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Edited by LightningPalidan: 1/7/2015 6:27:45 AM






Which is better? Why? Who's next? EDIT: didn't expect this to blow up

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  • I like destiny more but warframe is a totally different game but also fun

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    • I think Destiny is better because that's just my opinion so not everyone will agree with me

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      • Edited by McGup: 9/28/2015 6:02:41 PM
        People need to understand what pay to win means: Yes you can play for a hundred hours grind, craft, wait, grind craft wait and obtain something great and powerful and be proud because you spent all this time and effort into getting it. You can also spend "X"$ and get the exact same thing in less than 1 hour. They give you the option to PAY TO WIN doesn't mean you HAVE to pay to win it means you CAN pay to WIN. That being said war frame is very fun I love it, and its pay to win Edit: just logged in to warframe hadn't played in about a month, and my dog thing (Boomer) Died, I'm sad, I paid money to incubate that thing and just because I didn't play for a while it died and they launched its remains into space.

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        • Warframe is badass game for being free. Just need to grind. It's very easy getting in a clan and playing with people to grind it out. You don't need to buy a single thing in warframe but they do give you 200 Plat for signing up and you can use that for weapon slots and warframe slots .. Although I have 400+ hours into destiny and 40 or so in warframe.. I feel there neck and neck. If it was guardians vs tenno.. then definetly tenno takes the victory

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          • Edited by the last mage: 10/27/2015 5:14:14 PM

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          • [u][i][b]SPACE NINJAS MAN[/b][/i][/u]

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          • The fact that a free game is even being contended against a game that year one players have spent 140$ on is saying something, destiny should blow warframe out of the water but it seems to be lacking content in comparison?

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            • Warframe characters that make a difference every few seconds in a mission Destiny characters that make a difference every few minutes in a mission Warframe no story, just quests with some plot i guess(i mean its a free to play game) Destiny A story so retarded it will make u question if this was really made by bungie(forces u to buy dlc $20-40) Warframe A grind that seems easy at first but then be ready to get completely butt!#$@ buy waiting 12 or 24 hours to craft one gun and if u think thats bad I will tell u how to get a new warframe ....oh god, STEP 1 waste 1 hour fight a boss over and over to get 3 blueprint for pieces for a certain frame. STEP 2 look for the resources on different planets to build all the parts STEP 3 waste 12(if u craft them all at once) to 36(craft one after one) Hours of your life for all the blueprints to be finished. STEP 4 cause its not over yet buy the warframe blueprint which is made buy the pieces u crafted. STEP 5 finally wait 72 hour for the character to be finished. congrats you have done it even though this could of took 10 minutes if u used real money to buy in game money. Destiny A grind that destroys the word fun when your lvl 20 where the only way to lvl up is with more armor and where your worst enemy is the random loot generator where being skilled or facing a hard boss is irrelevant because they will still gave u the crappiest !#*$ in the game. and at lvl 28 where u need to build rep which takes weeks on end to get to rank 2 where where u can only buy one piece of armor a week(same for guns at rank 3) and syndicates u join which give u the same thing Warframe recycled tile sets and stupid missions but has cool syndicates which give u some nice stuff but a few of the things u get a basically same thing but sometimes unique to them only ,different bosses who if u beat them a lot u are marked and hunted down which happens randomly Destiny amazing tile sets for every mission which u can explore but everything is else is basically recycled, even the bosses but at least it has good music. Warframe fast paced, annoying multiplayer Destiny Fun addicting and balanced multiplayer Warframe cool and awesome pets with powers which maul your enemies but drain your of ur credits which is earned in game but luckily u also can have floating robots with powers who help u too without draining ur credits Destiny A floating robot which brought u back to life but thts basically the only useful thing he does for u Warframe the archwing something that seemed pretty fun for a while but then got boring Destiny Bike that makes killing easy and entertaining. They are just fun to ride on Warframe cool new weapons that have their differences Destiny recycled weapons with a few different abilites Destiny perks THAT ARE THE SAME FOR NEARLY EVERY GUN Warframe Mod system Warframe and Destiny good movement system Warframe and destiny Grind til u drop warframe or destiny hmmm...

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            • Loving Warframe right now, superior in every way.

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              • Disappointed, not many have enjoyed the goodness of Warframe.

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                • Space Ninjas > Space... Whatever's

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                  • Edited by Sora Orth: 10/23/2015 2:25:48 AM
                    [b][u]Warframe[/u][/b] + Free + Almost all weapons are usable in almost all missions + Better/nicer community + has very large customization, excluding a few purchasable items + Parkour + A story (short but still a story) and tons of lore in game (excluding the wiki lore) + More variety in missions + Devs listen to the community + Can use stealth + Has a trade system/economy + three times the classes + much more variety in weapons + Pets/companions + Matchmaking + Clans have meaning in game + XP locks prevent P2W +- Has F2P purchasables (Not P2W) +- Good gunplay -More grind heavy, but dosnet have to always be the same mission - Crafting can take forever - very limited weapon/Warframe slots without having purchase - no real End game - biggest place for rare items requires keys, needs be be grinded - several items require being in a somewhat large/long lasting clan - Music is exstreamly unmemorable and somewhat generic - Missions are restricted to 4 members in a party at all times [b][u]Destiny[/u][/b] + Amazing soundtrack + Lots of weapons are fun to use + not as grind heavy + Better gunplay + Enemy's have more variety + PvP has a community/Works + Has a much better end game + Raids - Missions are [i]very[/i] linear - One of the most toxic and childish gaming community's out there - No matchmaking for raids - out of game LFG is 80% elitists idiots who kick you if you use weapons they disprove of, a good chunk of the rest are children - Expensive and lack lustre DLC - DLC effectively invalidates all previous weapons in favour of new ones - DLC isolates out of game and removed vanilla content from non buyers - Lack of player variety (everyone uses the same weapons and most use the same armour) - game restricts creativity and customization as to be top level, you must use specific gear (sorta fixed in TTK) - Can have 6 party members for raids, but most of the time it's 3 - weapon balancing destroys meta's - Devs often say nothing regarding fan suggestions and thoughts - Clans have zero meaning in game and are often confusing to create and join - a account here is almost mandatory - very minimal story, almost all lore has to be read outside of game - restricts people from playing the game due to "weekly resets" and item drop locks *[i]EDIT[/i]* there's raids in warframe that I wasn't aware of at the time of making this, they can hold 8

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                    10 Replies
                    • Destiny

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                    • Well, just like politics I will have to pick between the shiniest of two turds

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                    • Why is this such a heated topic? :o

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                      • I try to watch Warframe gameplay to decide if I like it, but everything happens so damn fast I have no idea what's going on.

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                        • Not voting. Warframe, objectively, has more content, community elements, support, etc than Destiny. As for the "fun factor," that's a bit more subjective.

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                        • Let's play boggle!

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                        • Why not both?

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                          • For all people who thinks that Warframe is Pay2Win: Try this... Start the game, start with Loki or Excalibur. Play the Warframes to level 30 (1-2 days). Farm for some basic weapon mods to improve your damage. Each mod has a special drop location. So you know where to farm and you can farm as long as you have fun, there is no weekly limit or reset. After this, buy Tonkor or Atomos in the Market (no real money needed). Farm for Forma Blueprints and Forma your weapons. After this you can stand most of the game. For those who never played Warframe it will sound mysterious but it should show proof you Warframe is no P2Win. For this you don't need real money.

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                            7 Replies
                            • Too many butthurt desticles for a serious conversation

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                            • Both suck

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                            • I love this question I played WF for almost a year I found (My) end game with it (got too repetitive and grindy) 2 years later I come back to play again and all of my weapons are still viable options all of the mods that i had are still great and there is probably double the amount of frames and weapons and mods not to mention sentinals and pets that have come in. Destiny is fun but its story its interface its interaction with everything is so wrong the load times are horrid (which is more of a backlash on playing Console which makes me believe people are comparing Console destiny (LOADING SCREEN!!!!) and console Warframe). Warframe was made for PC originally and I've played on PS4 also. It is slow as hell to start I will admit but when you can finally get out of the story and into Survival missions and Defense missions with friends it brings each other together to form a team and synergize with each other to do well in these missions and the further you get the greater the rewards. I don't feel like this is the case in destiny. The types of classes really don't matter their abilities don't help as a group just feels like I'm another body in a party. If for some reason anyone read all of that there are definate flaws of Warframe there could be an open world to explore at some point a home base to land your ship and visit but not a nesting ground where you have to go to do mods equip items get missions this is all covered in our ship or just in our main menu (i have no doubt destiny will or should copy this feature going back to town can take upwards of 3-5 min plus the time running around to get and turn in missions to get back into another mission can take almost 10 min) I can get back into a mission on WF in under a minute. Warframe does have an upfront face of Pay-to-Win i thought this when i started playing because it didnt have any direction on how to obtain items blueprints and such (with a little research which should be available in game IMO) everything is free. WF dev's host events that you can obtain amazing items. While Crafting in WF can take a while to wait its honestly not that long you can queue all 3 Blue prints (Helm,Chassis, Systems) and for 3 different types of items Weapons sentinals warframes it doesnt keep you from playing the game from searching for those special mods to make you go from shooting your potato gun to a real rocket launcher. Clan systems WF has some huge gains to having/being in a clan and your accomplishments within the dojo pay off destiny is just being in a community no real gains. I may be bias on this vote but i am also comparing a game that is in beta to a game that has been come out as full release with 3 expansions now and still has a major lack of content. I will give destiny a win in the PVP department i believe thats what their game was truely made for and are creators of the 2 biggest names in FPS Halo and CoD they have many many many years of experience with that so that is to no surprise. I could keep going I believe this debate is a vote based on who paid for what obviously most people would vote for a game they paid for over a free game even if it was better. Last note I truely to the core of my existence hate RNG and especailly RNG that is programmed to just utterly ruin my experience with games when im playing warframe im farming because i know exactly what im getting / Crafting not because there is a micro chance of something happening. Please post reply something if you feel different / similar feelings about my opinions i would love for a good conversation with anyone level headed

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                              • Edited by Willa: 10/14/2015 9:01:18 AM
                                Lets see here....... A much better Factions system Actual MMO features (even though i don't consider warframe or destiny an mmo) chat tabs, trading, clan systems etc No weekly reset WAY more variety in classes, guns and melee weapons Even melee weapons have their own system to make melee viable. Parkour (not yet released on cosoles) A more balanced pvp (restricted mods, certain weapons/classes to balance it unlike destiny) but no1 plays pvp :) Codex which contains lore, quests, tutorials and all the weapons/classes. Archwing (?) In comparison to Bungie, at least Digital Extremes actually give a s**t about its community. Constantly updating the game due to issues posted on the forums by players (Excalibur rework would not of happened otherwise, now he is quite a powerful class even for a starting warframe) Where as people complained about the glitches in VOG from day one and it took bungie 6 MONTHS to even think about fixing it. Devs play with the community Devs posting all the time on forums AN ACTUAL COMPETENT COMMUNITY MANAGER Weekly dev streams with platinum prizes Weekly contests Weekly prime time streams that show off fan's artwork etc. And this is a free to play game. EDIT: Im loving the excuses on other threads the rabid destiny fans are coming up with due to these recently added micro-transactions. "ITS ONLY COSMETIC!!!" "LUKE SMITH SAID THEY WOULDN'T MAKE PAY IT TO WIN, DEVS DON'T LIE!!!!" Just wait, its gonna get much worse here on out. [spoiler]Nyx Prime Master Race[/spoiler]

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                                27 Replies
                                • Edited by L33t_M45t3r: 9/30/2015 12:49:38 AM
                                  [u][b]Warframe VS Destiny[/b][/u] [b]Presentation[/b] -In terms of Overall Graphics, Sound & Music, Destiny Wins here no doubt. AWESOME music, some of the best looking visuals and Peter Dinklage!!! -Does not mean Warframe is bad, its music could be better and overall visuals can be more clean cut. Still in Beta and fuh ...Freee, so its forgiven for now. [b]Gameplay[/b] [b]1. Campaign[/b] -Both have almost non existent story/campaign, BUT Warframe perform fairly better here with 'IN GAME' codex and the lore is much more interesting and makes players to beg for more. More influential NPCs, The Lotus, Ordis (muted), Captain Vor & Salad V. -In Destiny theres Peter Dinklage!!! (omg OMG) voiced as Ghost, BUT it was poorly done, almost no impact what so ever. Theres the Queen and his brother in one cutscene... some chick that goes away without explaining anything and a dude that does not want to explain anything, leaving me in total darkness most of the time. You can forget about other NPCs. Codex in the web... which no1 will give a damn. [b]2. Leveling[/b] -Everything in warframe levels to level 30 and can be better by re-level the equipment by adding polarity slots for better modding and customization. -Soft cap for your Guardian is level 20, to achieve higher levels, you will need a better gear, sub classes will be unlocked to provide different variations in gameplay. [b]3. Looting/Grind/Customizations[/b] -In Destiny, you will do TONS of Strikes/Raids for a chance to get totally random loot which is Totally useless most of the time and the occasional 'Shards' that will make you throw your controller when your teammates have better loot. Strikes will take 2-3 hours, at least for me with above average gear to kill da Boss aka Bullet Sponges. If u somehow got an Awesome Exotic or Legendary Auto Rifle which u cant use, you would probably store it until theres a TRADE system implemented! Wtf!. Tip: In order to get better loot, you have to suck at the game, meaning lowest kills, lowest assist, etc in order to have better loot rolls imo. Really im not kidding. Loot Cave ftw!!! -In Warframe, most weapons and warframes can be crafted or farmed from different areas or bosses and the chances of getting them are way easier. Crafting will take time or you can spend some marney (Platinums) to speed things up. There's the 'Mod System' which i wish its in Destiny that allows endless customization, making game-play fresh and fun. Better gear can be farmed from a place call 'The Void'. You can trade stuff with other players or clan members for stuff u need, making acquiring items a lot less tedious. Both Games are Grindy, however Destiny's Grind feels very chore like and has no fun at all after a while (you will get a dejavu feeling when u spawn at the same location and same map ALL the time), got my 1st Legendary weapon that has similar stats with my current weapon after 30+ hours... [b]4. Companions[/b] -Destiny, If only Ghost can be more useful.... -Warframe wins here hands down, nuff said. Why? Google, youtube, etc There are alot more glaring differences where Warframe is so much better compared to Destiny which i will not state them as im ashame for blindly defended my Destiny purchase previously. Youtube them instead as they have shown me the light before further dumping $$$ into Destiny. I would probably play Destiny again once the Final Bundle is out (10 years...)

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                                  • I played Destiny for more than 900 hours. Than I found Warframe in the end of March. Since then I play Warframe. A few month ago there was a thread on Reddit which was named "Fun or addicted". I was addicted to Destiny. It was minor fun to me. So many times I was disappointed about design decisions of Bungie. This is different in Warframe. Warframe is not perfect but so many times I admire the developers. They are extremely reactive to the community. The supply of content is absolutely great. Of course sometimes there is a moment of boredom but then the next content update comes and everything i fine again. Actually I'm ill at home and so I was bored. Yesterday I tried Destiny again. I downloaded the whole game again, including the TTK demo. Then the first shock. I had all the good weapons from year 1 and I find myself on light level 1x0 of a my of 310. I spend so much time to have to start the whole thing again???? Gjallahorn nerfed, Icebreaker nerfed...After all these times I dedicated to Destiny I was a total noob again. This is different in Warframe. Of course there will be new content, there will be new weapons and some buffs and nerfs but you won't loose your status. You can make a break for 3 month, come back and could use all you weapons which have the same strength as before. Bungie will force me to play but I don't like to be forced. I want to decide for myself and won't be punished for breaks. I made >200 friends during my Destiny times. I was a member of a clan etc. So I'm a very communicative person. Sometimes I want to play alone without a chat - only for my self. So I miss a a matchmaking for many good things. So for me Warframe is much better than Destiny for me. Destiny is not bad. It's a 6/10. Perhaps I come back when there will be a real Destiny 2.0.

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