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Edited by superarj: 10/28/2014 7:11:31 PM
I've never commented on a game because I think it's bad form to complain when I'm mostly enjoying a game. That being said, it feels incredibly disingenuous to say that the furthest 3 being teleported was a bug. It honestly feels like you guys just got mad that people found a way to circumvent your hardest content and are slapping a quick fix on it. The reason why we aren't giving you the benefit of the doubt as if you had intended this the whole time? It's because you are dishonest with your playerbase. For example, instead of saying "People were abusing the checkpoint system to farm the majors in the Shrine of Oryx mission so we made those into normal mobs" you said "Decreased difficulty by reducing majors to normal mobs." If your strategy is to reframe every issue so there is zero admission that you messed up, that's fine but just expect to lose the trust and respect of your loyal players. I personally could care less about the teleport thing, it's just another mechanic to overcome. But frankly you have shown a track record of insulting the intelligence of your players. It's quite transparent to most people, but especially for those of us who work in development and understand how QA works. I think the loot is fine and have no problem with repeatedly running the raid every week in hopes of getting the stuff I'm missing. However, be consistent with it. You claim to want to build a game that involves no grinding - presumably this is why the loot cave was removed. However, you're completely OK with people spending hours running in circles looking for chests to collect materials. It feels dishonest at worst and insulting to our intelligence at best. You've somehow stumbled into a way to alienate both your most passionate players (by making the top tier rewards lackluster and not even visually superior) and casual players (by making the top content unnecessarily random). You've also implemented bizarre mechanics like automatically scaling damage. A level 30 titan takes 2 melee attacks to kill a level 2 Vandal. A level 2 titan takes 2 melee attacks to kill a level 2 Vandal. There is zero point in having the best gear and equipment in every part of the game except nightfall, weekly, and raid. This will get buried with the rest of the responses but maybe someone will read this and realize that it's better to be honest and consistent with your players rather than deceptive and patch trigger happy.

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