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Edited by The Cellar Door: 3/27/2015 2:11:59 AM

How Do You Feel About This Statement? {1}

[b][u]Life will be lived all the better if it has no meaning.[/u][/b] [spoiler]Trying something new. If the thread succeeds, I'll keep doing these, that's why I put the "{1}" in the title. [i]Simple philosophical observations, and your responses to them[/i]. This particular statement was made by Albert Camus, who writes it in [i]The Myth of Sisyphus[/i], an essay about a king sentenced by the gods to the terrible fate off rolling a rock up a hill, only to watch it roll down, and repeat for eternity. Original quote: [quote]It was previously a question of finding out whether or not life had to have a meaning to be lived. It has now become clear, on the contrary, that it will be lived all the better if it has no meaning.[/quote] Also, this is not a religious thread. I do not wish it to be. Your religious answer, may you have one, is completely valid; however, this is a response thread and everyone has a different response. [b]None are more valid than another.[/b] Respect this, please. Same goes for those without religious answers. [/spoiler] Agree? Disagree? Not Sure? Comment below, let's have a civil, philosophical chat.

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  • Agree.

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  • Edited by Engrapadora: 1/23/2015 7:49:30 PM
    [quote]{1}[/quote] Lel it looks like vagina

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    2 Replies
    • [quote][b][u]Life will be lived all the better if it has no meaning.[/u][/b] [spoiler]Trying something new. If the thread succeeds, I'll keep doing these, that's why I put the "{1}" in the title. [i]Simple philosophical observations, and your responses to them[/i]. This particular statement was made by Albert Camus, who writes it in [i]The Myth of Sisyphus[/i], an essay about a king sentenced by the gods to the terrible fate off rolling a rock up a hill, only to watch it roll down, and repeat for eternity. Original quote: [quote]It was previously a question of finding out whether or not life had to have a meaning to be lived. It has now become clear, on the contrary, that it will be lived all the better if it has no meaning.[/quote] Also, this is not a religious thread. I do not wish it to be. Your religious answer, may you have one, is completely valid; however, this is a response thread and everyone has a different response. [b]None are more valid than another.[/b] Respect this, please. Same goes for those without religious answers. [/spoiler] Agree? Disagree? Not Sure? Comment below, let's have a civil, philosophical chat.[/quote] Disagree, due to the fact that I prefer the feeling of accomplishing something, and I like to believe that "living life well" has some form of karmic reward - whether or not it's noticeable. ;-) I feel that stating that life is without meaning is essentially an excuse for being morally & ethically irresponsible; "hey, I might as well do this, it's meaningless in the end"...justifying actions due to lack of repercussions, short term reward or method of thinking. Make sense? I welcome any feedback, truly love philosophy & psychology. :-)

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    • Ya I guess so

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    • I completely agree.

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    • That means people will have to know anything that they do won't be....well everything would be pointless. Objectively of course. It would in the terms of you are doing something only because you want to do it. Not for some reward or better standing with a God. I think it's a better way to live. Not doing what someone else tells you to do because it's good, but doing what you want to do because it makes you feel good.

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    • [url=]I'll just leave this here...[/url]

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      1 Reply
      • I disagree. I believe that, if life has any purpose or reason to exist, it is to give itself meaning. Something to strive for, something to protect, wishes for the future, anything. Without that meaning, life loses all purpose, and thus begs the question: Why live at all?

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        • Life would not be better without meaning because humans are naturally inclined towards having meaning to justify actions. My meaning in life is to complete my ambitions and live comfortable afterwords should they all be attained.

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          2 Replies
          • Can you define "better" in context to that statement?

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            2 Replies
            • Edited by cesar0s: 1/23/2015 8:23:37 PM
              Funny how you post this...right after posting a ton of half nekid women in another thread. Yeah...youre so "deep". Move along troll.

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              • Given that human psyche had an innate need to find meaning in things, I could make an equivalent statement: Life would be better lived if it had no food. Which I will let you consider on your own time and terms.

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                • *sizzles* God dammit Jesus

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                • I don't think so, that would be like having zero obligations (for me) at first it would be great, but after a while, monotony would set in and then everything would kinda fall apart. Like a kite without a string.

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                  2 Replies
                  • Life doesn't have a single, identifiable meaning that is relatable to all people. Each one of us creates a personal, subjective meaning for life. We are essentially living life without that universal meaning I first described. However, without personal goals, meaning, etc. I can't see how it could be better.

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                    4 Replies
                    • Edited by TwoGZ: 1/23/2015 12:50:16 PM
                      Slightly off tangent, but here's a thought: Alexander the Great conquered an empire by the age of 30. However, the empire he built disintegrated on his death, and his wife and child were murdered by his successors. Question: was Alexander a success or failure?

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                      20 Replies
                      • Life already has no meaning and life still suckd

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                      • Untrue statement. Author does not understand life to begin with thus is unqualified to make said statement.

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                        5 Replies
                        • Life has no meaning We live to give it meaning So I guess that's the meaning of life

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                          4 Replies
                          • A life without meaning seems like it would be dull. I love living life with a purpose or a goal and I'm always trying to make people around me smile and have a good time. if I didn't have that I'd feel pretty empty inside. without meaning I feel like life isn't truly lived to its fullest, even if there is no higher power or reason for our existence I still like to believe my life means something to me and the people in my life. but I'm still figuring things out on the way, so what the true meaning of life is I'll probably never understand lol but in the meantime I feel fulfilled knowing my life has meaning for the things that make me happy and the things I do to better myself and to help others around me

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                            4 Replies
                            • I disagree in that, while I do think life can be lived without meaning, it is not necessarily better because of it.

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                              4 Replies
                              • I think you're abstracting this statement from the wider work. For Camus, life is given its meaning by death.

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                                5 Replies
                                • Ultimately, I could use the subjectivity copout and say that 'better' is different for each person. But, in my opinion and experience, at least, having an aim in life is a good thing. Even if it's something as vague as 'have a good time'. Or is something that vague what 'has no meaning' means here? I'm not doing this very well, am I?

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                                  • By no meaning, do you mean all life in general is pointless or do you mean an individuals life summing up to nothing. If you mean life in general, as someone who is agnostic/atheist I take the view that in the grand scheme of things we are insignificant to the universe. I'd like an individual's life to mean something though. This morning I was at a funeral. When I was younger (I'm only 27 before you think I'm some old boy) a Reverend called Ronald Frost ran projects to keep youths out of trouble. Despite myself not being religious, my friends and I went there, most much longer than I did. He specifically worked in areas where he new kids who were vulnerable to street life could get in trouble (Tottenham, Archway for those who know London). Many kids were grateful for the activities he managed to organise and the ethics he taught with them. It was evident he led a life that was meaningful. He was even awarded an OBE for his efforts. If he knew what people thought of him I'm sure he would have felt his life was all the better for having meaning to it.

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                                  • Jesus

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