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originally posted in: Talking To A Wall
1/21/2015 12:22:53 AM
Like most companies, greed has trumped over building a community and something that keeps people invested in them. WoW wouldn't still be a huge game without the great community to keep it alive and kicking. I expected crap from Activision, but the fact that Bungie has been so spineless just shows that the more we throw money at them, the less they care. And half the problem is that this community is so toxic. When critique is being attacked as crying, b*tching, whining, etc. is horrible when we are trying to voice actual issues with the game. Maybe if instead of "stop crying and get over it" people start posting "that sucks, feel the pain" and actually propose legitimate fixes, then we will be heard as a community. There are too many "keyboard warriors" out there who hide behind the internet because they can be "cyber jerks" without anyone reprimanding them for it. Solution: Become a unified community, and not a bunch haters. Flood Bungievision and DeeJ with a bunch of threads about these issues that need fixing so they MUST be seen. And if they aren't, it will be proof that there is no place in Bungievision for player feedback and concerns.

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