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Edited by The Cellar Door: 3/27/2015 2:11:59 AM

How Do You Feel About This Statement? {1}

[b][u]Life will be lived all the better if it has no meaning.[/u][/b] [spoiler]Trying something new. If the thread succeeds, I'll keep doing these, that's why I put the "{1}" in the title. [i]Simple philosophical observations, and your responses to them[/i]. This particular statement was made by Albert Camus, who writes it in [i]The Myth of Sisyphus[/i], an essay about a king sentenced by the gods to the terrible fate off rolling a rock up a hill, only to watch it roll down, and repeat for eternity. Original quote: [quote]It was previously a question of finding out whether or not life had to have a meaning to be lived. It has now become clear, on the contrary, that it will be lived all the better if it has no meaning.[/quote] Also, this is not a religious thread. I do not wish it to be. Your religious answer, may you have one, is completely valid; however, this is a response thread and everyone has a different response. [b]None are more valid than another.[/b] Respect this, please. Same goes for those without religious answers. [/spoiler] Agree? Disagree? Not Sure? Comment below, let's have a civil, philosophical chat.

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  • By no meaning, do you mean all life in general is pointless or do you mean an individuals life summing up to nothing. If you mean life in general, as someone who is agnostic/atheist I take the view that in the grand scheme of things we are insignificant to the universe. I'd like an individual's life to mean something though. This morning I was at a funeral. When I was younger (I'm only 27 before you think I'm some old boy) a Reverend called Ronald Frost ran projects to keep youths out of trouble. Despite myself not being religious, my friends and I went there, most much longer than I did. He specifically worked in areas where he new kids who were vulnerable to street life could get in trouble (Tottenham, Archway for those who know London). Many kids were grateful for the activities he managed to organise and the ethics he taught with them. It was evident he led a life that was meaningful. He was even awarded an OBE for his efforts. If he knew what people thought of him I'm sure he would have felt his life was all the better for having meaning to it.

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