[quote]But, Khan, why'd the south secede?[/quote]
Because of taxes and tariffs which couldn't be overwritten.
[quote]Then why'd the south have slavery and the North didn't?[/quote]
When the war started, both sides had slavery, which is why slavery wasn't abolished earlier.
I think this easily proves that slavery wasn't a major factor in the Civil War.
You're right and you're wrong.
Editado por THUNDERCHILD: 5/7/2016 4:50:55 AMMississippi, A declaration of the immediate causes which induce and justify the secession of the state of Mississippi from the federal Union [i]"In the momentous step which our state has taken of dissolving its connection with the government of which we so long formed a part, its but just that we should declare the prominent reasons which have induced our course. Our position is thoroughly identified with the institution of slavery - the greatest material interest in the world. Its labor constitutes by far the largest and most important portions of commerce on the earth...."[/i] When the poorly educated victims of school budget tax cuts, common knuckle dragging bigots and or neo confederate internet trolls say "the American Civil War was about the economy and not slavery" they're telling a truth in one breath and a sad lie in the other. The slaves -human families- [u][b]were the economy[/b][/u], and the perpetrators of this american atrocity had no issue whatsoever with making their position clear at the time. #history[i][/i]
No, it doesn't prove anything actually.
Editado por Aldedge: 5/7/2016 2:50:43 AMYou are right, it was not a war fought because of slavery at the beginning. However, after the emancipation proclaimation it became a fight against or for slavery, depending on the way you view. Abe knew hot to rally the troops and get more support for the war.
States rights
Editado por Flynn: 5/8/2016 6:51:08 PMSlavery was abolished to help the North win (meaning the war itself wasn't about slavery). Slaves could gain their freedom by fighting for the North.
I guess the Cornerstone speech was just a figment of my imagination then.
It was the winter soldier fault.
It wasn't about slavery at first, but slavery did become part of it.
Finally, someone who isn't a moronic kid who hasn't taken college history yet.
Bullshit. You can fool any other uneducated person, but not I. Slavery was a huge reason for the civil war- just not the only one. Slave owners lost their shit when any talk of abolition was brought up.
Editado por Woupsea: 5/7/2016 3:33:34 AM*The American Civil War didnt [i]start[/i] because of slavery.
Well...it was [b]a[/b] major factor, but not close to the main reason.
Editado por A Gay Witch: 5/7/2016 3:20:09 AM[quote]When the war started, both sides had slavery, which is why slavery wasn't abolished earlier. [quote]But-[/quote] No. I think this easily proves that slavery wasn't a major factor in the Civil War.[/quote] Valid proof pls? Also the only reason the north 'had slaves' was because of missouri because it was above the mason-dixon line but the missouri compromise allowed it.
.... [spoiler]....[/spoiler] [spoiler]....[/spoiler] [spoiler]where'd you get your history lessons from?[/spoiler]
You know, there's a reason the north was more industrialized than us.