After being here for near 9 years (see forum acc date if it matters) and being a legendary member.
Nothing has been as bad on these forums apart from the same people necrobumping threads 6mths+ old [b]continuously[/b]. Everything else just piled up over time but you get used to it. Necrobumping stuff such as 'I took a dump AMA/I want ghorn/posts pre launch that are so irrelevant to bully are so prevalent. My mute list has so much people on it yet a lot of these idiots are the ones doing it.
I would rather see all the "I can haz recon?" Epidemic threads which were way worse than "I want ghorn!"
All you want to do is read the forums, see cool things and discuss as a community (the few that do). All there is now every other thread being necrobumped to troll and bully others because something wasn't relevant a year ago.
[b]NO[/b] account has any reason to bump a thread that hasn't been replied to or is 6mths+ old more than twice a day at most.
It is so disappointing there is less moderation and over the top rampant bullying. This is the shit and community we are growing up and teaching. Please I beg you to do something...
[quote]A lot of people are going off their nut for thinking it's another complaining thread or that necrobumping is the only issue somehow.
The funny part is you can see from the replies below how young and stupid the new generation are getting from nothing being done.
Still waiting for an insult and proper bully to come along and not go off the masses[/quote]
You're posting and you're not a Mythic member? How [i]dare[/i] you?
Is this the way to Amangiri?
bumpity bump
I'd rather see necroposts than sunbreaker posts tbh. [spoiler]also this thread will be necrobumbed in a few months[/spoiler]
Bro I live in the hood and never heard/read someone state "so much people" in place of what should have been "so many people." You be reinventing dat ig-nint shit.
Who the fuuck are you, lol... [spoiler]a fuucking nobody that's who [/spoiler]
I completely agree. I wouldn't be honest though if I didn't tell you that I am going to favorite this thread and necrobump it in one year just for giggles....
LOLOOL what how the -blam!- is this even a problem LOLOOL
know what really grinds my gears? when someone begins a quote(") but doesn't complete the quote(")
What a petty thing to get upset over. Just shut up dude.
But i only see like 5 necro bump per day[spoiler]and that is not that much as you can scroll over hundreds of post [/spoiler]
I am surprised that this post could even by found given the large amount of necrobumps.
Agreed. Real topics get buried and 75 percent of active topics are childish and irrelevant. This forums really needs better mods. It's amazing to see other forums and how much cleaner they are.
I just report all necro bumps cause they're irrelevant.. Not to mention annoying to see and childish
Necrobumps aren't as bad as that dapper gentlemen phase. Fark me that was annoying. I find nb's pretty funny mainly because 80% of the people replying don't check the date. Makes for a good laugh.
This. I can't stand idiots on this forum who can't come up with an actual comeback, so they resort to their precious stats for anything. "Man, crucible isn't very entertaining right now. The meta Is stale. Anyone else agree?" Then you have these idiots, "no, it's perfectly fine, it's just your k/d is bad." Seriously, people on here need to stop being elitist on here, and you know, discuss the actual game. [spoiler]also the idiots who apparently can only ever have one disc in their entire Xbox need to shut up too.[/spoiler]
Editado por maxgpdx: 7/28/2017 12:31:18 AM.........................
Who r u and why don't I have a penis [spoiler]HELLL -blam!-ING YEAAAAAHHHHH[/spoiler]
I agree. It's a crap shoot to get reasonable and mature discussions or responses. Too may people just insult or try to bully. The silliness of necrobumping or bumping someone 100+ times when they ask for one bump. It's how some people get their jollies off. I doubt it will improve.
I have been gaming since the 80's and Destiny is my first online multiplayer game. I played all the Halo titles, but just the campaign or multiplayer at a friends house. I always ran rpgs solo. I was pretty shocked to see the amount of anger and frustration completely related to a video game. And on top of that the amount of negative discourse directed at seemingly honest questions. This led me to believe the average age on these forums is 13-17. From what I gathered, you say these forums used to be a quite different place. I thought to myself more than once what the heck is the point of this place? It is good to see individuals such as yourself that can at least remember better times. Maybe it will get better again over time.
OP is fgt [i]confirmed & muted[/i]
[quote]9 years[/quote] [quote]legendary member[/quote] We get it, you're old.
Editado por Jcaf8: 10/31/2015 1:03:08 AMI like how everywhere on your bio is about being a legendary member No one cares Also, nechroing stuff is fun.
Bye Felicia