I am doing the Gather Their Dust quest step and I am wondering where the best place for Thrall would be?
Edited by Inkfever2018: 12/20/2017 11:29:05 PM
P.F. Changs is pretty nice.
In the "awakening" mission go to the chamber where the cursed thrall come in waves. As long as you don't go into the next room they will constantly respawn so you can farm them until your done without having to die.
First moon mission. After you've "Woken the Hive" just burn down all the Thralls (Vex Mythoclast is great for this) and let the Knight kill you. DON'T collect any drops, just die. Do this for about 2-3 runs then collect the 25 dust drops and call it a day.
First moon mission, get to checkpoint after you see dead guardian, just kill the thralls and let the Knights kill you then repeat
Omnigul Strike
Another good choice is the Siege of the Warmind story mission. Once you enter the bunker you'll get wave after wave of thralls coming at you in more or less straight lines. Take out the two knights and handful of acolytes, stand on the main platform, and mow down the thralls when they run down the stairs, turn right and charge you. When the thrall waves end, pick up the embers and commit suicide by jumping off the platform. You'll respawn in the doorway leading to the main platform. Repeat as needed. That's also a great place for certain Eris bounties and regular bounties, including: kill multiple enemies with a single fusion rifle blast 20 times; kill 7 or more hive with one nova bomb; kill 7 or more hive with one fist of havoc; kill 15 hive with precision throwing knife hits; quickly kill 3 hive with a special weapon 5 times; and quickly kill 4 hive with a heavy weapon 5 times (no need to risk blowing yourself up with a rocket launcher; just mow down the lines of thralls with your favorite machine gun).
They tend to like all you can eat buffets. I'd start there. They'll know of you're being cheap though so never hurts to bring flowers too. Shows extra initiative. They like that.
you've awoken the hive! [spoiler]keep dying and don't collect the dust (before dying) until you killed enough[/spoiler]
Croats temple endless waves...
First story mission on the moon, get to the door after the cutscene and kill the thralls but leave the knight alive, then die and you're right back at the door with more waves of thralls. That's my go to mission for so many bounties, though I warn you, you will get very sick of hearing "We've woken the hive...".....
Solo, start of CE raid.
Sizzler? _Ohuigin
Hey, I moved this to #Destiny. #Community is more for getting to know others in the bungie.net community, sharing common interests, sharing fan-fic, art, etc. Thanks.
Rasputin mission, just do the hallway until you get to the Hallowed night, go to orbit and repeat.
We've woken the hive!
"We've woken the hive"
Take them out to Putt Putt...
Siege of the Warmind. As you head towards the last room their will be about 5 or 6 waves of Thrall that run down the steps. Kill them all but don't kill the Knight at the top of the steps and wipe. Repeat as many times as you need.
First part of the raid
Is this the one where you have to collect 50 of something without dying? If it is kill the thralls at The Dark Beyond or Fist of Crota missions, but don't pick up the items until you're sure there's 50 laying on the ground. They won't despawn if/when you die.
Start c e raid. Good luck. Lol
Edited by Dan J Huls: 1/28/2015 9:10:34 PMMoon, archer's line entrance, where the shrieker is, 1st story mission moon, will of crota strike in the building with the fallen, they send like 100s in waves(mst people get 200-300 kills on this strike, mostly thralls)
I usually take my thralls out to dinner and a movie before I make my move