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Discuss all things Destiny.
10/30/2014 1:15:17 AM

***WARNING*** This is not ok. Time to speak up people.

Dear Bungie, You know, looking at old quotes, at design documentaries, at everything that existed about this game PRIOR to launch, I can not shake the feeling that I keep playing Destiny because I wish I was playing what YOU advertised and sold each and every one of us on. I bought into the Destiny "dream". A open persistent world, where everything you see is playable..........With gear, and classes and specializations. A game where "every Guardian would be unique". I bought into the "epic" and into "becoming legend". And I am not going to lie, as much as I might complain about what's wrong here, I do not hate this game. I still play this game in the hopes that you deliver on what was promised while trying to sell this game to the public. False advertisement in every way shape and form. I STILL play this game, mostly because it reminds me of the things I liked about you, and about your games. It made a great first impression. There are puddles of Tang and things are colorful, skyboxes are gorgeous, art and modelling are top notch. I can say there are few things that come close. Your world is not brown. Its not Black, or dark green. For all the gloom of the darkness, your world is gloriously colorful. Full of life and promise. -blam!-, just today, doing a mission, I wandered into an area of Venus that is not used for anything. And probably will never be. In it, there is a pillar and some very interesting architecture that, having seen the rest of the game, exists nowhere else. Just like that cave in the coast in Russia. Or all the nooks and crannies in Mars and the moon. And I keep hoping to find something, for something to happen. To find some plot, some fun, some vehicles, some interesting weapons. My whole journey through your game my breath was held for the moment I'd hit the content YOU SOLD US ON. And we soldiered on. We soldiered on until we found ourselves looking at each puzzled after the Black Garden mission. Surely something was wrong. No way the game is done. What about Rasputin? And about the hive, and the moon, and the shards? What about Venus? and about the Reef? We thought that, like in many other games, something would change in the post game and we'd find some answers, plot, a story, anything. Your game doesn't start until 20 and we were 18 or so. So we made 20. We saw your real game: Endless recycled grind. Then endless hours spinning in circles to get the materials to upgrade them. And endlessly repeating the same missions which play in much the same ways to get the shards and coins for them. Is this the real game? The game that starts at 20? Is this some sort of sick joke? Where is the mission variety? Everything playable in this game is recycled content. Lol come on, am a taking crazy pills over here? Are you all not playing the exact same missions, bounties, minuscule pool of strikes as I am. It's like Groundhog Day all over again when i log on. This is clearly not the game you advertised?? You said the game started at 20. So where is it? I could tell you of how we used to joke that the ability to talk with our team in our crucible was in DLC. I could tell you of how we stood in front of a cave reloading once in a while. I could tell you of hours spent running in circles looking for shiny green blinking lights. I could tell you of getting shards after a nightfall, and getting chatterwhite after chatterwhite. But I think you know. And I think these days, you lousy sit back and laugh, laugh, laugh.... Funny thing is, it's the truth.. Destiny is nothing but a random reinforcement schedule Skinner box where we peck for hours hoping for a reward which might, or might not ever come. And its not that you don't have it in you anymore. Jesus, the raid is great. Roles are great. Strategy is great. You did not lie when you said it would be taxing and fun, but sorry, it's not difficult. And I can't understand why the rest of the game is not like that. Why every mission consists of waiting on dinklebot to open doors. Why there is little weapon variety, and vehicles are pretty much only a memory. Why there is no story, or plot, or why you didn't even see fit to name your characters. 3 attributes? THREE?? Thats it? A insanely minuscule pool of perks that are just jumbled on armor and weapons?? Thats customization? What happened to every Guardian will be unique? Ummmmmm have you looked around the tower at any given time, i see my doppelgänger repeatedly every time i log on. Its laughable. I have a problem with you stating you'll fix the reasons we stood in front of a cave in the first place while really changing nothing much. And with you replacing strategy and tactics in the Raid with a RNG because, hell, we need more of those right? I have a problem with there being no rewards, or any sense of advancement whatsoever, or anything to see, or do, or explore. I have a problem with you treating us like idiots, calling things "bugs" when its clear they were not, calling things "new content" and "exciting events" when you are just giving us the same stuff in exactly the same way. It's the exact same content with a new shiny name attached?!?!? Recycled content, rinse and repeat. You don't need to artificially gate what little content you have. Any person with half a brain knows its all there to be played. Throw some interesting triggers in all those caves and locations where nothing happens. Give us events with rewards of meaning and variety. You want this to last ten years...... So do we, so cut the crap and release the game and content YOU SOLD US ON. Does that sound fair? I'm not even going to bring up the DLC, that is a joke in itself. Speechless when it comes to that. A long time fan, Reddit post

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  • Oh look this thread again

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  • Here's a question for anyone who knows anything about law. How hard would it be to get a class action lawsuit against bungie for fraud or false advertising?

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    • Bump

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    • Bump

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    • Edited by MagicPoker2: 3/8/2015 12:11:21 AM
      League of Legends starts at level 30 and Clash of Clans starts at level 70 or so and the real struggle begins at level 100

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    • Bump.

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    • I probably posted on this old fossil before.. But...still valid points. I'm happy with what we got...I feel I got my $ worth. I don't feel I bought the game I thought I was. Somewhat disappointed. VoG is the shining moment of what makes this game great. I hope bungie realizes this, while crota was ok, it's nowhere near the gem of VoG.

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      4 Replies
      • I agree with every single word you said wholeheartedly. Too bad they'll flat out ignore this post and not do anything about it. I know, because I've done multiple of similar subjects. They don't give a shit man, I'm sorry, they just don't. Unfortunately, they just want money now, instead of putting their heart and soul into an incredible game that every single one of their fans will absolutely adore.

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      • White man speak with straight tongue.......

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        13 Replies
        • I'm gonna revoke my earlier comment. Your starting words made you sound like a crazy person and so I couldnt face another rant. However, your other words are bang on. We all want the game to get bigger and better and it does feel like it should have and COULD have been bigger. I don't think we will ever truly know if it was there at the start or not. What I do know is that I will probably buy HOW, and then I will play until the next release "comet" or whatever that becomes. If it doesn't grow (considerably)I will leave. I think by then I will have killed Valus T'arid, Septic, Archy priest, The undying mind, Phoghorn, Omnigull and any I missed sloop many times that I will want to throw myself off a bridge. So good luck with requesting change, sadly I don't think they are listening.

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        • The best way to protest is by not playing the game.

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        • This makes me sad, and it wouldn't make me sad if it wasn't true. It really is a skinner box in the form of a game... It really hit me just the other day when I was playing. Doing the usual, running the daily and bounties, and when I was done I thought, "but why did I do that? I have everything I want more or less, it's all leveled, I've beaten the raids a few times, I've got one of every character, but now what? I enjoyed playing and I put a lot of hours in, but what's left? There's no point to the reward any more." I think that unless something big changes the game, or that absurdly overpriced DLC that's coming up actually ends up being worth the price tag, this rat is about done pressing levers. It was fun while it lasted.

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          3 Replies
          • I turn on the tube and what do I see A whole lotta people cryin' "What's wrong with you DeeJ" They point their crooked little fingers at everybody else Spend all their time feelin' sorry for themselves Victim of this, victim of that Your Hunter's too thin; your Titan's too fat Get over it Get over it All this whinin' and cryin' and pitchin' a fit Get over it, get over it You say everything's be good since you got Patience and Time But you still get killed by that Oracle chime The more I think about it, old Crota was right Let's kill all the guardians, kill 'em tonight You don't want to work, you want to game like a king But the big, bad world doesn't owe you a thing Get over it Get over it If you don't want to play, then you might as well split Get over it, Get over it It's like going to confession every time I hear you speak You're makin' the most of your losin' streak Some call it sick, but I call it weak You drag it around like a ball and chain You wallow in the guilt; you wallow in the pain You wave it like a flag, you wear it like a crown Got your mind in the gutter, bringin' everybody down Complain about the present and blame it on the past I'd like to find your inner child and kick its little ass Get over it Get over it All this bitchin' and moanin' and pitchin' a fit Get over it, get over it Get over it Get over it It's gotta stop sometime, so why don't you quit Get over it, get over it (Thanks, Don!)

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            15 Replies
            • Man. I ain't reading all that

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              1 Reply
              • It's called False Advertising. Make Bungie speak up in court. I'm to lazy to do it myself and pretty surprised no one has got around to it.

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                2 Replies
                • Wish more cutscenes and background was given, but I'm around 500 hours and I will pay for everything they put out. My money has been more utilized on Destiny than any other game I've ever bought, and I currently own roughly 160+ games on PS3

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                  • Honestly I grind destiny because there aren't any other games that hold my attention, at least until mgs comes out

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                  • Says the guy with THREE level 32's

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                    • I'm not reading all that. Bell end

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                      • Bump

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                      • Edited by Sovereign Man: 3/7/2015 10:16:49 PM
                        Ponies are pretty.

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                      • Bump

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                      • Bump

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                      • Waaa

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                        • Please refer to one year from today when all content is released....only read first sentence.

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