Hey, this is something that is annoying me since the Freelance modes were introduced: Elimination and Salvage are both game types that require team work, where one player can essentially mess up the game. What's the point in having them in Freelance?
That guy who always captures relics because he wants the PS Trophy or the in-game quest that requires them? Good luck if he's on your team. Or the ones that hardly play any elimination / trials, who are always running into sniper lanes or who are reviving when there's a sniper hardscoping your orb? That game will most likely be a 2vs3, prepare to carry.
On the one hand you want people to play in fireteams, which undeniably makes sense for Trials - but on the other hand you're throwing some randoms together in elimination, knowing that it's a game type based on communication. Yes, there's in-game chat. But do you think that players, who are specifically selecting a game mode without fireteams, are that much into communicating with others at that point?
I like the concept of just casually playing some Freelance, not having to worry of running into a group that are looking to pubstomp. I was really enjoying the Freelance 6vs6 last week and would have loved to play some more! But when playing salvage in Freelance 3vs3 for example it's just a gamble of who gets the teammates that are not familiar with the scoring system, it's frustrating.
Please consider changing it to skirmish only.
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