Este hilo está inspirado en este otro: ver publicación original
In Offtopic Minecraft server, I am going to construct a wall to prevent cross countriers from spawn to step into my country.
It will need more blocks and time to construct a glorious wall of imperialistic standard!
Soon, I will then build Mk3dom and create a city that is free from the cross countriers.
Glory to Mk3dom, and the spire!
[spoiler][b]IP:[/b] [quote][/quote]
[b]Site that runs it:[/b] [quote][/quote][/spoiler]
Editado por FdYAcsoyPKN83gLE: 3/10/2019 5:49:50 AM
Abrió un tema nuevo: Something horrible happend recently to Offtopic Minecraft server...(36 Respuestas))
Hey, you’re awake.
This is not the official one right? This is a test one?
Build that wall!
May I build a glorious farm within those protected walls?
Editado por RingLeader77: 3/9/2019 7:33:54 PMThat would be awesome looking. And i would help you build it as well