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originally posted in: Bungie Weekly Update - 12/11/2014
12/13/2014 8:51:06 PM
[quote][url=/en/News/News?aid=12465]Bungie Weekly Update - 12/11/2014 [/url][/quote] I think a lot of crap needs addressing still. But I think the biggest issue here and why there is such a divide in the logic/reasoning, is that everyone has their own impression of what this game is. And that is to be expected because Bungie never really detailed that. They kinda wanted it to be a bit of everything, and prior to the launch with all those promising advertisements, the developer interviews we saw and the videos leading up to the Beta? Its safe to say that this game was intended to be it, the END ALL game that we could all enjoy and spend our time on being in this world that we wouldn't want to ever to leave. Obviously, that was ruined by Corporate America. Fact is, here is what "DESTINY" the game is... It is an MMO FPS with RPG elements. Its an MMO, straight up, but its a hybrid between FPS and RPG. You can't compare it to the normal MMORPG model. In your "basic" MMORPG, yes, you gain levels to acquire new, powerful gear. That's basic. Those games, like the cheap knock off, copycat RPGs where they are more or less a grind fest? That grinding usually has an end goal so that you can participate in the End Game content. That's the model of a crappy MMORPG. You know the ones I'm talking about. But then you have the GOOD examples, like "TERA Online" which is more akin to what Destiny was trying to be. TERA is a real, Action MMORPG. All you need to do in order to raise your level, is do the quest line. And once finished, you enter the End Game where things get real fun. But then there are other MMORPGs like Lineage which focus on another aspect of the genre with huge wars and conquests. Hell, even for all its issues, Elder Scrolls Online has a number of these key aspects which can make players addicted to it. But Destiny, is not an MMORPG. It is an MMO FPS which incorporates various RPG elements into it. Originally, its obvious that those elements were meant to play a greater role in the game, but it obviously didn't end up that way. At any rate, because of this we view this and treat it more in the same way as any other FPS in this case. In games like Project Blackout, for example, when expansions come out they introduce new weapons and gear for you to get. But all of the old guns remain as well. The reason is so that this adds to the amount of variety and increases options for both customization and player personal preference. Your choice of weapons is just that, a choice. Now, prior to expansion, as far as Hand Cannons go, I love and have fully upgraded the "Devil You Know", "Red Hand IX" and "The Last Word". These are guns I took the time to acquire and build up, maxing them out. I switch between these weapons as the situation I'm in calls for it, or depending on my mood. Now, the Last Word is an Exotic. They give you a retarded option to upgrade exotics to the "new level" at a cost and to reset experience for it. Which is stupid. But not as retarded as them giving no such option to further upgrade all the Lengedary Weapons we've gathered. Point is, we're treating Destiny like an MMO FPS game. New Expansion doesn't/should not mean new items to replace the old. It falls upon the developers to create new weapons and armor (Legendary/Raid) that is actually NEW, in comparison to what is already in the game, so that people like me get interested in it enough to be like "Oh hey, that looks good too, it would go well in my current stock of weapons". Or different sets of Raid Gear that allows us to have more diversity in appearance and more options for how we want our characters to be built. So when you say "too bad, stop crying about it, it happens in MMORPGs", your argument is invalid. Destiny is NOT an MMORPG. It isn't. Its an online FPS that has RPG aspects to it. That being said, you should want MORE guns and armor selections. Not this whole "out with the old, in with the new" nonsense. Weekly Heroic and Nightfall Strikes should not be made more difficult by default. You could easily just ADD additional levels of difficulty like in Diablo. Level 28 Nightfall is "Normal". Level 30 Nightfall could be "Hard". So on and so forth. You maintain what was already there, but add MORE onto it. This EXPANDS the game for everyone. People could do the original Level 28 Nightfall and still get reward drops from Pre-Expansion, while those who manage to complete them on the new difficulty get possible rewards from the Expansion instead. Simple as that. It also increases the number of times you can do Nightfall in that week then, which gives you more reason to be on the game more often. Instead of vendors having old gear and weapons replaced at the Tower, simply expand upon their current stock or introduce new vendors who offer the higher grade stuff. Explain IN-GAME why the new weapons start off at a higher damage output, and why they are offered seperately. Its not that hard to do or figure out. The Gunsmith could be changed so that he can allow players the option to have their old guns, Exotic and Legendary both, recieve special adjustments or modifications that will expand their max exp level, with additional nodes that can be upgraded to increase their max damage to that of the newer weapons from the expansion. This would not be an easy task, of course. You could require players to take on certain tasks or find rare components needed from the planets, or perhaps even the new raid, or a series of items needed to make these modifications. It gives us oldies something extra to do and to look forward to, while at the same time making us work for that extra damage boost on our current weapons. Same goes for Legendary/Raid/Exotic Armor as well. The modifications wouldn't reset the upgrades we've already done or the exp we've poured into those items eiter. That's all we really ask for, a way to keep what we have because we like it and wanna keep it. We don't mind having to work for it. If you did something like that, where you gave us this option to go on a mission or take on a challenge in order to further modify/upgrade our old gear? Hell yeah we would do that. Sounds friggen fun as hell. Does this mean we won't want the new stuff? Hell no. That's the thing. Just because you give us the option to keep our old stuff and allow us to raise its value to be equal to the new gear from the expansion, that doesn't mean we won't want to get the new stuff either. The new stuff might even be a goal for us so that we can use it in order to make it easier for us to go and get what we need to make our old stuff just as good. That right there is the reverse logic, you get the new stuff to help make it easier to upgrade your old stuff. This is ultimately the main problem most folks are having with this game, myself included. We want an actual continuum present here. We want our efforts and time spent in this game to be progressive and constantly moving forward. We never want to feel like the time we spent was useless. The VoG Raid Gear offers perks and appearances that differ from Crota's End Raid Gear. That being said, it gives players more of a variety if they can upgrade their VoG Raid Set because then they can "CHOOSE" between the two or mix and match pieces from both for either an ideal appearance or an ideal build setup that matches their play style. Like I said, we need to bare in mind this is an MMO FPS. More weapons and armor should always add onto the selection and variety for the players to choose to best suit them. Each new expansion should do this. Does this solve the major lack of content in the game? No. But for the time being, it resolves the MAIN problem which has cause many to quit or who are still on the fence about quitting or at least who no longer feel like spending time investing into the game at present. Old players get to keep their hard won weapons and armor and feel like they are getting the respect and acknowledgement they deserve from the company for all their effort and time invested playing. Meanwhile? New players just joining us still get access to everything we did at Day 1, and can enjoy the game that we first got as well with the added bonus of all the new expansion content as well. Will they only want the new vendor weapons and armor? Maybe. Or maybe they'll go to the original Vanguard Quartermaster and see "The Devil You Know" or "Doctor Nope" and decide that they want those weapons. And then they also go the route of doing the challenges and accepting the task of the Gunsmith to get them upgraded as well to add them to their new content stock of gear. This is no one complaining, or "whining" or being a "cry baby". This is actual, legitimate constructive feedback with actual ideas being proposed for how Bungie can make this game more enjoyable for EVERYONE. New and old alike. If you agree with this, please reply and show your support. I'll periodically bump this so that folks can see it. Granted, a LOT of people have already left the game and don't even read these forums anymore as a result... That is unfortunate. I have lost many people because they no longer play the game because of all this. So lets try to get them back. Lets work together and do this. Come on Bungie. Read my proposal and see what you think. Deej, I know its still a topic in the studio. Present these ideas to them. Everyone, we can still save Destiny. We can still make this game an epic legend that will aid Bungie in their goal to conquer the world. Show your support.

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  • Holy crap, this is still going? Well, House of Wolves be coming out soon. As I've said in other threads, I haven't touched Destiny since Dark Below was launched. I played it for a bit and lost all motivation like others have. What will get me and those folks back into playing the game, has less to do with the game content as in what they add, and more in regards to how they decide to keep handling player progression. The proposal I gave like, what is it...months ago? It stands to serve to correct those issues. Simply put, people don't like feeling as though their time is being wasted. This isn't the only game out there, and it is competing for attention. One way to get it is to do something like this. We have Legendary Weapons and Armor, not JUST from the Vault of Glass... We don't want to reset the time invested into weapons or gear either in order to further upgrade it. That is a disrespectful slap to the face for all the gamers who spent their hard earned free time playing this game instead of doing other things. You NEED to "reward" players for investing those hours into your game. I still have my Red Hand IX from New Monarchy prior to the Dark Below coming out. Give me a way, even if it requires me to do a mission or some other task even, to take that gun and upgrade it WITHOUT RESETTING IT, so that it is at the same level as the new stuff. Let the old weapons and armor in the game ADD to the amount of diversity for your players. It gives people more options to choose from, more ability to differentiate themselves from others and truly "Become Legend" as the game advocates.

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  • blah blah blah...stick a sock in it loudmouth!

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  • You can't compare it to an mmorpg because it isn't one. It is a first person action game/shared world shooter.

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  • Piggy piggy you're so fat

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  • Edited by DsrGGuy: 1/27/2015 11:39:53 AM
    I don't understand your logic. You want more to do and the game to feel progressive. But you want them to make all your older weapons 100% relevant in the new raid right off the bat? It made complete sense to offer the upgrades to exotic and reset them if you feel the NEED to have them at 331. You don't need every weapon at 331 and frankly we don't have the vault space as it is, meaning it's doubtful you will keep or test new weapons because... Why bother, you found your perfect stat and perk ones already. Meaning you have to progressively pick which weapons to keep or toss to have the ones you do need and let's face it, most keep weapons they don't even use. Remember 331 is only meant to be 100% effective in the new raid. There is no other situation where its useful. I'm glad they reset my exotics, I had nothing to do until The Dark Below. The grind for my exotics gave me a couple extra weeks and drive towards getting the perfect raid set. If everything was handed to me I wouldn't be playing as long as I have. It's meant to be a long term game... We need reasons to keep playing, they are giving then to us. You keep comparing this game to RPG's saying how you can't compare them. So what are you comparing it to that allows you to claim that these systems are wrong and how "most folks" don't like them? You realize the other 10+ million users can't be spoken for when only a couple thousand use this forum. Which means, the "majority" of dislikes for the system come from the minority of the community. I know we have different ideals, but your points contradict themselves. Remember, you can't compare this game to other games because this game isn't based off another's specific model. Maybe we should give it a new classification. "Minimal multiplayer online time sink first person shooter" meaning everything in this game was designed to waste time and be fun while doing it, LIKE EVERY GAME. This one does it well and won't change because a few want things handed to them with little to no work. Start asking for things that add to the game, not take away...

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  • No offense, but if you're going to take the time to try and write a legit argumentative response, then please be sure you know who it is you're trying to have a witty chess game with and come with more than just half baked notions. You made a few crucial mistakes in your reasoning. First and foremost, and I already gave an actual defining genre category to this game to base my statements and proposal on. Which leads me to question whether or not you really took the time to fully read and understand what was written. Which irks me, if that's the case. Like, why bother responding at all if that's the sort of lack luster energy I'm going to get. And to that extent, let me repeat myself which is something I also dislike doing, that I find myself doing FAR too much these days. Destiny is an MMO FPS with RPG elements. Its a "SHOOTER". Comparable to the Phantasy Star series which came years before and did this game model FAR MORE JUSTICE than Bungie with Destiny has managed to accomplish. And no, you're wrong, this game is based ENTIRELY off of other models. Don't sit there and take what the company has said at face value. Do your own homework and research and come to the conclusion on your own. I already gave you one series that pretty much hit the nail on the head. Look for the others. Simply put, Destiny is not "new" in the least, it just hasn't been done in a long time. Its obvious that the designers at Bungie are fans of certain classics and had the idea to make the ORIGINAL game as a mesh up of those other games. But ultimately, corporate greed has been ridiculously killing everything that the masterminds behind the project envisioned. The fact alone that you said the magic words "I'm glad they reset my exotics, I love the grind" tells me so much about the kind of person you are, in all truth. I honestly hope you are not in my same age group, cause practically everyone I know who still remembers the olden days of Atari and the progressive evolution of gaming look at this crap and automatically shake their heads as we all see the industry once again taking another step backwards. You want a time waster, awesome. Good for you. Actually, no, not good for you. That's a moronic way of thinking. You feel like wasting hours of your life? Just put a bullet in your head instead and take a direct exit from the stage of life. Do yourself the favor if you're so bored with living that you're alright with repeating the same nonsense over and over again. Holy shitballs... "Everyone is entitled to their own opinions." Oh please, I'm so sick of hearing this. The world doesn't live in shades of grey, there is only white and black, right and wrong. Simple. Even something bad done with good intention is still wrong. Period. And foolish ideas will ALWAYS be foolish, regardless of intention. The simple minded mentality you foster where its "ok" to grind and grind and grind is the cornerstone of what lead to big corporations and fat -blam!-ers making billions of dollars off of the creation of the "Freemium" games and stock standard Asian MMORPGs which are a dime a dozen. Like a god damn plague, and its name is ignorance. Actually, I can't even find a word in the vocabulary to describe how screwed up that is. So genius, allow me to dumb it down for you instead. What is being asked for? More variety. MORE. More of everything. You feel like debating me on that as well? That's essentially what you're doing anyway, so good job. "But they gave us more!" Shut the hell up... I can already FEEL your thoughts steadily moving to conjure those idiotic words to spout off at me... Their whole master plan at giving the people more was to essentially REPLACE damn near everything that was ALREADY there to begin with. What the HELL kind of joke is that? That is the total -blam!-ing OPPOSITE of what was wanted, dude. All Legendary Weapons/Armor; past, present and future should all be capable of being equal to one another. Whether that means you need to go through crap in order to make that happen? No one will complain. If they got something they REALLY like? Yeah, they'll DEFINITELY go through the hassle to take on those challenges to get what they want. This goes for all Exotic and Raid gear as well. What's that? You got a piece of Raid Gear from VOG that you "prefer" over the CE version? (Better perks? Better appearance? Better stats? Could be any combination of those reasons for why someone would shoot for something they had originally over the new stuff) NO WORRIES! Just need to accomplish this difficult task, prolly need some help to do so. Get what you need, complete the necessary task(s) and head back to the Tower to get your thing modified to the new tier/level of gear currently in the now. "But then people won't want the new shit!" Or will they? How the hell would you know? That's TOTALLY 100% on the Dev Team to create new, more interesting weapons and armor with the kinds of perks and stats that'll get people interested in wanting them. The -blam!-ING POINT HOWEVER! Is that you're ADDING VARIETY AND DIVERSITY WITHOUT FORCE FEEDING PEOPLE SHIT THEY MIGHT NOT WANT IN THE FIRST PLACE! Kay? Perfect example! My old "Devil You Know" VERSUS the new "Devil You Don't Know" which bloody SUCKS by comparison. Why in the -blam!- can't I modify my old gun to have the same max damage output as this piece of junk? Why is the higher damage the ONLY reason to POSSIBLY get that gun? Its not even smart. Its a cookie cutter scheme to trick people into spending MORE time and money on something that is clearly one of the biggest travesties in gaming history. You wanna explain to me why the guy who played a major role in the creation of The Traveler, the Guardians/Ghosts, etc. up and left a year before the game's release? Also care to explain why former big people who were with Bungie at the start are getting fired and replaced? And WHY THE HELL IS ACTIVISION SO FAR UP BUNGIE'S ASS TO THE POINT THAT I FEEL VIOLATED FOR THEM!? I was a hardcore Bungie loyalist. I supported them and Destiny, I helped sell this game and create marketing for it, drive up attention and excitement. Went to the Midnight Release at Gamestop and have been following news and updates since it was first announced. There's other stuff too that I was involved in and people I know, but that shit is personal. Point is, I KNEW and SAW great things for this game and had reasonable expectations BECAUSE they were pretty much assured to be IN THE GAME. And yet the game has done a serious mutation into something that is NOTHING like what I had been promised. Its a big issue. It is. And people who are just so blase about it or who just don't care? Like you? Actually, no, you're worse. You're encouraging this nonsense. Regardless, you fit into the group of people that are certainly NOT being apart of the solution for this. You're more the ones who are furthering to perpetuate the issue of power hungry companies doing whatever the hell they want and not being held to any sort of actual -blam!-ing standard anymore. I think that's the REAL issue here. The REAL reason people get so pissed off on these forums and comments. The fact that there are those who just don't give a shit about the big picture. But hey, its whatever. Activision has spent YEARS cultivating the CoD crowd which are akin to mindless sheep at this point who serve as dollar signs for those greedy bastards. Bah. I'm gonna go back to waiting around for something substational to happen with this game. Provided anything ever does...

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  • Edited by DsrGGuy: 2/5/2015 10:10:09 AM
    Funny, you responded so late to this post that I couldn't really care less what you think. You literally put word in my mouth and made assumptions on what I had said without actually understanding the point. Half baked ideas? You act like I wrote you a novel when I only pointed out flaws in your post. I won't even bother reading the rest of yours because you can't have a civil argument. If you are guna be a dickm gtfo .

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  • [quote]Funny, you responded so late to this post that I couldn't really care less what you think. You literally put word in my mouth and made assumptions on what I had said without actually understanding the point. Half baked ideas? You act like I wrote you a novel when I only pointed out flaws in your post. I won't even bother reading the rest of yours because you can't have a civil argument. If you are guna be a dickm gtfo .[/quote] And that sir, is what makes you a moron. I ripped you apart along with everything you said, and all you got for me is a convenient excuse to bow out and try to preserve what little face you have left. Well go on with ya then. Maybe next time you'll think before saying something. Anyways, I do other things. Can't really say if or when I'll respond to folks. Don't be surprised if replies come on a biweekly basis.

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  • Waste of time. Yes its "based on other models" a combination of elements as any new product had. Original as a whole, as in a new combination of what others games did good before them. Every product has this trait and very few ideas are original because... why create something wholly new, when you know what the consumer likes is something else? Every industry has this standard, music is the best example. The rest I'll get to later, but you need to calm down dude.

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  • I don't see how that is at all a thing for you to even comment on. I mean, you sound more like you're agreeing with me now. In truth, the only unique aspect to this game is that its still technically a rendition of what others have already done, but with a Halo feel to it. The gameplay has never been an issue, I was a Halo fan for years and we all know that series gave Bungie its massive community. And of course, Joseph Staten is a genius, the mastermind behind the creation of the Traveler and everything else for the story. The whole thing. But he is GONE, really? They were already in a bad place when they lost him. You don't just "replace" a crucial aspect of a project like that. That's And I'm plenty calm, just bitter towards all this nonsense and sick of hearing the same worn out reasons given by people who are "encouraging" it. ENCOURAGING. WHY? It just makes zero sense to me, there's no reason why people should "settle" instead of want for more out of their experience and money. How do you justify a game that expensive at this point like Destiny, being so bad when compared to the new Dragon Age game? And I know they are two different genres, but the fact remains the same as far as content and experience goes for the amount of money spent. Both are AAA games, but wait... Destiny had a $500 MILLION production budget. That's NOT stretched out across the 10 year plan, they get MORE for EACH new game and expansion. Really, there's no excuse for any of it. I know it, plenty of other people know it. The vast majority who know it don't even bother saying anything on here. They either quit playing altogether or they only play on Tuesdays with their friends/clans, and then done for the rest of the week.

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  • I agree. The game stagnates and becomes extremely repetitive with no real goals. These additions would really enhance the game. It also needs a bit more development with the story which would answer a lot of questions. Hopefully the Destiny team actually read these.

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  • Bump

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  • Bump

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  • This, all the way

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  • ^^^ This. But will they acknowledge... For once?!

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  • Bump

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  • Love the idea of making the gunsmith an important part of my end game and my beloved 300 damage weapons such as fatebringer and unfriendly giant.

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  • That is truth all the way

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  • Nicely wrote out

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  • 100% on-board. It's frustrating that this game is catering only to people who are willing to purchase the expansion content. Whenever the daily or weekly happens to fall on the new TDB stuff, I'm limited as to who I can play with because a lot of my friends don't have this expansion. It's very upsetting that Bungie wouldn't see this and cater to their players' needs swiftly. It seems like it's a huge problem that is just growing and growing. But I'm on board with you, Malphisto. I like your ideas, and I hope some (if not all) of them come to fruition. Come on Bungie!

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  • [quote]100% on-board. It's frustrating that this game is catering only to people who are willing to purchase the expansion content. Whenever the daily or weekly happens to fall on the new TDB stuff, I'm limited as to who I can play with because a lot of my friends don't have this expansion. It's very upsetting that Bungie wouldn't see this and cater to their players' needs swiftly. It seems like it's a huge problem that is just growing and growing. But I'm on board with you, Malphisto. I like your ideas, and I hope some (if not all) of them come to fruition. Come on Bungie![/quote]

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  • I got half way done. Bump

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  • We'll said an I say we all start our own company company for the people!!!!! We make games off everyone's combined initiative an we'll thought of ideas bungie can an does have the power too make this a really great in depth game with endless possibility a it's jus the fact we the people need too March in there And tell them I don't think anyone that ever writes or anything knows a bungie dev or how too get in touch with them at all like they don't care they need customer appreciation most def in the business

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  • This. Bump!

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  • Bungee needs to hire this guy!

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