Anyone into SAO ?
I was watching SAO 2 and thinking about certain parts of their gaming system and quest lines that would be cool if were in Destiny.
Certain add on perks like "dual wield" should be a node if learn thru a particular quest line .
We all have the same characters and same abilities . Hopefully down the line Bungie will implement a way to customize your character more.
There are nodes on our trees that we can't use , but why ? Why should I have to choose between keen scout and shade step ? Or armor and recovery. There should be a way to increase both (and not by armor that may change light level from year to year.)
Even in the crucible quest lines where you have to have 4 games with 6 (scout /AR/ hand cannon) kills that could be a course to gain more skills for a particular weapon class. Where as how it is now the weapon hold the power and skills not the actual character.
I could go on forever.
SAO was a death game...
If you want to incorporate SAO ideas into a game try playing ESO, it's not a perfect match but allot closer then destiny will ever be lol.
SAO is one of my favorite anime's, personally. However, that aside, it would be cool if bungie took a few pages out of SAO's book to expand the abilities for characters. It certainly does feel like we're all clones of each other in terms of abilities and skills.
I would absolutely love a game like SAO (wouldn't complain about being stuck in a VR to be honest) but a game that detail would takes years upon years to make
Editado por squibbward417: 1/26/2016 5:45:45 AMtry elder scrolls its more like sao in the sense of abilities and quest lines for certain weapons except more medieval looking. I've found the "seven deadly sins" on Netflix its alright but other amines too look in to are the ".hack" series or "hunterx hunter" both have good game themes in each series
I think I get what you mean, the player should be able to define the strengths/weaknesses and abilities of the character and that's what makes them unique, we shouldn't be restricted to the same abilities as everyone else because that makes us next to no different to each other, we are all on the same playing field
Editado por EchoBane: 1/26/2016 6:20:09 AMI think the game you're looking for is a game called crowfall. It's only on pc though and won't be out until the end of 2016 or beginning of 2017. It's still in pre-alpha/alpha so don't expect amazing graphics.
Loved 1st arc, 2nd arc ALO was pretty good, I just finished GGO and that was pretty cool. I haven't watched anything past that yet.
I kinda lost interest when guns where introduced. I really liked the fantasy, sword combat based setting.
I liked sao but this is more of an offtopic post
Can't wait season 3!
I love Sword Art Online. I watched both seasons and the last 2 episodes of season 2 were very sad. I almost cried twice. I miss Yuuki. I seem to have a crush on most of the girls except for Silica. Asuna's cute
To answer you question: Nah. The concept is neato. Animation is good. Story was not to my liking. Took a huge flop toward the end and I fell off of it.
Love SAO Lot of haters out there, but its ok. Something so awesome is bound to have a few squatters. Cant wait for the movie and whatever else they have in store. As long as there is content more anime will come out. Duel wielding is in Bungie's dna so I expect it to happen in Destiny 2.
I like SAO but not SAO2
Gundam is better IMO
[quote] choose between keen scout and shade step [/quote]Graviton Forfeit ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Its shit
Op is fgt
Inb4 sao hate comment