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[b]Everyone who don't understand why I made this post, please read first the original post from [url=]Spartan Raptorx[/url][/b]
Too often the community focus was about streamers and other big lights of the destiny community.
We need someone new. We need a little light.
I refer on this Guy: Spartan Raptorx
He has kidney desease and lung problems. We don't often face the ill and weak guardians. But we can change that way. I offering the idea to make him as the next community focus. [b]Because Destiny gave him new hope in his life in spite of all these bad things he has in his life.
It's our duty to show our respect for sufferer and their inner strenght. This is Bungies time again to do it.
And our time to support him in his dark hours!
[b]Edit: Again for those people. I didn't nominated him because he's ill. That's a side fact. I nominated him because he should have the chance to tell Bungie how Destiny gave him Hope in his worse life.[/b]
[i]Edit: It is really sad that Haters come here to put their trash mind here on my positive meant request.
Shame on you.[/i]
Eyes up guardian. I’m with you on this. To hell with all the haters they aren’t true guardians and are just ass wipes waiting to gobble up the game because that’s all they do. They are the same people that would bully you instead of be a friend. So don’t listen to them, and could you tell the guy I wish him luck?
Down Voted he is not worthy.....
I stubbed my toe. Can I get a community spotlight?
Editado por Spartan Raptorx: 8/23/2017 1:59:42 AMHey. Its really kind of you to say that but I dont think its something to be community focus. Yeah it sucks dealing with these problems in a 2 v 1 (air bubble in lung and kidney disease vs me) but im dealing with it 1 day at a time. Luckily we live in a world where dialysis, medication, and surgeries exist. I really appreciate the gesture but my problems alone shouldn't make me some saint. This is a forum. Im open to criticism as much as the next person. *Thanks for all the positive feedback from earlier. Surprised me that there are other guardians in the same boat as me.
I'm fairly certain that to be honored by the community manager, a guardian must meet the following stringent requirements: -Be a streamer/YouTuber -PVP main -Bladedancer main -Last Word is favorite weapon -Heavy usage of sidearms (formerly shotguns & before that snipers)
Editado por Ceryncross: 8/22/2017 6:47:08 PMHm. I have crippling depression issues I've been with since I was little, have memory issues due to forced dosages of ritalin when I was younger (even though I've never had ADD/ADHD), and deal with migraines that happen once a week. But you don't see me wanting a Destiny community spotlight. [spoiler]It sucks that he went through everything he has, it really does. But, like anyone who has a sense of pride, I'm sure he doesn't need someone pitying him to this extent. [quote]Shame on you.[/quote] Did he ask for your help?[/spoiler]
As much as I see where you are coming from, I'm pretty sure the Guardian in question does not require your pity and sorrow, as much as he doesn't need Bungie's either. Leave him in peace and let him enjoy Destiny...
My balls are over sized. When I bag, my nuts actually touch face. Honor me
I'm curios how and why a video game of all things would give someone "hope".
[quote]Again for those people. I didn't nominated him because he's ill. That's a side fact. I nominated him because he should have the chance to tell Bungie how Destiny gave him Hope in his worse life.[/quote] No, you would not have nominated him- correction. You nominated him ONLY because he was ill. That is it. Nothing else. If he wasn't ill, this post wouldn't have existed. Don't pretend like this isn't true.
I lost a friend on destiny his brother thanked me because he to was ill and he had problems with haters.he loved game stick by your mate miss him.
I wish you'd focus on the English language.
Ya shame on the people who have different opinions commenting on it. Gtfo.
With all due respect, I don't see any reason why someone with a disease should get a highlight, just because he likes the game. Does he do anything special? Does he have special skills? Has he achieved a special feat in the game or in the community? If not, he isn't legible. He is just one of the thousands games who are sick. And what he has isn't even that bad, compared to others. What you're asking for is out of pity. I can speak from my own experience that that is not what people with a disease want. If you want to commerate him, go play some games with him instead. And honestly, you need to work on your phrasing. Im about to get a full screening within a few weeks to see if I'm legible for a double lung transplantation. Which means I will undergo an 8+ hour surgery with high risks, after which I will not be able to breathe on my own for over a week as I am fighting my own body to not kill itself. And if even the slightest thing goes wrong, it is guaranteed to be fatal. Doesn't help that I have developed a severely traumatic phobia over the 25 years I've been alive, for surgeries. Since the last time I had a minor one, I almost got killed. Yet I still am going through with it. And frankly, I dont even have it that bad, because I still have a chance. Plenty don't have any chance of recovery, yet they are still gaming to like any other person. And you think [i]they[/i] are the weak ones?
I know you didn't mean it in a bad way but edit your post and take out the word "weak". It's bullshit. Ppl that endure life with illnesses are much stronger than your average, healthy person.
I genuinely hope he gets better and his condition improves. That being said, I think the most valid form of respect he can obtain is not being treated as special or different, it is to treat his as a normal player. There are thousands, if not millions of players around the world who share the same passion for the game that he does. Having a disease does [b]not[/b] make him special or worth any more than other players without diseases. The community focus is intended for players who have contributed to the game is special ways, whether it is producing entertaining content or accomplishing incredible feats. Though he has a passion for the game, and the game has "given him hope in his worse life", he does not show exemplary talent. Recognition or appreciation is fine, but frankly this is unfair to all of the other players around the world who might share the same passion for the game that he does, but not get Community Focus because they don't have diseases. Again, I sincerely hope that he gets better. :-D
Editado por Smough: 8/22/2017 2:24:43 PMIf we honor every single person with some type of disease or problem who plays destiny then we will need to honor a lot of people. Did he do anything other than have kidney disease and lung problems to deserve to be honored? Because believe it or not it doesn't take much to play a video game, and I don't see how a kidney disease and lung problems would hinder you while playing. I suggest adding some of his accomplishments to your post [spoiler]Tell you what, since Im such a nice guy I'll send him a "git gud soon" card.[/spoiler]
Or I mean you could show him respect by not treating him any differently than your average Destiny player, but sure throwing him into the spotlight without his consent- practically leeching attention off of a very sick person works too.
I'm sorry but your grammar is atrocious, I'm not hating on the idea though.
Bump [spoiler]also screw the haters[/spoiler]
Bumpity bump bump bump.
I have a huge bunion on my foot that dibilitates me from wearing some shoes and going to the beach... Can I have one too?
I have mixed feelings about this. I havent read the whole thing. Community Focus is about those who put themselves out there to help others right? Is he doing this? Or is this special treatment for someone just because of sickness? What about other people who are sick? What about those who've died? I mean, this is a game.. i dont mean it in a rude way.
Editado por Your Hate: 8/23/2017 6:35:55 AM
I hope his condition improves. It's sad to see so many life changing diseases effecting the good people of the world who help and make others feel great.
Agreed and "signed"