch. You literally nerfed strategy and teamwork. Fix the teleports back to how they were.

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        9 Replies
        • The patch was necessary. Anyone who complains about no strategy anymore, doesn't know how to adapt and was probably the one being carried through. It's either that or they'd rather cry then face a challenge.

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        • I completed the raid for the first time this week. We had a ragtag team together that while we tried to send the same 3 back, every now and then someone else went through. It took awhile but we finally figured it out. We had help from a nice player who had done the raid before and was nice enough to show us the ropes even though he got no reward. I will say it was nice for us in everyone having a role. However, I believe it won't be that difficult for everyone to learn how to use the relic, etc if at least one person knows how and can give instruction. I still would like a Match making option so I don't have to sit around 15 mins posting on forums like crazy. Not a big deal but I think it would work.

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        • I like it. Thank you. Lets see what people come up with next..? There could be another exploit..?

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        • any timeframe on the exotics and bounties changes?

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        • Still believe there should be matchmaking for Raid. I have to cruise the forums to find a group. What's the difference between that and matchmaking?

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        • I'm happy with atheon, I suppose this will be the true challenge rather than the prior where strategy could've been used, now it's all skill for every player. As per the update. I'm pissed. You fixed a few error codes and Atheon But the Templar still exists, and so do three useless Exotics.. I understand these thins take time, testing, calibrating, then excessive recoding the scripts, then uploading, then retesting and so on, but overall you seemed confident you knew what updates were going to be made on these weapons. Beyond that keep at it. Also what's Jackolyte do?

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        • Edited by RebornV3: 10/28/2014 3:45:18 PM
          lol can we have raid matchmaking now that Bungie made the final encounter a random mess its about time thanks for taking strategy out of the raid

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        • I understand the desire to make it difficult, but there should always be a strategy, not just RNG. Shields are one thing. They can be shot off. That's straight forward. A new player going into the raid is not going to understand what is happening or what they need to do when they get pulled in and will constantly fail the raid for the team. You don't promote teamwork here. You promote the use of more and more YouTube videos to make sure everyone knows exactly what to do. That's not teamwork. It's homework. And I love how you are addressing Atheon being pushed off but ignoring the Templar being pushed off (which is even easier to do than Atheon). But maybe you don't know about that and I'm going to be yelled at by some people.

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        • I have a maxed Gallejorn so 'Smash his lights in' is still a viable tatic :-) [if I can ever get enough people together to play the raid.....]

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        • Much needed fix because let's face it, everyone was going to have multiples of everything in a few weeks. Lots of people do. The raid needs to be hard as hell so people really work at it and it takes a long time to complete. If you cant finish the full raid every week, oh well, that's what the checkpoints are for just do the part you want. Hopefully Bungie lets the best raiders beta test the new raid and find any exploits before the river of tears floods our village.

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        • I'm curious as to why the Mythoclast fix was not implemented. Over a week ago you stated that the fix for Atheon AND Mythoclast was coming last week. Last week came and went with no patch or fixes. Then we get a patch today that ONLY fixes Atheon? (I know there are network fixes as well, but not the point.). I get that you let us know about things, but telling us we are going to get something at a certain time, and then just giving us some general time frame crap is BS. [quote][b][i][u]Future enhancements being worked on include Exotic Weapon tuning[/u][/i][/b][/quote] This has been said for WEEKS, and still shows 0 sign of being addressed. You say it's being addressed, but it seems like its on the back burner.

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        • Wtf is jackolyte?

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        • When did this update take place? I raided this morning after weekly refresh and atheon still fell...

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          2 Replies
          • I know a giant hole that hasn't been plugged or leaked yet... It breaks the raid it breaks the nightfall if you want to know it message me it will make your life a whole lot easier lol. Just found it out yesterday.

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