Just curious how many people hit the cap before light increases again? I'm sure it's way lower than the amount of people who hit 30 before TDB and 32 before HoW. King's Fall can be a cold, spiteful bitch.
Congratulations to everyone who got there.
If you didn't, oh well, it's just a video game. (Gasp!)
I got 320 hunter and 320 warlock, my Titan just needs a class item.
Sign been 320 for a while now
-blam!- you, class item
Three 320 here
Finally got in on Tuesday with a 320 mark on my titan
3 320s I wish I had 3 320 ghost but -blam!- it update is coming anyways and this update really shits on us 320s. Im happy for new stuff but running strikes to get 320 gear makes me cringe. I farmed all kinds of stuff to get to 320 and now you can just do matchmaking poe 41 and get to 320. smh
Lol aka the grinders
Need the class item i know that's never going to happen :|
Helmet and Class Item. #Forever319
Just need a class item for the trifecta, and the first curse to have all the exotics. Hopefully i can get both done before the update
Signed but who cares. Means nothing
Majority of people got sick of playing the raid after about a month. PVP only offers minute chances of getting gear about 310 that isn't a primary from the lighthouse chest. I've managed 315/316 on Pvp alone.
Only thing holding me back is a class item. It's rng telling me I should have kept grinding srl
I think this will be the first time I haven't hit the cap before a new increase. 319 on my hunter and 319 cloaks keep dropping.
320 x 2.
Congrats, you played the same raid over and over and over and over, or you had really good rng! Now you can play PoE over and over and over and over!
320 before January 12th.
Iv been at 319 for months....that last light hasnt ment anything at all.
Heres to hoping super shrek gives me titan boots and hunter arms and ill have 2 at 320.
320 on my hunter. Damn them class item drops...stuck at 319 on my warlock, and titan.
Oryx will not give the helmet.
Im a taken tot who joined in october or november 2015 and im 320/320/319. Cant get that last class item i need! Was hoping to get all 320 before the update but doubt it
My max is 313 but I'm gonna sign for fun! :)